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Natureza Urbana 建筑事务所在圣路易斯历史中心——Maranhão完成了一次大规模的城市复兴计划,项目聚焦于提升公共空间质量,改善城市与现有遗产的对话,并助推当地微型企业的发展市场。
Natureza Urbana: The architectural firm Natureza Urbana has just completed an extensive urban revitalization at the historic center of São Luís – Maranhão, focused on qualifying public spaces, improving the interlocution with the existing heritage and boosting the local micro-entrepreneurs market.

▼项目视频 Video © Natureza Urbana
项目由美洲开发银行 (IDB) 资助,这是复兴马拉尼昂州首府圣路易斯历史中心计划的一部分。Natureza Urbana主要负责历史中心的三项重要翻修任务:仁慈广场、萨乌达德广场和Vitorino Freire大道车站旁的主教喷泉区域。Natureza Urbana的城市规划师兼合伙人Manoela Machado说:“重新定义场地是更新公共空间用途的战略工具,尤其是那些具有历史和文化价值的公共空间,应该将它们融入新的城市动态中。”
The projects were part of a program created to revitalize the historic city center of the state capital of Maranhão, financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The firm led 3 important renovations: one at ‘Praça da Misericórdia’ (Mercy Square), other at ‘Praça da Saudade’ (Saudade Square) and another at Fonte do Bispo (Bishop’s Fountain), an area around a bus station on Vitorino Freire Avenue. “Requalification projects are a strategic tool to update the use of public spaces –especially those with historical and cultural value –, and insert them in new urban dynamics,” says Manoela Machado, urban planner and partner at Natureza Urbana.
▼仁慈广场 Mercy Square

▼萨乌达德广场 Saudade Square

▼主教喷泉区域 Bishop’s Fountain Area

复兴计划最初考虑的是巴士总站周围大约两公里的海岸线的安全问题,事实表明只有城市干预才能鼓励公众使用这些空间。安全问题同样也在城市的其他广场上发现,由此激发了一场联合变革。2018年,在美洲开发银行的资助下,圣路易斯市政厅启动了由Natureza Urbana协调的3项干预措施。
The initial motivation for the revitalization were the security problems around the 2-kilometers shoreline that surrounds the bus terminal, indicating that only an urban intervention would be able to encourage the use of these spaces by the public. The same problem could be also found in other squares of the city, which inspired a joint transformation. In 2018, with financing from the IDB, São Luís city hall started the 3 interventions coordinated by Natureza Urbana.
▼巴士总站与主教喷泉区 The bus terminal and Bishop’s Fountain Area

In a participatory process, the population expressed its vision and participated sharing information and suggestions through workshops. Teams of social workers registered the peddlers in order to guarantee that all of them would be considered into the new spaces, either through kiosks, small stalls or adapted vehicles such as bike foods (ideal for street vendors).

仁慈广场 Mercy Square
At ‘Praça da Misericórdia’, one of the oldests squares in the city placed in front of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia Hospital (where there is a great flow of people), other challenges were faced. Although the place retained some classic design traces of the colonial squares – such as the central sculpture from which trails radiate over the lawns –, the place demanded urgent conservation initiatives.
▼鸟瞰图 Aerial view

▼改造前 Before
▼改造后 After

拆除原场地的围墙,方便行人通行的同时可以提高场地舒适性。Natureza Urbana还提出更换城市设施、调整优化景观和更新路面铺装的方案,既要振兴鹅卵石铺地,还要创造注重可达性的路径。此外,对当地工人经营的商业空间进行标准化改造也被提议出来。
The wall surrounding the perimeter was removed in order to make the area more accessible and pleasant for pedestrians. It was up to Natureza Urbana to propose the replacement of urban furniture, adapt the landscaping and update the paving, both revitalizing the cobblestone flooring and creating paths focused on accessibility. The standardization of commercial spaces where the local workers operate was also proposed.

▼儿童公园 Children’s park

▼雕塑喷泉 Sculpture fountain

▼平面图 Plan

萨乌达德广场 Saudade Square
At ‘Praça da Saudade’, previously irregularly occupied by peddlers and deeply degraded, the use of the area as a meeting and leisure spot was limited.
▼改造前 Berore
▼改造后 After

The place is located next to a cemetery, hence its name (Saudades means ‘to miss someone you love’), and was occupied by many improvised flower stalls.
▼场地与周边关系 Relationship between site and surroundings

Natureza Urbana除了整合、组织场地,并更好地利用现有的空地之外,还将场地上的设施,如食品摊、杂志摊和出租车站等资源整合起来。
Natureza Urbana proposed a project that provides unity, organization and a better use of the existing free area, in addition to enabling the integration of local equipment such as food stalls, magazines stalls and taxi stops.
▼售货亭 Kiosk

Previously characterized by a large cemented area and a lack of green, the square gained grass mounds to expand the vegetation, masonry bleachers and new space for florists, who now serve the cemetery visitors with more structure.
▼儿童公园 Children’s park

▼露天看台 Bleachers

▼花卉售卖空间 New space for florists

▼屋顶由再造林的胶合木层板制成 The roofs are made of glued laminated wood from reforestation

屋顶和场地空间的其余部分都具有流动的美学特性,灵感来自Lençóis Maranhenses的沙丘。
Both the roofing elements and the rest of the space have a fluid aesthetic, in reference to the Lençóis Maranhenses’ sand dunes.

▼平面图 Plan

▼剖面图 Section

主教喷泉 Bishop’s Fountain
Just around the Bus Terminal, more than 150 people benefited from the project, which brought the construction of a skateboard park, a playground and an area for sports and environmental education, as well as an interactive water fountain and many kiosks for the merchants.
▼改造前 Berore

▼改造后 After

▼儿童公园 Children’s park

▼游戏区 Gaming Zone

▼滑板场 Skateboard Park

▼攀岩墙 Climbing wall

▼运动场 Playground

▼公交终点站 Bus terminal

▼平面图 Plan

The revitalization was so successful that it motivated the requalification of the buildings facing the square. As an initiative of the owners, they received improvements and paintings aligned with the new local phase, proving the thesis that urban interventions are a powerful tool for social transformation.
▼改造前平面 Plan- Before reconstruction

▼改造后平面 Plan- After reconstruction

设计公司:Natureza Urbana
Project Name: Urban projects in São Luís, Maranhão
Project Location: São Luís, Brazil
Design Firm: Natureza Urbana
审稿编辑 HOU
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