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DS + R:这座奥林匹克和残奥会博物馆以美国队运动员为中心,向奥林匹克运动精神致敬,其60,000平方英尺的建筑由Diller Scofidio + Renfro与Record Anderson Mason Dale建筑事务所合作设计,包括20,000平方英尺的画廊、最先进的剧院、活动空间和咖啡厅。
DS + R:The US Olympic and Paralympic Museum is a tribute to the Olympic and Paralympic movements with Team USA athletes at the center of the experience. The 60,000 sqft building designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, in collaboration with Architect of Record Anderson Mason Dale Architects, features 20,000 sqft of galleries, a state-of-the-art theater, event space, and cafe.

▼项目视频 Video
▼鸟瞰效果图 Aerial

Inspired by the energy and grace of the Team USA athletes and the organization’s inclusive values, the building’s dynamic spiraling form allows visitors to descend the galleries in one continuous path. This main organization structure enables the museum to rank amongst the most accessible museums in the world, ensuring visitors with and without disabilities can smoothly share the same common experience.
▼设计概念 Concept
▼场地平面图 Site Plan

广场 Plaza
A terraced hardscape plaza is at the heart of the museum complex, cradled by the museum building to the south and the cafe to the north. The plaza frames a postcard view of Pikes Peak and the Rocky Mountains beyond. With integrated amphitheater seating for 230 people, the plaza is able to host outdoor events throughout the seasons, from the winter games through the summer games.

一楼大堂中庭 Level 1 Lobby Atrium
A skylight illuminates the 40 –foot tall atrium, while perforated GFRG (Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum) screens provide views from the lobby. Four balconies at varying heights overlooking the atrium re-orient visitors to this central space as they move through the galleries.
▼中庭设计 Atrium Diagram

一、二、三层展厅 Level 1, 2, 3 Galleries
环绕着中庭的20,000平方英尺重叠花瓣展厅空间,由DS+R设计。花瓣接缝处的天窗向中庭洒下柔和的日光,直至建筑周边的立面窗户处。这种采光设计也可以兼作寻路指引,引导游客返回中庭,或沿着由Gallagher Associates设计的沉浸式互动展览画廊的轨迹移动。
DS+R designed 20,000 sqft of gallery space as overlapping petals that wrap around the central atrium. Clerestory lighting at the seams between these petals provides soft daylight emanating from the central atrium space, terminating at vertical windows at the building’s perimeter. This lighting strategy doubles as wayfinding, orienting visitors back to the atrium, and situating them along a trajectory that moves through the galleries, which feature immersive interactive exhibitions designed by Gallagher Associates.
▼天窗采光设计 Clerestory Lighting

一层剧院空间 Level 1 Theater
The 2,000 sqft theater can host a 130-person audience. Two rows of seats are removable to accommodate a max of 26 wheelchairs, enabling the potential for a full Paralympic hockey team to sit together.

二层活动空间 Level 2 Event Space
The 1,300 sqft event space features a panoramic view spanning from downtown Colorado Springs to the Rocky Mountains. Space can also open up to an adjoining 500 sqft outdoor terrace.

咖啡馆和教育室 Café and Education Room
A 2,800 sqft cafe with an additional 400 sqft outdoor dining area is equipped to host a full-service restaurant as well as educational programs, providing a flexible meeting space across the plaza from the primary museum building. The cafe’s landscaped roof samples native plantings that express the change in seasons.

三层会议室 Level 3 Board Room
The 800 sqft multi-functional board room features an adjacent 470 sqft outdoor terrace and a 26 ft. floor-to-ceiling window framing a view of the Rocky Mountains.

▼会议室效果图 Boardroom

西南市区人行天桥 Southwest Downtown Pedestrian Bridge
The DS+R design team also designed a new pedestrian bridge spanning 250 ft. over an active railyard to connect the museum complex to America the Beautiful Park. The bridge extends an existing bike network, connecting downtown to the Midland Trail.

▼广场及人行天桥效果图 Plaza and Pedestrian Bridge

无障碍 Accessibility
From the earliest stages of design, the team consulted a committee of Paralympic athletes and persons with disabilities to ensure that, from the entrance to exit, all visitors with or without disabilities could tour the USOPM facility together and share a common path. After they have been oriented, all visitors ascend to the top floor by elevator. Ramps guide visitors down a gentle-grade downhill circulation path that enables easier movement. Ramps have been widened to 6 feet to accommodate the side-by-side movement of two visitors including a wheelchair. Beyond ensuring all code and ADA requirements were rigorously met, material details including glass guardrails in the atrium for low-height visibility, cane guards integrated into benches, smooth floors for easier wheelchair movement, and lose seating in the café optimize the shared experience.
▼建筑轴测图 Axonometric

▼电梯效果图 Elevator

▼鸟瞰效果 Aerial

建筑立面 Façade
The façade consists of over 9,000 folded anodized diamond-shaped aluminum panels, each unique in shape and size. The taut skin wraps four overlapping petal-like volumes that spiral around the internal structure. Each metallic panel is animated by the extraordinary light quality in Colorado Springs, producing gradients of color and shade that give the building another sense of motion and dynamism.

设计建筑师:Diller Scofidio + Renfro
执行建筑师:Anderson Mason Dale
2014年Diller Scofidio + Renfro被选中设计
Location: 200 S Sierra Madre St, in Southwest Downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado
Owner: The United States Olympic and Paralympic Museum
Design Architect: Diller Scofidio + Renfro
Executive Architect: Anderson Mason Dale
Total Project Cost: $91 Million USD
Construction Hard Cost: $54 Million USD
2014: Diller Scofidio + Renfro is selected to design USOPM
2017: Construction begins on site
2018: Steel is erected and the structure tops out
2020: Doors open to the public on July 30
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