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Thanks K-Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by K-Studio.
K-Studio: Sitting on the ridge of the hill of Aleomandra in Mykonos yet almost entirely hidden from view, Villa Mandra looks straight out to sea and the sunset over the neighbouring island of Delos. A 6-bedroom holiday house built for a young, dynamic couple to enjoy with their family and friends, it celebrates its spectacular view from a grounded viewpoint blended into a sensitively landscaped, stone-walled garden that screens it from the road behind.
▼项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

▼别墅隐藏在山脊之上,坐拥壮丽海景 Sitting on the ridge of the hill, facing the magnificent view

▼设计分析动图 Design analysis

The house is built upon the idea of slow, laid-back summer living, and encourages mindful connection with family, friends and the freedom to exist peacefully in nature. Form follows emotion rather than function, as every space becomes another opportunity for rest, reflection and exploration.

▼在泳池眺望海天相接的风景 A panoramic view of the sea from swimming pool

To create a house that would allow guests to enjoy being outside throughout the day we needed to filter the overwhelming intensity of the climate by providing shade and protection from the elements. And although the house needed to accommodate a large number of guests we didn’t want to dominate the landscape with oversized volumes. Inspired by the humble complexity of the traditional island vernacular we reduced the architecture to 2 small traditionally whitewashed volumes and a third of stone dug from the site, built around a large ‘courtyard’ living area which is covered by an expansive but lightweight chestnut pergola.

▼生活区上方宽敞轻质的栗色凉棚 A large ‘courtyard’ living area which is covered by an expansive but lightweight chestnut pergola

This courtyard becomes the focal point of the house, seamlessly connected to the living room and kitchen volumes and looking over the pool and gardens beyond. Beneath the pool garden are the private bedrooms, separated for privacy and quietly enjoying the uninterrupted view over the lower garden to the sea. Their separation further reduces the overall impact of the house and cleanly divides social and private space.
▼从庭院看到远处的泳池、花园与大海 The pool, garden and sea in the distance from the view of courtyard

▼卧室里可以看到花园 The garden outside the bedroom

▼公共生活空间 Public living space

Key to the character of the house is the palette of traditional materials such as lime-wash, stone and wood that have been applied and engineered with contemporary techniques to create un-nostalgic architecture that bridges heritage and locality with contemporary life. Hand-built stone walls are sharply confident; traditionally rendered, round-edged volumes are perfectly flat and smooth. The customary chestnut pergola has been engineered to increase its structural integrity, to form a glue-lam beam lattice that sits lightly on the white volumes, shading and protecting the extensive courtyard beneath.
▼石头与木材形成材质的对比 Stone and wood compose the contrast of color and texture

▼传统打磨的圆边白墙非常平滑 Traditionally rendered, round-edged volumes are perfectly flat and smooth

简单的白色体量、笔直的石墙和轻质凉棚在基克拉迪群岛景观中舒缓地铺张开来,以庭院生活空间为中心简化了日常生活,Villa Mandra诞生于谦逊的地域传统文化之中,得到自然物质的充盈,并受到当代夏季生活的启发。
The simple white volumes, straight stone walls and light pergola planes sit comfortably in the Cycladic landscape and the efficiency of their layout, centred around the courtyard living space, streamlines daily life. Villa Mandra is informed by humble Cycladic tradition, enriched by natural materiality and inspired by contemporary summer living.

▼轴测分解 Axonometric

项目名称:Villa Mandra
项目地点:希腊 米科诺斯岛
面积:600 m²
K-Studio设计团队:Dimitris Karampatakis, Ileana Vlassopoulou, Alexandros Zomas, Antonella Theodorakatou, Christos
Papachristodoulou, Christos Spetseris
测量:Panagiotis Stathis
规划顾问:Maria Mposgana – Matoula Kazakidou
结构工程:Chryssanthos Kaligeros
机械工程:Giorgos Kavoulakos
照明设计:Dimitris Kouvalis-HALO
厨房顾问:Davide Santiccioli
摄影:Claus Brechenmacher and Reiner Baumann
Name: Villa Mandra
Type: Residence
Location: Mykonos
Area: 600 m²
K-Studio Design Team: Dimitris Karampatakis, Ileana Vlassopoulou, Alexandros Zomas, Antonella Theodorakatou, Christos
Papachristodoulou, Christos Spetseris
Surveyor: Panagiotis Stathis
Planning Consultant: Maria Mposgana – Matoula Kazakidou
Structural Engineer: Chryssanthos Kaligeros
Mechanical Engineer: Giorgos Kavoulakos
Lighting Designer: Dimitris Kouvalis-HALO
Kitchen Consultant: Davide Santiccioli
Photographer: Claus Brechenmacher and Reiner Baumann
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