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IMK Architects:位于泰米尔纳德邦塞勒姆的 IT 服务管理公司 VEE 科技公司的新工作场所模糊了办公室和花园之间的界限,为 450 名员工创造了一个积极、充满活力的工作、协作和户外活动环境。办公建筑中点缀着景色优美的休息区域,邀请人们暂时远离电子屏幕,享受自然。
IMK Architects:The new workplace for VEE Technologies, an IT service management company based in Salem, Tamil Nadu, blurs the boundaries between an office and a garden, creating a positive, invigorating environment for 450 people to work, collaborate, and engage with the outdoors. Interspersed with landscaped sit-outs, the design of the office invites people to step away from their screens and into nature, all within the building premises.
▽项目俯视 Overhead view

作为占地 9 英亩的高科技商业园区的第一座建筑,这栋占地 3 万平方英尺的办公楼为未来建筑的可持续发展奠定了基础。该办公楼采用可回收和可重复使用的材料,如钢铁和灵活的结构网格。该设计提供了一个兼具成本效益和时间效益的解决方案,便于在几年后商业园全面投入运营后对建筑进行改造,以适应不同的功能。
我们一天中通常有三分之一的时间是在办公室里度过的,这种建筑环境直接影响着我们的身心健康。为了创造一个积极的、与自然相连的工作场所,IMK 建筑事务所将该项目设想为 VEE 科技公司的 “花园办公室”。该办公室占地 3 万平方英尺,有着明确的目标,即打造一个以员工为中心的工作场所,使其成为人们期待在其中工作和消磨时间的地方。
As the first building in the 9-acre-high-tech commercial business park, this 30,000 sq. ft-office paves the way for sustainability for the upcoming buildings. The office building is constructed using recyclable and reusable materials like steel and a flexible structural grid. The design offers a cost- and time-effective solution, for remodelling the building to fit a different function once the business park is fully operational in a few years.
We typically spend a third of our day at work – inside a building. This built environment has a direct impact on our well-being. To create a workplace that is positive and connected to nature, IMK Architects imagined the project as an ‘office within a garden’ for VEE Technologies. With a clear brief to create an employee-centric workplace, the 30,000 sq. ft office is designed as a place where people look forward to working and spending time.
▽建筑内的庭院 Courtyard in the building

VEE 科技公司的工作性质需要一个没有个人手机和外人的安全办公环境。为了创造一个高度安全的环境,三个工作室和一个餐厅被布置成独立的功能区,并通过 2 米宽的通道将这些区域连接起来。与入口大厅相连的中央工作室可容纳 54 个工作台、培训区和一间会议室,而另外两个工作室分别可容纳 160 个和 180 个工作台。 这些办公区围绕着部分遮阳的庭院布置,使员工在休息时无需离开办公楼就可以走到室外。
The nature of work at VEE Technologies requires a secure office without personal mobile phones and outsiders. Driven by the need to create a high-security environment, three work studios, a cafeteria are arranged as independent functions with 2-metre-wide passages connecting these areas. The central studio that is connected to the entrance lobby accommodates 54 workstations, training area and a conference room, while the other two studios accommodate 160 and 180 workstations each. These blocks are arranged around partially-shaded courtyards, allowing employees to take breaks and step outdoors without leaving the office building.
Each studio is designed to create an open layout with glare-free, floor-to-ceiling windows, steering away from the typical dull office setup with cubicles. Courtyards and gardens along the lengths of both studios create a sense of being surrounded by nature. With outdoor benches, grass mounds and a mix of native flora and shade trees, these courtyards serve as outdoor break rooms at any time of the day or night.

Located in a region where temperatures rise to as high as 45 degrees in the summers, the building is oriented in the North-South direction to minimise heat gain without compromising on daylight. The taller windows oriented towards the north brings ample natural, filtered light into the studio, known to improve people’s efficiency, and mood, creating a healthy working environment. The east and west walls of the studios have fewer openings – creating an energy-efficient glazing system, further minimising heat gain during the day.

对于一个昼夜不停运转的办公室来说,采用节能和节约成本的设计策略非常重要。该建筑完全由屋顶太阳能电池板供电。结合技术和设计,智能空调系统可以根据室外温度自动调节,有助于降低能耗。定制设计的灯光还可以根据环境照明条件自动调节,进一步节约能源,改善人们的工作体验。此外,办公桌上定制的 “之”字形隔断为两个屏幕创造了一个舒适的、无眩光的视角,不仅提高了人们的工作效率和私密性,还优化了空间利用率。
For an office that runs round the clock, it was important to incorporate design strategies that are energy- and cost-efficient. The building is completely powered by rooftop solar panels. Integrating technology and design, smart air conditioning systems that respond to the outdoor temperature help reduce energy. The custom-designed lights also automatically adjust depending on the ambient lighting conditions, further saving energy and improving people’s working experience. Additionally, the custom-made zig-zag partitions on desks create a comfortable, glare-free viewing angle for two screens, optimising not only people’s productivity and privacy but also spatial utilisation.

VEE 科技公司的办公室开创了一个可持续、高效工作场所的先例,其设计与自然和谐相处,注重改善员工的体验,从而提高他们的工作效率。办公室应该是人们期待在其中工作并能获得成长的地方,该项目正是以此为方向而努力的结果。
The office for VEE Technologies sets the precedent for a sustainable, efficient workplace that is designed in harmony with nature with a focus on improving employees’ experience and, consequently, their productivity. Offices should be places where one can look forward to working and growing, and this project is an endeavour in that direction.
▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:VEE Technologies
项目地点:印度 泰米尔纳德邦 塞勒姆
景观/建筑公司:IMK Architects
首席建筑师:Rahul Kadri
设计团队:Nithin Hosabettu, Deepika Ajmera, Veda Kesarkar
客户:VEE Technologies
结构:AVS Consultech, Salem
PMC:SONA Polytechnic
立面:4FTB – Mr.Vikas Menon, Mumbai
外墙工程承包商:4C Corporate Services,Chennai (4CCS)
土木工程承包商:BASKARAN & CO, Salem
PEB钢结构:Armour Steel buildings (I) Pvt Ltd, Salem.
ACP/玻璃/混凝土: Saint-Gobain
图片来源:Running Studios (Mr. Prashanth Mohan)
Project name: VEE Technologies
Completion Year: 2023
Size: 28,000 sq ft
Project location: Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Landscape/Architecture Firm: IMK Architects
Website: https://imkarchitects.com/
Contact e-mail: media@imkarchitects.com
Lead Architects: Rahul Kadri
Design Team: Nithin Hosabettu, Deepika Ajmera, Veda Kesarkar
Clients: VEE Technologies
Structural: AVS Consultech, Salem
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Consultant (MEP): ESVE DESIGN SOLUTIONS PVT LTD, Bangalore
Landscape: SHASTRI ASSOCIATES, Bangalore
PMC: SONA Polytechnic
Façade: 4FTB – Mr.Vikas Menon, Mumbai
Turnkey contractors for Facade Engineering: 4C Corporate Services,Chennai (4CCS)
Turnkey Civil & Engineering Contractor: BASKARAN & CO, Salem
PEB Steel Structure: Armour Steel buildings (I) Pvt Ltd, Salem.
ACP / Glass / Concrete: Saint-Gobain
Sanitary ware / Fittings: Hindware
Flooring: Quotone
Furniture: Talin
Air Conditioning: Bluestar
Lighting: WIPRO
Paint: Asian
Photo credits: Running Studios (Mr. Prashanth Mohan)
Photographer’s website: https://runningstudios.in/
“ 新办公场所模糊了办公室和花园之间的界限,为450名员工创造了一个积极向上、充满活力的工作、协作和户外活动环境。办公室的设计中点缀着景观休憩区,邀请人们远离电子屏幕,融入自然。”
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