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PDS: Xiangtang, life is as sweet as suga


▽项目视频 Video


/ 总体规划 / Overall Plan


FRIENDS Camping Village is located in Xiangtang Village, Shaxi Town, Taicang, Jiangsu Province. It is a destination within the “Golden Hour” suburban travel circle of Shanghai and Suzhou. The project land includes the original village shops, supermarkets, Xiangtang Group factories, 6 homesteads and a small amusement park at the entrance of the village covering an area of 18 acres. The owner is responsible for product planning and engineering construction work to enhance the rural tourism style of the overall project. We are involved as the project landscape designer and the park’s facilities.


▽总体鸟瞰 Aerial view



Based on the top-level operation plan “Xiangtang, life is as sweet as sugar”, we extracted SWEET as five major theme areas, and used IP stories as clues to connect the five major areas, guiding tourists to collect sweet energy in the process of checking in each area.


▽场地空间布局 Site spatial layout

▽总平面图 Plan


/ 设计解析 / Design Analysis

oS区-甜蜜广场 oS District – Sweet Square

在场地的入口节点,Brown 、Cony和Sally正在向大家欢呼招手,IP雕塑与标识相结合,点缀露营主题的帐篷雕塑,成为场地的第一个打卡点。

At the entrance node of the venue, Brown, Cony and Sally are cheering and waving to everyone. IP sculptures are combined with logos and decorated with camping-themed tent sculptures, becoming the first check-in point of the venue.



W区-惊喜花园 W Area – Surprise Garden


The challenge faced by the triangular plot of land in District W is that as a paid parent-child paradise, it will inevitably face the problem of gathering and dispersing people during holidays. The current site lacks an entrance distribution square. At the same time, villagers need a place to cool down and have a weekend rural market, which connects the two. The starting platform of the ecological park and the small train of this project is also planned here. How to improve the utilization of space has become the key to this triangular land.


▽夜晚降临,这里是邻里村民们聚集社交的重要场所 When night falls, this is an important place for neighborhood villagers to gather and socialize

▽惊喜花园广场空间为周末湖滨市集提供了场地 The Surprise Garden Plaza space provides a venue for the weekend lakeside market


E(enjoy)区-布朗大道 E(enjoy) District – Brown Avenue


▽带状的河滨空间规划成为布朗大道,对村民而言,这是他们无处不在的日常。The strip-shaped riverside space is planned to become Brown Avenue. For the villagers, this is their ubiquitous daily life


E(explore)区-森野蜜塔乐园 E(explore) Zone – Morino Mita Paradise


Our first visit was in November 2021. The location of Senye Mita Paradise was originally a small amusement park at the entrance of Xiangtang Village, Shaxi Town, Taicang, Jiangsu Province, covering an area of about 12,000 square meters. The site is surrounded by dense camphor forests and Covered by large trees such as ginkgo and red-leafed plum, there are currently several pebbled garden roads connecting old public facilities. In this evergreen forest, one does not seem to feel the bleakness of winter, with dappled sunlight passing through the treetops. Casting little spots of light.



01 集结出发 Assemble and Set off


Where is it? blow a fantasy whirlwind, Wrapped in the falling leaves and the fragrance of flowers in the air, forming a whirlwind tunnel, Start an adventurous journey.




After many discussions with the operation team, the main entrance of the park was set up on the second-floor platform passing through the cultural and creative store, connected to the jungle trestle of Morino Honey Tower Park, and starting the adventure of finding the Honey Core Tower in the canopy.


▽简洁的弧形白色穿孔板以弧度逐渐变小的形态组合,点缀绿叶的金属板,营造出旋风的姿态,穿过入口,循着前行,与栈桥相连。Simple curved white perforated panels are combined in a gradually decreasing arc shape, embellished with green leafy metal panels, creating a whirlwind posture that passes through the entrance, follows the path, and connects to the trestle


02 森林栈桥 Forest Bridge


Walking through lush forests, Within reach are the delicate branches and leaves and the rough, original touch of the bark. In our eyes, the big tree changes from looking up to looking straight, In the jungle ahead, Brown and Coney are calling us.


▽林下微风摇曳,树影婆娑,感受着生活的惬意与美好 The breeze swayed under the forest, and the shadows of the trees danced, feeling the comfort and beauty of life

▽为了掌握更加准确的场地信息,我们对大树点位,分枝点,冠幅,高度,胸径进行测量,经测量园子里大部分的乔木为香樟,分枝点平均在3.5-3.8m,大树平均高度在12-14m,冠幅在5-8m。基于这些数据,我们把栈桥的完成面高度定在了3.8米,让香樟林簇拥着栈桥,实现林间穿行的体验。In order to grasp more accurate site information, we measured the position, branch points, crown width, height, and diameter at breast height of the big tree. After measuring the size of the tree in the garden, Some of the trees are camphor, with an average branch point of 3.5-3.8m, an average height of 12-14m, and a crown width of 5-8m. Based on these data, we set the completed surface height of the trestle at 3.8 meters, allowing the camphor forest to surround the trestle to create an experience of walking through the forest

▽香樟的落叶与脱落的黑色果实自然的穿过钢板网的桥面掉落到草地上,减少了运营保洁的投入,地面防滑的同时满足了视线的通透性,使得轻量的桥身在满足结构安全的基础上兼顾经济性。The fallen leaves and fallen black fruits of camphor trees naturally pass through the bridge deck of the steel mesh and fall onto the grass, which reduces the investment in operational cleaning. The ground is non-slip and provides visibility, making the bridge lightweight. Taking into account economic efficiency on the basis of satisfying structural safety


03 美梦浮岛 Floating Island


Weave a floating island out of a rope net, Floating among the blue sky and green forest,In the quiet afternoon, I listen to the cicadas chirping non-stop, Rolling, moving, like a free flying bird.


▽利用爬网装置沟通上下通行,提供爬,攀,穿,跳等多种玩耍方式,可促进孩子平衡力,协调力,力量和敏捷性的发展,同时也为家长提供一个共同参与、互动、休息的场所。Use the crawling device to communicate up and down, and provide a variety of play methods such as climbing, climbing, crossing, jumping, etc., which can promote the development of children’s balance, coordination, strength and agility, and also provide parents with a place for joint participation, interaction, and A place to rest

▽二层平台外侧以印有特色图案的穿孔板作为栏杆防护,上方设置特色遮阳图案,大人和小朋友可以在躺网上奔跑、翻滚、跳跃,以另一种视角去观察周围的景色。The outside of the second-floor platform is protected by perforated panels with distinctive patterns as railing protection, and a distinctive sunshade pattern is set above. Adults and children can run, roll, and jump on the lying nets to observe the surrounding scenery from another perspective


04 旋风松果 Cyclone Pinecone


The wind carries the pine cones, Brings the taste of autumn, Look at Sally on the pole, It seems that I can smell traces of honey.


▽圆形的躺网平台,为孩子们提供一个360°全方位观景的好去处,同时设置平衡吊索、绳桥、平衡板等挑战游戏,让孩子们尽情玩耍,展示自己矫健的身姿。The circular lying net platform provides a good place for children to enjoy a 360° all-round view. At the same time, challenging games such as balancing slings, rope bridges, and balance boards are set up to allow children to play and show off their strong posture


05 地鼠之家 Gopher House


Gopher activity brings about small landslides, The head that sticks out slightly seems to be hiding the secret of honey, Let’s quietly see what’s going on.


▽epdm浇筑的“地鼠”形象的微地形,结合钻洞、滑梯、爬坡等探索性的空间,满足儿童的好奇心。The micro-terrain in the image of a “gopher” cast by EPDM is combined with exploratory spaces such as drilling holes, slides, and climbing to satisfy children’s curiosity

▽地面铺设树皮等天然材料,周边种植狼尾草等触感细腻的地被,鼓励家长和孩子光脚嬉戏,感受自然的触感。The ground is paved with natural materials such as bark, and delicate-touch ground covers such as Pennisetum are planted around it to encourage parents and children to play barefoot and feel the natural touch


06 丛林滑索 Forest Zipline


It’s time to test your arm strength, Phew~It’s the wind that only the brave can hear.


▽感受高台一跃而下的冲击感,比比看谁先到达吧!Feel the impact of jumping off the high platform and see who reaches it first!


07 蜜核塔 Honey Tower


Come quickly, Brown bear finds “honey core”, Happiness is dripping down like melted honey.


▽林间需要一个至高点,让高塔挑战者的视线能够穿越树梢看向远方,反复推敲下我们将蜜核塔的高度锁定在17.5m。A highest point is needed in the forest so that tower challengers can see through the treetops into the distance. After repeated deliberation, we locked the height of the Honey Core Tower at 17.5m

▽蜜核塔外部以木色圆形钢管和白色不锈钢软网支出塔状外观,部分开设房子形状出入口与开窗,围绕装饰白色定制图案穿孔板与黄色蜜渍造型不锈钢装饰面板。The exterior of the honey core tower is made of wooden round steel pipes and white stainless steel soft mesh to give it a tower-like appearance. Part of it has house-shaped entrances and windows, and is surrounded by white customized pattern perforated panels and yellow honey-stained stainless steel decorative panels

▽布朗熊和Sally鸡正朝蜜核冲过去(Brown Bear and Sally Chicken are rushing towards the honey core)

▽内部布置躺网、吊球秋千等功能,孩子们在这里触摸、探索、游乐、做彩色的梦。The interior is equipped with functions such as lying nets and hanging ball swings, where children can touch, explore, play and have colorful dreams

▽外侧布置了旋转楼梯、1个三层滑梯、1个二层滑梯,内侧布置旋转爬网、爬筒等多重通行方式沟通上下穿行。A spiral staircase, a three-story slide, and a two-story slide are arranged on the outside, and multiple traffic methods such as rotating crawlers and climbing tubes are arranged on the inside to communicate up and down


08 紫藤花架 Wisteria Flower Trellis


A dreamy wisteria garden, purple, soft, vibrant, Write a soft memory in the sunshine.


▽鸟瞰图(Aerial view)

▽保留场地原有的紫藤花廊架和紫藤乔木,在原有廊架的基础上增添金属化的表皮,使原有廊架的方形开洞变化为优雅的拱形门洞,中间增设吧台空间,以花型遮阳构筑为顶,为家长和孩子们提供一个舒适的社交休闲空间。Retain the original wisteria flower gallery and wisteria arbor of the site, add a metalized skin to the original gallery, change the square opening of the original gallery into an elegant arched doorway, and add a bar space in the middle to A flower-shaped sunshade structure serves as the roof, providing a comfortable social and leisure space for parents and children

▽LINE FRIENDS正在等待着我们一起举办一场紫藤音乐篝火晚会(LINE FRIENDS are waiting for us to hold a wisteria music bonfire party together)

▽紫藤花老干盘桓,宛若游龙,在每年的四五月,一串串硕大的花穗垂挂枝头,梦幻而华丽,紫中带蓝,灿若云霞。The old stems of wisteria flowers linger like dragons. In April and May every year, strings of huge flower spikes hang from the branches. They are dreamy and gorgeous, purple with blue, and as bright as clouds


09 小火车 Little Train

叮叮叮~LINE FRIENDS的小伙伴们正向大家发起邀请,踏上香塘蜜达号小火车,一起开启一场穿越秋日与田野的旅行吧

Friends from LINE FRIENDS are inviting everyone, Embark on the Xiangtang Mida train, Let’s embark on a journey through autumn and fields together.


▽蜜达号小火车,缓缓驶出车站,轰隆隆的火车声伴随着好奇与成长,在这片奇幻的绿色森林中驰骋。The Mida train slowly drove out of the station. The rumbling sound of the train was accompanied by curiosity and growth as it galloped through this magical green forest


T区-爱乐园 T Zone – Love Paradise


▽湖边一栋狭长的单层建筑被改造成为了火车主题餐厅,Sally在门口等待远道而来的朋友们。A long and narrow single-story building by the lake was transformed into a train-themed restaurant. Sally was waiting at the door for friends who came from afar


▽夜幕降临,LINE FRIENDS的小伙伴们在布朗之家的亲子民宿中等待着大家的归来。As night falls, the friends of LINE FRIENDS are waiting for everyone’s return at the Brown House parent-child B&B

▽亲子套房的后院是夏天最聚人气的Sally戏水池。The backyard of the parent-child suite is the most popular Sally paddling pool in summer


/ 文创设计 / Cultural and creative design


▽LINEFRIENDS的小伙伴们在入口的惊喜花园欢呼着迎接大家的到来。The friends of LINEFRIENDS cheered to welcome everyone in the surprise garden at the entrance

▽快跳起来看看,能突破布朗熊的高度吗?Hurry up and see if you can break through the height of the Brown Bear?

▽旋风松果上Sally正在美滋滋享用找到的蜜糖。Sally is enjoying the honey she found on the whirlwind pine cone

▽糟糕,独木桥上的蜜渍增加了我们探险前进的难度。Oops, the honey stains on the single-plank bridge made it more difficult for us to explore

▽弹射起步的Sally一飞冲天。Sally started off by ejection and soared into the sky

▽快来和布朗熊在紫藤花开的季节一起合照吧,留下最美好的记忆。Come and take photos with Brown Bear during the wisteria blooming season, and leave the best memories


/ 标识设计 / Logo design


In this project, we also designed the signage and guidance system, including overview signs, instructions for playing the amusement facilities, explanation signs, and warning nameplates, which fully combined the IP image and site characteristics.


▽总览指示牌(Overview sign)

▽说明指示牌(Explanation sign)

▽游乐设施的玩法和须知 &卫生间指示牌How to play and instructions for amusement facilities & Bathroom signs

▽指示招牌(Instruction signs)


/ 结语 /Conclusion

让我们和LINE FRIENDS一起,在这里,收获一个惊喜,一段有趣的时光,一次冒险的探索,一场持久弥新的想象吧!

Let’s work with LINE FRIENDS, it’s here, Get a surprise, An interesting time, An adventurous exploration, A lasting imagination!




项目名称:香塘.野邻LINE FRIENDS 露营村

Project Name: Xiangtang. Yelin LINE FRIENDS Camping Village
Project address: Xiangtang Village, Shaxi Town, Taicang, Jiangsu
Landscape design area: 20000㎡
November 2022
Owner unit: Taicang Yinxi Nong Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.
Children’s playground design and amusement facility construction: Pailan Children’s Amusement Design Co., Ltd.
IP cultural and creative application design and signage system design : Pailan Children’s Play Design Co., Ltd
Photographer: Nancy Photography




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