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Studio Heech:沃尔沃环形展亭(Volvo Circle Pavilion)由环保材料制成,是韩国首尔艺术中心草坪上的一个临时公共空间。
Studio Heech:Volvo Circle Pavilion is a temporary public space in the city made of eco-friendly materials and was built on the lawn of Seoul Arts Center, South Korea.
▽项目视频 The video
展亭仅使用轻质材料和极少量其他材料,由两个直径为 6 米的轻质雨篷和一系列由回收材料制成的家具组成。项目中的所有材料都得到了充分的再利用,并能被回收用于新的用途,最大限度地减少了对环境的影响。
The pavilion, made of only lightweight and minimal materials, consists of two lightweight canopies with a diameter of 6m and a series of furniture made from recycled materials. The all materials used in this project were fully reused and recycled for new purposes while minimizing the impact on the environment.
▽项目概况 Project overview

直径 6 米的顶棚上覆盖着轻薄如纸的 Tyvek 材料,该材料可经拆卸、回收并制成塑料板,然后用做拼图长凳的顶饰面,而这些拼图长凳由废弃的旧结构木材制成,并将被捐赠给首尔的小学、日托中心和儿童图书馆。
The paper-thin and light Tyvek covering the pavilion’s 6m diameter canopy was dismantled and recycled into plastic boards, then used as the top of the puzzle benchs which were made from old neglected structural wood. The puzzle benches created this way were donated to elementary schools, daycare centres, and children’s libraries in Seoul.

该展亭由来自不同领域的工匠、工程师和制造者合作完成,他们聚集在一起,为可持续发展制定了明确的目标。外墙顾问公司 Front 与使用 Tyvek 材料展示各种环保作品的 DSLSM 合作,共同创造了环保的再生塑料板,实现了材料的循环和有意义的再利用。
The minimal lightweight steel frame that safely supports the canopy was disassembled and reused, and almost all elements were prefabricated and installed on site in order to reduce the environmental impact and carbon emissions generated at the construction site.
The pavilion was completed through collaboration with craftsmen, engineers, and makers from various fields who gathered together with a clear goal for sustainability. Front, a façade consultant, worked together to create a minimal, lightweight structure, and DSLSM, which presented various eco-friendly works using Tyvek material, worked together to create eco-friendly recycled plastic boards to realize material circulation and meaningful reuse.
▽现场搭建过程 Construction process

Tyvek 是一种防水材料,具有与纸张相似的物理特性,通过用刀切割出各种图案,重叠的图案将产生立体的阴影,隐喻了森林中树叶间渗入的光线,被称为“Komorebi”,参观者可以体验到一个由光影营造的、随时间变化的空间。
Tyvek is used as a waterproof material and has physical properties similar to paper created various patterns by cutting them out with a knife, and the overlapping patterns create three-dimensional shadows. This three-dimensional shadow is a metaphor for the light, called Komorebi, that seeps through the leaves in the forest, and visitors experience a space created by light and shadow that changes over time.

使用过的 Tyvek 可以被回收制成塑料压板并被再次制作成家具;钢架也可以被回收再利用;拼图长凳也将被捐赠给首尔的小学、日托中心和儿童图书馆得到新的利用,实现了材料利用的循环。
Used Tyvek is recycled into plastic pressed boards and made into furniture again, steel frames were recycled and puzzle benches were donated to elementary schools, daycare centers, and children’s libraries in the Seoul.
▽拼图家具 Puzzle furniture

▽项目模型 The model

▽平面图 Site plan

▽展亭轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▽展亭立面图 Elevation

▽家具运输过程 Furniture Delivery

▽拼图长凳组合 Puzzle Bench Combination

项目名称:Volvo Circle Pavilion
项目地点:韩国 首尔 Seocho Gu
设计公司:Studio Heech
首席建筑师:Heechan Park
设计团队:Youngdae Yoo、Jaehoon Lim、Dongneung Lee、Yuri Jung、Sio Kim、Heechan Park
客户:Volvo Korea
结构工程:Front INC
现场安装:Studio Heech、Human Scale
图片来源:Jaeyi Kim、Hyunsik Yang
摄影师网站:Instagram @blujaeyi @hyunsik_yang
Project Name: Volvo Circle Pavilion
Completion Year: 2023
Project Location: Seocho Gu, Seoul, South Kroea
Design Firm: Studio Heech
Website: www.studioheech.com
Contact e-mail: heechan.p@studioheech.com
Lead Architects: Heechan Park
Design Team: Youngdae Yoo, Jaehoon Lim, Dongneung Lee, Yuri Jung, Sio Kim, Heechan Park
Clients: Volvo Korea
Project Coordiantor: FIG
Collaborators: DSLSM
Sustainable material consultant: DSLSM
Structural Engineering: Front INC
Site Installation: Studio Heech, Human Scale
Photo Credits: Jaeyi Kim, Hyunsik Yang
Photographer’s Website: Instagram @blujaeyi @hyunsik_yang
“ 使用过的 Tyvek 材料可以被回收制成塑料压制板并再次制作成家具,这种环保的再生塑料板实现了材料的循环和有意义的再利用。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: Studio Heech