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Thanks Jacobsen Arquitetura for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Jacobsen Arquitetura.
Jacobsen Arquitetura:Ubá位于圣保罗一个严格意义上的住宅区中,这里环境优美,林木繁茂。它包括一个由七栋单元楼组成的公寓:其中的五个单元有343平方米建筑附带200平方米的花园,另两个单元为500平方米的建筑附带300平方米的花园,以及一个游泳池,健身房和其他社会共享空间。
Jacobsen Arquitetura:Ubá is situated in a strictly residential, abundantly wooded area in São Paulo. It comprises a condominium of seven houses: five units with 343 m² and 200 m² of garden, and two units with 500 m² and 300 m² of garden, as well as a swimming pool, workout gym and other social coexistence spaces.

The project’s concept adopted a single volume for the seven units that did not interfere visually with the environs. Although each house has four floors, it was possible to maintain the horizontality of the project as viewed from the street, maintaining the local identity image. Few materials were used for the façade, bolstering the proposal of not visually impacting the neighborhood.

Many of the existing trees on the plot were preserved to create a woodsy atmosphere for the project. From the condominium’s main portal, one traverses the large garden until arriving at each unit’s own entrance. Despite the close proximity of the houses, the garden imbues each residence with privacy and independence.

The basement includes a large common access garage, with an independent entrance for each unit.

The residence develops around a central garden, creating spatial dynamics between floors, as well as introducing natural light and ventilation into the ambiences. The social areas are concentrated on the ground floor, linked to another garden in the back of the lot. On the second floor: three to four bedrooms are arranged around a central void, while the roofs of the houses are designed as a gourmet terrace with solarium and pool, likewise bordered by shrubbery.

项目地点:巴西 圣保罗
建筑事务所:Jacobsen Arquitetura
联系人电子邮件:aline@jacobsenarquitetura.com; contato@jacobsenarquitetura.com
首席建筑师:Paulo Jacobsen, Bernardo Jacobsen, Edgar Murata
设计团队:Marcelo Vessoni, Christian Rojas, Rafaella Codato, Felipe Bueno, Marina Budib, Maria Caporale
景观设计公司:Rodrigo Oliveira
图片来源:Leonardo Finotti
Project Name: UBÁ
Completion Year: 2017 – 2020
Scale: total area: 3075,7m²
Built area: 2691,21m²
Project Location: São Paulo – SP. Brazil
Architecture Firm: Jacobsen Arquitetura
Website: https://jacobsenarquitetura.com/en/
Contact e-mail: aline@jacobsenarquitetura.com; contato@jacobsenarquitetura.com
Lead Architects: Paulo Jacobsen, Bernardo Jacobsen, Edgar Murata
Design Team: Marcelo Vessoni, Christian Rojas, Rafaella Codato, Felipe Bueno, Marina Budib, Maria Caporale
Clients: Idea!Zarvos
Landscape Design Firm: Rodrigo Oliveira
Lighting design: Lightworks
Construction company: MFC
Photo Credits: Leonardo Finotti
Photographer’s Website: http://www.leonardofinotti.com/
“ 设计将七栋单元楼视为整体进行打造。”
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