Thank Ginggaanbai for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ginggaanbai.
Ginggaanbai:Born in the zodiac year of the Rabbits, this lovely animal becomes a favorite and lucky sign of the owner. Not only wanting a space where time can be spent outdoor but also desires to tell a story of their life in this garden, this symbolic is places and hidden all over.

The main theme of this design is ‘white and the rabbits’. Firstly, white doesn’t always mean ‘simple’. We played with the shading of white and grey on the ground, from the fitted white outdoor marble bench to the grey pavement.

花园长凳与水景平行,面向建筑,将视线引导向Ging Gaan Bai在花园内的标志性秋千。
The garden bench is in parallel with the pond facing the main house. This allocation draws attention toward Ging Gaan Bai’s signature swing inside the garden.

The view can be seen clearly from the shelter. The garden was made shady throughout the day so it is welcoming to use anytime. Rabbit photos and rabbits dolls are decorated throughout different parts of this minimal modern garden space.

设计主创:Mr.Tawatchai Sakdikul , Miss Ploytabtim Suksang
客户:Mr.Nitipat Teekamgate
摄影师:Mr. Sitthisak Namkham
Project name: The White Story
Project location: Habitia Motif Panyaindra, Samwa Tawan Tok, Khlong Samwa, Bangkok, 10510
Completion Year: 2017
Size: 520 Sqm.
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Ginggaanbai
Lead Architects: Mr.Tawatchai Sakdikul , Miss Ploytabtim Suksang
Clients: Mr.Nitipat Teekamgate
Photo credits: Mr. Sitthisak Namkham
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