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Thanks IDIN Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by IDIN Architects.
IDIN ARCHITECTS: Dusit D2酒店位于泰国华欣,这里是家庭度假的热门省份之一。由于酒店所在地块并不靠近海滩,且周围分布着商店和公寓,因此设计首要考虑的是创造隐私感,打造独属于自己的优美风景。
IDIN ARCHITECTS: Dusit D2 hotel is located in Hua Hin, one of the popular provinces for family’s vacation in Thailand. Since the project plot is not adjacent to the beach and is surrounded by other shophouses and condominiums, the primary consideration is to create privacy and to create its own picturesque views to compensate for the beach front area.

The design intention is to form an enclosing space within the building masses to create a central private courtyard to avoid external interruptions while embracing this area with the green landscape and activity space for the groups of families. The reception lobby has been placed at the front to give a warm welcome and filter out the chaos from the outside.

Above this spot on the upper floor; is where the seaview could be appreciated, the architect therefore, placed the facilities such as the all-day dining restaurant and the main pool right above the lobby to enhance the visual connectivity with the sea. The main pool is connected to a pool bar, creating a space that can appreciate the views of both; the hotel’s landscaped private courtyard and the seaview on the east side.

Dusit D2酒店以家庭为目标群体,并以一种特殊的家庭房类型对此做出回应,包括为带孩子的家庭提供了双层床。设计以轻松的氛围和简单的色调,结合深色元素和现代形式,进一步强化了餐厅和上层主泳池给人的感受。简单的配色方案也与中央庭院的绿色植物相得益彰,使郁郁葱葱的景观更具有存在感。
The project is targeted to groups of families and responds to this with a special family room type; where bunkbeds have been incorporated for families with kids. The mood and tone is simple with dark elements and modern form to enhance the elements of the all-day dining and the main pool on the upper floor. The simplistic color scheme also compliments the greenery in the central courtyard, emphasizing the lush landscape.

The interior concept is inspired by Thai flower patterns which each flower has different meaning in Thai belief and are placed in different areas. The curved lines and floral components of these flowers are simplified and applied in the design elements of the interior spaces.

▽酒店结构生成图 Dusit D2 Diagram
▽酒店平面图 Plans
▽酒店立面图 Elevations
▽酒店剖面图 Sections
地点:泰国 Prachuap Khiri Khan
地址:华欣,Prachuap Khiri Khan,泰国
所有者:Enrich Poranimmit Company Limited
建筑师:IDIN Architects
室内设计师:IDIN Architects
景观设计师:TROP: terrains + open space
结构工程师:NEXT Steps Design & Consultants Co., Ltd.
系统工程师:NEXT Steps Design & Consultants Co., Ltd.
承包商:Support C 2009 Co., Ltd.
摄影师:DOF Sky|Ground
Project Title: Dusit D2 Hua Hin Hotel
Location: Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand
Address: Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand
Start – Complete Date: 2017 – 2021
Openning Year: 2022
Usable Area (Sqm): 9,800
Owner: Enrich Poranimmit Company Limited
Architect: IDIN Architects
Interior Designer: IDIN Architects
Landscape Architect: TROP: terrains + open space
Structural Engineer: NEXT Steps Design & Consultants Co., Ltd.
System Engineer: NEXT Steps Design & Consultants Co., Ltd.
Contractor: Support C 2009 Co., Ltd.
Photographer: DOF Sky|Ground
“ 在建筑群中打造一个封闭的空间,形成一个中央私人庭院,既不受外部干扰,同时又能提供绿色景观和活动的空间。”
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