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Helen&Hard Architects:装置“What we share”是一个对未来可持续发展模式的构想,是对如何同时构建社区环境和生活环境的探索。在这里,居民是住宅开发和共享设施的投资人,也是积极参与者。它探索了共创空间、物质和生活环境之间的关系,同时让我们意识到在日常生活中我们彼此真正想要分享什么以及如何分享的问题。
Helen&Hard Architects:The installation “What we share” is a vision of a sustainable future model for how to build a community and a living environment simultaneously, a place where inhabitants are shareholders and active agents for the development of their residence and what they share. It explores relations between the co-creation of a spatial, material and tectonic living environment, while giving rise to an awareness for what and how we want to share with one another.

这个探索性的共享住房装置基于2018年建成的Vindmøllebakken,一个由Helen & Hard设计的基于居民参与和探索可持续解决方案的独特住宅项目。在北欧共享居住模式的基础上,它将私有住房和独立住房单元与共享功能和社区生活相结合。这一模式最初于20世纪70年代在北欧国家兴起,随后在世界各地传播开来。
The experimental co-housing installation is based on Vindmøllebakken, a unique housing project based on resident participation and sustainable solutions designed by Helen & Hard, realized in 2018. Building on the Nordic cohousing model, it combines self-ownership and independent housing units with shared functions and community life. this model was first developed in the Nordic countries in the 1970s and has since spread around the world.

▽共享的空间组织 Spatial Organization of Sharing

The installation at the Nordic Pavilion showcases a full-scale section of the first floor of a co-living housing project that includes three interrelated zones. A participatory design process with the current inhabitants of Vindmoellebakken has contributed to the design of the three zones:
1.The private domain and how this can relate to the shared spaces and what parts of the private zone can be shared.
2.A sharing layer in front of the apartment that reflects what and how the inhabitants of each apartment want to share and which collective activities they want to unfold.
3.A central common space where all the inhabitants can meet that expresses the common interests and desires.
▽居民参与过程 Participation Process

This layered space offers different degrees of privacy and communality, and various options to circulate and dwell undisturbed. The entire spatial organization of the cohousing model is parametrized in order to make changes and user – participation affordable.
▽平面图 Plan

The walls and ceiling of the installation is built in a special timber system that consists of solid wooden planks in spruce, that are connected with beech dowels. It is a flexible, environmentally friendly modular system that is easy to assemble and use by the inhabitants to build and rebuild the private and shared structures. Thus making the proposition sustainable and susceptible to change over time.

装置中的木结构是与瑞士工程师Hermann Blumer深度合作开发。
The timber structure is developed in close collaboration with the Swiss engineer Hermann Blumer.
▽装置轴测模型 Timber Axonometric
该装置位于由Sverre Fehn在1959年设计的著名展馆内,装置结构的构思考虑到了这个场地的特征。低矮的景观类装置在空间上与地面联系在一起,以保持屋顶的独特光效和它轻薄的遮阳板处于最佳状态。中央公共空间以三棵树为中心设计,并通向两个入口方向。水平的架子状木结构与屋顶的白色混凝土骨架产生了感观上的对话,同时也与三棵树的树干联系起来。以大教堂为灵感的空间组织,加上巨大的屋顶结构,营造出一种沉思、令人回味的环境氛围,使参观者可以在其中从感官上直观地探索装置的各个层面、充满故事性和氛围的空间。
Set within the famous pavilion, originally designed by Sverre Fehn in 1959, the structure has been conceived with this site in mind. The low landscape-like installation relates spatially to the ground in order to keep the characteristic light effect of the roof with its fragile brise-soleil in best order. The central common space is designed around the three trees and opens up to both entrances. The horizontal shelf – like timber structure creates a sensual dialogue to the white concrete ribs in the roof and at the same time relates to the trunk of the three trees. The basilica-inspired spatial organization together with the vast roof-structure encourages a contemplative, evocative atmosphere and an environment where the visitor can sensually and intuitively explore the various layers, narratives and atmospheres of the installation.

项目名称:What we share
地点:意大利 威尼斯
策展人:Martin Braathen
合作者:Pål Jackman, filmdirector Nina Bjerch-Andresen, scenograf
Helen&Hard: Reinhard Kropf, Siv Helene Stangeland, Paola Simone Garcia, Håvard Auklen, Mariana Calvete, Guillermo Ramírez Camarero
合作者:艺术家Anna Ihle
工程师:Hermann Blumer
Project Name: What We Share: A model for cohousing
Location: Venice, Italy
Client: National Museum of Norway
Curator: Martin Braathen
Status: Completed 2021
Area: 470 m2
Collaborators: Pål Jackman, filmdirector Nina Bjerch-Andresen, scenograf
Building company: HOLZBAU SAURER GMBH & CO
Typology: Exhibition
Helen&Hard: Reinhard Kropf, Siv Helene Stangeland, Paola Simone Garcia, Håvard Auklend, Mariana Calvete, Guillermo Ramírez Camarero
Curator: National Museum of Norway
Collaborators: Anna Ihle, Artist
Engineer: Hermann Blumer
“ 该1:1共享住房装置采用山毛榉制成的木钉固定实心云杉木板组装而成,环保而宜居,是对如何同时构建社区环境和生活环境的探索。”
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