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Thanks TERREMOTO for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by TERREMOTO.
TERREMOTO: 这是一个远离了都市喧嚣的周末静修居所项目。当我们坐在车上调查场地条件时,就发现这里的大自然是如此的美丽舒适,我们会自觉地关掉手机,朦胧地盯着窗外,沉浸在风景中。尤其基地上现存的一棵山谷橡树(大叶栎),具有深刻的智慧和优雅,这值得所有人的注意,所以我们的设计自然也要延续这种能量。
TERREMOTO: Our project is a weekend retreat, a place to breathe away from the buzzzzzzzzz of the metropolis. We survey the existing conditions and their strength and beauty is such that we’re comfortable to let them drive, we turn off our phones and hazily stare out the window and soak in the scenery instead. An existing Valley Oak (Quercus lobata) of such profound wisdom and elegance that it commands all attention. We orient our design to acknowledge this energy.

The sun sets behind the Oak, which stands amidst a field of native grassland we’re careful to not disturb. We learn that the water table in this particular area is oddly high, and that the property is sited within a surpisingly windy channel. With that, we build the pool as a raised plinth as to circumnavigate the water issues below, and to keep the pool from being constantly full of leaves.

We wrap the exposed pool edge in steel, we leave the markings on the steel because we like that kind of stuff. We depress a bocce court softly into the earth, we’re always down to do bocce courts because they’re still seductive when vacant.

They’re an excuse to make a perfectly level plane. No-mow grass that stays green all year is installed as a reprieve from the monolithic tawny hue that dominates late summer. A felled tree is chainsaw’ed and repurposed for a bench and surrounding a firepit under our celebrity Quercus lobata.

Straight lines and volumes of an orthogonal orientation inscribed on the crust of the earth, nothing more than that. Landscape architecture is easy.

▼施工过程 Construction
Terremoto团队:Alain Peauroi独立设计
景观施工:Manuel Fernandez
水池:Holy Water
钢材:Wyatt Ellison
照片:Caitlin Atkinson
Terremoto Team: Alain Peauroi, solo show
Landscape Construction by Manuel Fernandez
Pool Build by Holy Water
Steelwork by Wyatt Ellison
Photos by Caitlin Atkinson
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