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L&A Design: Less than five kilometers away from Wuzhen, there is an ancient waterfront village — Henggang International Art Village, which has the original Jiangnan village texture and retain the simplicity of the countryside.

Since 2015, a series of activities such as L&A Design Star and L&A Rural Construction Camp have been successively carried out in Henggang village. L&A designers retained the original village texture and repaired the remnant dwellings in accordance with the principle of “mend so as to be the same as before”.
Duckling art center, the Edible Garden and the dining hall constitute the most beautiful core reception area of Henggang village. Since 2016, L&A Design has been rebuilding them one after another. In L&A Henggang Rural Construction & Design Training Camp 2019, designers introduced the concept of “art intervention in the countryside “and improved the design of the core reception area again.
小鸭艺术中心改造与新建 Renovation and reconstruction of Duckling Art Center
Duckling Art Center opened in July 2017. Traces of the building’s past have not been completely erased. The roof was built with local green tiles and the texture of the walls was designed in retro style. Local materials are abundant in Henggang Village. The architects especially love them and they believe the rough surfaces of these materials are more intimate.
▼改造前 Before the modification

Duckling Art Center used to be a shabby and deserted farm, with gray foam panels and messy electrical wirings all over the floor. Moreover, the cement tiles on the roof always fell off on windy days.
▼改造过程 The transformation process

The renovated Duckling Art Center is made of country architects’ favorite red bricks and painted in white to be more unified with the interior decoration. The roof frame made of native timber makes the whole space appear lighter. A new loft is built on it, which expands the limited office space, and increases the aesthetic and artistic sense of the building.

▼“乡往的花园”2018横港乡建营开营地块竞拍活动在小鸭艺术中心进行 A Land auction was held at the Duckling Art Center in 2018 “Garden in the village” Henggang Rural Construction Camp’s opening ceremony.

▼2017年10月 横港举办第一届乡村音乐节,美国著名的高山乐队参加了10月音乐节,他们与孩子们的互动场面让这场活动更为劲爆 The first country music festival was held in Henggang village in October 2017. The famous American band Alpine took part in the October music festival. Their interaction with the children made the event more exciting.

▼孩子们在小鸭艺术中心场地的草坪上游戏 Children played on the lawn in front of Duckling Art Center

▼小鸭艺术中心的玻璃房 午后阳光下斑驳的树影错落地交织,人们在此促膝长谈 享受此刻闲情惬意 In the glass room of Duckling Art Center, you can see the dappled shadows of the trees mingled in the afternoon sun. People were having the long talk and enjoying the leisure moment.

▼横港自然教育课程老师带着小朋友与自然亲密接触 与快乐相遇 Henggang nature education course teacher taught children to get in touch with nature and meet happiness.

The core mission of Duckling Art Center reconstruction was not to preserve the characteristics of local dwellings. The renovated space also serves as a bridge to connect neighborhood relations.
Since 2016, L&A Rural Construction & Design Training Camp has welcomed four teams of young designers. They were touched by the rustic atmosphere of the village, and decided to incorporate these qualities into their design. In this way, everyone who comes to Henggang Village can experience its strong historical imprint and recall the happy memories of their childhood.
横港村艺术装置设计 Art Installation Design in Henggang Village
The Art Installation Design aims to make the site more interesting. At the very beginning, designers investigated the local sauce duck’s history. This study inspired them to design a duckling IP. A cute duck butt was designed to smash into the wall and contained the implication of “breaking through the tradition” This interesting scene makes people curious about the indoor area.
▼小鸭冲破墙体 The duck butt smashed into the wall

The interior wall painting shows the duckling rushing into the art center with half of its body stuck outside. The picture is frozen in the expression of the duckling’s struggle.

▼鸭蛋形态座椅简洁美观,兼具互动性与安全性 Simple and beautiful duck egg shape seats are interactive and secure.

The Lawn is covered with cement pedals in the shape of duck’s feet, like the footprints of a group of ducklings. Inspired by native plants, designers printed veins of leaves on these slabs. The initials of design team members were also engraved onto it.

To make the space more interesting, designers painted ducklings on the wall. At the crossing of the post and the dwellings, they designed an art installation of ducklings come home with their mother, which not only rendered the hospitable atmosphere of the homestay, echoed the theme of “coming home”, but also played the guiding role for the residents.

Using concrete, steel and embalmed wood, the designers created a playful image of a duckling plunging into the water with its feet turned upside down. The art installation also serves as a warning sign, highlighted by the bright yellow and orange hues.
▼河边警示牌设计 The Warning sign on the riverbank

▼2019横港乡建营暨奥雅集训营的学生完成场地建造 Students of Henggang Rural Constrcution camp 2019 completed the site construction

森林餐厅和可食花园 The Forest Restaurant and the Edible Garden
The Edible Garden next to Duckling Art Center has always attracted the attention of Henggang Villagers. It occupies an important position in the village and has an excellent green ecosystem, which was discovered and preserved by the designers.
▼可食花园一角 A view of the Corner of the Edible Garden

森林餐厅| The Forest Restaurant
The design of the Edible Garden includes two parts: the restaurant’s interior decoration and the garden. Following the philosophy of protecting nature and respecting the garden’s original green ecosystem, the interior was decorated with forest elements. The original wooden structure and lighting layout of the canteen have also been designed and improved.

The second-floor roof is decorated with silkworm trays, which continued the silkworm culture in Henggang and enhanced the artistic atmosphere of the interior space. Entering it, visitors feel like be in the forest and see many lovely animals and flying butterflies.

餐厅建筑墙绘| Restaurant wall painting
Artistic space can arouse people’s imagination and interest. Inspired by the local culture and the surrounding environment, the design team painted the façade of the restaurant in artistic ways. Combining the IP image of Henggang, designers created a mascot named“Ah Duck”for the Edible Garden and bring pleasure to visitors through the interactive art installation.
▼餐厅建筑外立面实景 Wall paintings on the façade of the restaurant

▼设计团队墙绘处理餐厅建筑外立面 The design team painted on the façade of the restaurant

可食花园| The Edible Garden
The team planned to create an artistic and memorable landmark. Symbolically circle compositions were applied into the design. The planting area is divided into circular shapes and the planting types are optimized, in order to be edible, observable, audible and playable.
▼可食花园实景 Photos of the edible garden after its completion

The soft furnishings in the garden are made of local trinkets. Designers hope that the edible garden can maintain a healthy ecosystem and record the old days of the village. It will become a work of art that can create a pleasant lifestyle such as raising plants with sunshine and reading poems with raindrops.
▼村民在可食花园观赏 Villagers visited the edible garden

▼营员亲手制作软装材料 The campers made soft adornment materials by hand
结语 Conclusion
This is the fifth year of Henggang beautiful countryside construction. Through a series of transformation, designers completed the real planning, and built an excellent operation system.

Henggang International Art Village has a long history and culture sediment. Most people lived here are old and nostalgia. Designs for these people need to be practical and localism ,not just artistic and beautiful.
The designers found the countryside feelings and kept it in the daily life of villagers. In this way, every visitor can feel the historical charm of Henggang.
设计团队:奥雅设计杭州公司、 2019横港乡建营暨奥雅集训营设计3组(向阳景观)4组(肆意景观)&5组(九五至尊)&7组(洞洞拐设计工作室)
摄影师:邱日培 艾文 林涛 上官静煊
Project name: Renovation and construction of the duckling art center and the core reception area in Wuzhen Henggang international art village.
Design company: L&A Design
Website: http://www.aoya-hk.com/
Contact Mail: haipei.tang@aoya-hk.com
Completion year: September,2019
Designer & team: L&A Design Hangzhou branch; Group 3(Toward the sun)Group 4 (Unrestrained Landscape design)Group 5(The emperor of design ) and Group 7(001 Studio) of Henggang Rural Construction & Design Training Camp 2019
Project location: Henggang Village, Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province
Photography: Qiu Ripei, Ai Wen, Lin Tao, Coco
Cooperator: Henggang International Art Village
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