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Thanks SfG landscape architects Inc. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by SfG landscape architects Inc.


SfG landscape architects Inc.:本案是位于日本兵库县六甲山山顶的一个新建公共厕所/休息区和公园。由于所在地位于一段热门的徒步路线上,经过的徒步旅行者众多,因此,当地计划在该区域种植六甲山脉的特色植物,让在此停留休息的游客能够感受六甲山的独特自然环境。


SfG landscape architects Inc.:This is a new public restroom/rest area and parkland in the Rokko summit area. Since the site is located on a popular hiking course and used by many hikers, the plan is for the planting to consist of plants from the Rokko mountain range so that visitors can feel the unique environment of Mt.

In particular, since the site is located within the Rokko National Park Special Area, we considered the need to use materials collected and raised around Mt. Rokko in consideration of the genetic diversity of each region, even if they are native species, and worked on regional seedlings before construction began as the Rokko meadow project.




本案中的草甸区域内共种植了 17 个物种,设计师为每个物种都设计了独特的标识牌,方便游客识别各种植物。这些标识牌由白瓷制成,洁白的瓷面印有花朵和叶子在一年中最美丽时节的图片以及各物种的名称。

The park has a large lawn area where many people can rest, and by enclosing it with the high meadow in the shape of an octopus nest to designed many small spots for stay adjacent to the lawn. The high meadow area is a transition zone from the lawn to the existing forest, and is mainly composed of tall-stemmed grasses and other herbaceous plants of varying height.

All plants were collected from the Rokko Mountain area and grown at the Museum of Nature and Human Activities (Sanda City, Hyogo Prefecture). Seventeen species were planted in the area, and signs were placed in various places to identify each species. The signs are made of white porcelain, with pictures of flowers and leaves at beautiful times of the year and the name of the species.


▽设计平面图 Plan


▽独特的植物标识牌 Unique plant identification signs


草坪一侧的休息建筑的薄木屋顶由CLT(正交胶合木) 制成,屋顶顺应周围的山势而折叠,高悬在一个家具造型的巨型长椅上,并由随机竖立的钢柱支撑,灵活地漂浮在空中。木材以及饰面的颜色与国家公园的自然环境相协调,并与六甲山的环境融为一体,共同营造了一种轻松惬意的景观。

The building has a thin wooden roof made of CLT that folds in response to the surrounding mountain range and hangs over a large furniture-like bench, which is supported by steel columns erected at random, floating nimbly. The color of the wood and finishes harmonize with the nature of the national park, blending in with the Rokko environment and creating a relaxing landscape.



▽休息建筑折叠的屋顶形状顺应了周围的山势 The roof of the building folds in response to the surrounding mountain range


▽建筑屋顶高悬于巨型“座椅”上  The roof hangs over a large furniture-like bench




项目地点:日本 兵库县 神户市

景观/建筑公司:SfG landscape architects Inc.
首席建筑师:ofa Co., Ltd
设计团队: ofa Co., Ltd , SfG landscape architects Inc. and Ono Akihiko Lab. ,Nagoya city university
客户:Kobe City
合作者:Hajime Tanaka
图片来源:Shigeo Ogawa、Hajime Tanaka

Project Name: The rest space on the top of the mt.Rokko
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: 1796.26 m2
Project Location: Kobe city, Hyogo, Japan

Landscape/Architecture Firm: SfG landscape architects Inc.
Website: http://sfg-landscape.jp/
Contact e-mail: info@sfg-landscape.jp
Lead Architects: ofa Co., Ltd
Design Team: ofa Co., Ltd , SfG landscape architects Inc. and Ono Akihiko Lab. ,Nagoya city university
Clients: Kobe City
Collaborators: Hajime Tanaka
Photo Credits: Shigeo Ogawa and Hajime Tanaka
Photographer’s Website: https://ogawa-studio.com/ and https://www.instagram.com/hajime_t39/




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