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Thanks gad· Line+ Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by gad· Line+ Studio.


gad· line+ Studio:传统印象中的厂房,是简陋的蓝色屋顶,是暗色的金属框架,是机器带来的轰隆声响。千篇一律的立方体建筑,枯燥乏味生产流水线形式压抑了人们对于环境的需求,埋没了人们对美好事物的欣赏能力。时过境迁,那些在快速发展时期被我们落下的对于生存环境的需求正在逐步得到人们的重视。“一迳抱幽山,居然城市间”,基于山水,融合山水意境的新式办公庭院出现在普利斐特园区实践中。山水般景观与建筑的完美融合,不只是生产村落的人居环境改善,更是山居生活的意境重现。

gad· line+ Studio:Traditional plants are usually associated with crude blue roof, dark metal framework and rumbling machines. Monotonous cubic architectures and dull production line have suppressed people’s demand for environment and their appreciation for beautiful things. However, time has changed, and demand for living environment neglected in the era of rapid development is gaining attention gradually from us. “One path cuddling the green mountain is found in the city”. The new office courtyard based on mountain and water and integrated into the landscape is appearing in the practice of Perfect Park. Perfect integration between landscape and architecture refers not only to improvement of living environment of production village, but also to reproduction of romantic life among mountains.


▼“山水关系” ”Landscape relationship”




Perfect Plant is located in Jianshan New District of Haining City, sitting against the Fuzi Mountain and along the Qiantang River. The Jianshan Industrial Park is devoted to building an innovation and intellectual production industrial park, breaking through traditional plant construction and creating high-efficient and livable environment. Perfect Park, an innovative high-tech automobile component enterprise, is seeking for pocket community environment suitable for living as well as for production.


▼传统厂房Traditional plant


尖山工业园周边厂房卫星图 Satellite map of surrounding plants in Jianshan Industrial Park


普利斐特园区施工前 Perfect Park before construction



Inspiration of the architectural design is rooted in landscape culture. With the Fuzi Mountain as background, it reproduces the undulating pocket village architectures. The roof adopts irregular slopes with flat main vein and gradually descending side ridges, and circles the courtyard in the middle finally. The main architecture is of distinct arrangement in levels, while the secondary architecture is in the center of the courtyard with fluctuating triangle roof forming comparison in size with the following architecture. The architectures echo mutually in distance, resembling tremendous mountains surrounding a small village that they rely on each other and complement each other. The architecture mainly adopts grey-white profiled steel sheets and U glass as façade and grey steel plate for ceiling to build a comfortable and light office; between the architectures, weather-proof steel plates are used for connection. Hanging façade and the tortured steel plate form a strong contrast, presenting vitality while remaining the features of plant.


▼景观分析图 Landscape analysis drawing

▼厂房山居建筑 Plant mountain-form architecture

▼园区平面 Plane of the park


▼厂房山居建筑门口 Plant mountain-form architecture gate


▼庭院正面 Right side of the courtyard


▼厂房山居建筑通道 Plant mountain-form architecture corridor


▼厂房山居建筑连廊 Plant mountain-form architecture corridor



思考:山水画与新式庭院 Thought: landscape painting and new courtyard


Landscape painting is a traditional Chinese painting style and mainly present natural landscape. It features creation of landscape artistic conception. Literally, “landscape” (“Shan Shui”) means “mountain” (“Shan”) and “water” (“Shui”). However, it is more than reproduction of objective landscape, but also abstract concept and philosophy from nature. Early from the time of Lao Zhuang, the natural landscape views of “Nature of grand beauty does not say a word” and “Great art conceals itself” have been formed. Later, Confucius brought forward that “The wise loves water, the benevolent loves mountain”, expressing his perception on moral gentleman through landscape. Therefore, landscape painting is far more than reflection of natural waters and mountains, but also the artistic conception of landscape, and extraction of nature spirit. In the Record of Gardens on the Yangtze River Delta, Mr. Jun Tong decomposed the character “” (“garden”) to obtain the five elements of building a garden. 「土」resembles plane building and represents architectures including pavilions; 「口」in the middle means water pond; 「从」in the front resembles stones and trees; 「口」outside represents walls. Villages in the Yangtze River Delta are mostly built alongside mountains and waters for their location rich in waters and mountains on the one hand, and for the influence of landscape painting of the painters from this area on people’s transformation of the land on the other hand. Traditional classical garden is playing its role everywhere in the Park. How to express landscape in new form and tactically present the artistic conception in the courtyard has been the most important task in this practice for the team.


▼园字解读 Interpretation of the character “” (“garden”)


策略:先破后立 Strategy: destruct and then construct

在厂房园区的实践中团队尝试从山水画出发, 对山水画中出现的景物要素进行初步的拆分。中国古典山水画的呈现通常是画中有山有水,有村有院。 岸边驳石,山间花木,水上栈桥,亭台袅袅,曲径幽幽,一幅和谐的山水村居图跃然纸上。

In the practice for the plant park, the team tried to start from landscape painting and make initial decomposition of the elements in landscape painting which usually contains mountain, water, village and courtyard. With stones racking on the shore, flowers and trees growing on the mountain, bridge on water, curling pavilion and twisting path, a harmonious natural village is presented vividly on paper.


▼山水画解读 Interpretation on landscape painting



Appearance of innovative plant in the park represents expression of efficiency of the time on the basis of landscape culture, and communication of landscape spirit in concise and abstract form. The background buildings fluctuate while the courtyard architecture is staggered among the main architecture, resembling village sitting among mountains. With mountains as the main architecture and the courtyard as courtyard architecture, introducing water to the pond, stacking stones along the shore, building walls as frame and planting flowers as fence, the landscape elements are introduced to the site.


▼庭院要素形态生成gif Courtyard element form generates GIF



For courtyard, blind accumulation of elements will bring only disordered chaos. Only by combing the dialogue relations, can the artistic conception of landscape painting be reproduced. Landscape relation: the essence of mountain lies not in its height and the essence of water lies not in its depth, but in the size and mutual relation between the two. The water pond extends along the architecture, just like the water flows along the mountain in landscape painting. The pond is not big but clear to the bottom, the fluctuating mountains can just reflect on the water; the virtual-real contrast between the rigid architecture and reflection on water make people linger over.


▼厂房山居建筑 Plant mountain-form architecture


▼“山水关系” Landscape relationship”




Relation between the winding path and trestle bridge: main materials of the architecture are simple clean ground glass and white aluminum plate. Bright red winding trestle is erected on the roof with the stripe railing and roof texture correspond to each other. The curved bridge with dark red rust board adopts a sinking design, which makes people more close to the water and ensures the height between the roof and trestle bridge, giving people the feeling of walking like a mountain and swimming like water. Under light at night, the practicableness of the bridge is enhanced, becoming a bright curve in the park. When the dry season comes, the pond can be the place for holding activities of the plant.


▼建筑立面与连接通道 Architecture façade and connecting passage


▼栈桥在场地中的五种体验 Five experiences of the trestle bridge in the site



The sinking water path and roof trestle echo mutually and linger on the site to form rich experience: watching the shore, climbing a mountain, walking the cliff, crossing a bridge, and swimming in the water. Looking at each other in the water is called watching the shore, crawling up is called climbing a mountain, building facade is walking the cliff, interconnection between passages is called crossing a bridge, and water twists is like swimming in the water. People and activities coming and going on the site add another wild interest to the landscape sight.


▼庭院铺装图 Courtyard pavement drawing

▼下沉小道施工图 Sinking path construction drawing

▼“曲径与栈桥关系” “Relation of winding path and trestle bridge”


▼丰水期水面与下沉栈道 Water surface and sinking trestle during raining season




Relation of shorestones and flowers: in the design drawing, shorestone is arranged in well proportion with regular rectangular form which provides a rest area for the courtyard on the one hand and natural transition between the pond and shore pavement on the other hand. Miscanthus sinensis interludes among the stones to tender the hardness of the small architecture in the park. The clean powerful zelkova serrata erected are the guards of the shore and bringing shade to people resting under them.


▼岸石与花木关系 Shorestone and flowers


▼庭院岸石错落有致 Staggering shorestone in the courtyard


▼叠石花木与水面相映成趣 Mutual reflection of stone pile, flowers and water surface


▼建筑与庭院的融合 Integration of architecture and courtyard


▼岸石形态生成图 Shorestone morphological generation drawing



Picturesque framed scenery: the wall door at the end of the trestle bridge divides the recreational area and work area of the courtyard, and also makes a frame for the scenery of the entire courtyard. From the perspective of the framed picture, the architectures descend slowly like mountains gradually integrate into water flow. The winding bridge and the half-hiding trees at the right form a concise landscape painting.


▼园中框景 Framed scenery in the park




Riverside fence is arranged by simulating fenced courtyard, and forms a comparison in density with the back dense wood.


▼厂房园区边界 Boundary of the plant



园中共有三个出入口供工厂货车与汽车通行。建筑厂房采用玻璃和钢铝进行外立面的设计,减轻了其在质地上的厚重感。车行线在园中主要表现为“日”字型,在庭院中,人的流线曲折多变。每到之处都会感受到设计师在其中营造的精妙尺度感, 从墙下沉行至栈桥,做一孤舟渔翁临水为乐,慢慢曲折环绕,叠石出现,登岸远眺,可游可乐可观可赏。

In the park there are three gates for passing trucks and cars. For the plant, glass and steel aluminum are adopted for external façade, which reduces the thickness in texture. Driving line in the park is of “日” form, while pedestrian line in the courtyard is winding and variable. The delicate sense of dimension created by the designers can be felt everywhere. Descend along the wall to the trestle bridge and you can feel the interest of fisherman along waterside. Wind and turn slowly and the stone pile appears. You can set your feet on the shore and look afar, and enjoy yourself in the beautiful setting.


▼流线布局分析 Streamline layout analysis

▼使用功能分析 Function analysis



The courtyard is small but has all necessary internal organs. The forecourt and basketball court provide emergency gathering area for fire evacuation. Behind the courtyard wall is the accumulation point for workers to carry goods. At the stone pile, workers can stay quiet to watch the scenery and sit down to chat. The shallow pool is to hold market activities during the dry season. By inquiring into the landscape culture, we interpret the dialogue between mountain and water in the garden, and by using innovative materials, we invigorate new production space. For workers, this is not just a boring modern assembly line work, but a pocket landscape full of natural calling and interesting life. Originating from and returning to nature, redefining production village with new materials, and reconstructing landscape painting is another perception in our road of exploration.


▼口袋式山水景观 Pocket landscape






设计单位:gad· Line+ Studio

Project name: Perfect Park Landscape Design
Design unit: gad· Line+ Studio
Client: Zhejiang Perfect Automobile Technology co., LTD
Address: No. 38, Binhai Road, Jianshan New District, Haining, Zhejiang
Design time: October 2016
Completion time: June 2018
Design Director: Peidong Zhu
Chief Designer: Shangyang Li
Design team: Jianbo Jin, Chenjuan Su, Xiaomei Chi, Ruixian Tang
Photographer: Arch-Exist Photography, Jianzhi-Arch Photography


项目中的植物、材料运用 Application of plants and materials in this project


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