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木杉景观无限公园,在城市一隅,见自然溪谷 Infinite Park A natural valley in a city corner


MUSUN LANDSCAPE:Infinite Park is located in the new centre of Binjiang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. In the space surrounded by office buildings, a touch of natural green is especially valuable. Using the unused space under the office buildings, the flowing stream valley is introduced into the artificial city made of reinforced concrete, letting the freshness of greenery blow into people’s closed hearts, and communicating between people and nature with the power of landscape.



最初的遇见 在城市一隅 The first time I met you was in the corner of the city


In the cold city, as if a touch of warm sunshine shines into people’s hearts, in the corners of the city where the sunlight does not shine, meeting a touch of green, as if you can also feel the warmth of the sun, streams and green islands awaken the desire for nature.




The exposed building columns are wrapped with greenery to reduce the discomfort of the crowd to the columns and to increase the green space of the site as much as possible, so as to provide the city with an ecological environment to regulate the microclimate. Along the green island and deep into the site, the gradual change of the pavement has its own sense of rhythm, combined with the dry sprinkler landscape, is a natural playground for children.




Laughter lingers in the city, and the city instantly comes alive. Nature is the best classroom, recreating a natural world in the city, providing a place for people who are addicted to electronic products all day long to get close to the green, relaxing their bodies and minds, and healing their souls.


▽水景喷泉 Water feature fountain


无限同频 演绎自然 Infinite co-channeling for nature


Infinity means no boundaries, and in the world of nature, boundaries are blurred and soft. In sync with nature, we use a rounded form to transition the boundary, so that the road, water, plants and platforms have a more natural transition, and the design also has the charm of flow.


▽圆形的水中汀步将场地自然过渡 Circular water steps will naturally transition the site



The flow of the valley is the focus of this design, the use of colour-coordinated paving to emphasize the sense of meandering water, combined with the sound of the dry spray of the clanking water, so that visitors as in the natural valley, the curves and rounded intersections to make the overall spatial transition more natural, echoing the park’s infinite, no boundary feeling of the theme.


▽流动的溪谷 A flowing valley



People have a natural sense of intimacy with water, in a space like a natural valley, enjoy a moment of peace that belongs to you, feel the inner peace, forget the hustle and bustle of the city for a short time and fatigue, and children in general, to return to the most pure moments of childishness.


▽玩水的孩童 Children playing in the water


与你在桥上 见明月  on the bridge with you, Seeing the moon


Summers in childhood were spent cooling off by the river with neighbours on sultry, humid evenings. As adults, we rush past each other, but forget to stop our busy feet and look back at the past, there is such a place to stop with you and watch the bright moon.


▽溪谷浮桥 Valley pontoon Bridge



An arch bridge connects the two areas, and also connects the childhood and the present self. The children play and juggle on the bridge, and the people standing underneath the bridge look at them as if they also see their past selves through them, using the landscape as a medium, connecting space and time.




Adults who are no longer as active as children are more fond of the rattan hanging chairs by the water, sitting on the hanging chairs as if they were in nature, looking at the trickling stream, listening to children playing, as far as the eye can see, full of verdant greenery.



境遇 不经意间感受 Circumstances unexpected feelings


A place of freedom not only provides a place for people’s activities, but also carries people’s memories and feelings. The designer has designed a place that can accommodate your mood, with flowing water, patches of greenery, relaxing seats, and even cosy you and me.




Elegant linear water curtain instantly separates the dynamic and static space, stopping here, as if listening to the rain falling in June, mixed with the early summer wind, smelling the fresh fragrance of the soil, is a long time not to have felt the peace and tranquillity.


▽线性水幕 Linear water curtain



The wooden platform by the water provides more possibilities for the site. How to better integrate the site with nature is the focus of this design, and the designers look forward to breaking down the barriers of time and space and creating infinite possibilities in the limited space.





In order to achieve the most extreme space creation, the whole area follows the curve design, the beauty of the curve is that it does not have sharp edges, just like the fuzzy moon in the memory, the hazy halo of the moon is buried deep in the heart of the original beauty, look up to see the moon, look down to pick up the beauty.

The details of the selection of materials and plants have also been carefully considered, in the shaded areas we use more moisture-loving and shade-resistant ferns and other plants, as the pioneer of the population, ferns also provide a good incubation bed for the ecological environment of the site, so that a variety of organisms can be better growth here, and glowing the infinite possibilities of the site.


▽细节设计 Detail design




Project Name: SHINION · Infinite Park
Completion year: September 2023
Project area: 8000㎡
Project location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Design Company: Hangzhou MUSUN Landscape Design Co., Ltd
Company website: www.musun-la. com
Contact email: musun@musun-la.com
Chief Designer : Lin Fan
Design team:
Plan design: Wang Yajing, Hu Xiang, Zhou Yi同, Wu Yue
Construction drawing team: Dai Jie, Yan Qianqian, Gu Kaixuan, Zhang Qi, Li Caiyan
Plant Design: Wu Lin
Water supply and drainage: Zhang Ting
Developer: SHINION Real Estate
Construction unit:Hangzhou Bentuo Landscape Engineering Co., LTD
Photographer: zsun ART




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