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Lens°ass Architecten:林堡省是比利时自行车运动第一大省,因此在自行车旅游方面也是创新先锋。​2016 年 4 月,林堡旅游局在博克里克(Bokrijk)91 号自行车路口附近开设了一条独特的骑行线路,直接穿越美丽的自然保护区 De Wijers 的一个池塘。

Lens°ass Architecten:In April 2016, Visit Limburg opened a cycle path through the ponds of the beautiful De Wijers area near cycling junction 91 in Bokrijk.


©Mel Zagers


这条自行车道宽 3 米,长 200 多米,两侧水面与视线持平,就像直接穿过水面一样。在自行车道两侧,还能看到水面对岸的景色。骑行穿越其中,无疑是一次亲近大自然的奇妙体验。独特的设计也为旁观者提供了一些别样的“美景”——他们可以看到骑行者的脑袋就在水面上移动!毫无疑问,许多游客在漫步该地区时都会欣赏到这一视觉盛宴。

The cycle path is 3 meters wide and more than 200 meters long with water at eye level on both sides, straight through the water as it were. There are views across the water level on both sides of the cycle path. A fantastic experience close to nature. This also offers some beautiful views to bystanders, as they see the cyclists’ heads moving right above the water level. This visual tour de force is undoubtedly enjoyed by many visitors taking a walk through the area.


©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg


这条自行车道是林堡旅游局实施的一系列创新骑行项目中的第一个,旨在促进人们对林堡自行车路线网络沿线独特自然环境的体验。林堡旅游局主席 Igor Philtjens 作为这些项目的推动者表示:“这些全新的骑行体验能让骑行者以独特的方式领略林堡绚丽的自然风光。我们正在证明,林堡省正在不断创新并将我们的省份真正在地图上熠熠生辉!”

随后两个月,林堡又推出了第二项与自然和谐相处的骑行体验活动:在博斯兰(Bosland)的“丛林骑行”活动拉开了帷幕。此外,另一项体验计划也于 2020 年初推出:在霍格肯彭国家公园(Hoge Kempen National Park)的“荒野骑行”。

The cycle path is the first one in a series of innovative cycling projects, realized by Visit Limburg and promoting the experience of the unique natural environment along the Limburg cycle route network. Igor Philtjens, chairman of Visit Limburg and driving force behind the projects: “These new cycling experiences enable cyclists to get in touch with the splendid natural beauty of Limburg in a unique way. We are demonstrating that Limburg continues to innovate, putting our province well and truly on the map!”

A second cycling experience in harmony with nature, has been recently opened (mid-June 2019): ‘Cycling through the Trees’ in Bosland. Another one is planned early 2020: ‘Cycling through the Heathland’ in the Hoge Kempen National Park.


▽骑行路线上的 Hoeve Ceulemans

©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg



关于林堡骑行线路网络 About the Limburg cycle route network

林堡 2000 公里长的骑行线路可以让人无忧无虑地享受最佳的骑行舒适度:清晰的路标、自行车友好型咖啡馆、休息长椅和野餐区、电动自行车充电点……在途中,人们可以从一个路口骑行到另一个路口,穿越美丽的风景和广阔的全景。此外还能体验到穿越霍格肯彭国家公园未受污染的乡村路线,甚至是穿越水域的自行车路线。​在这骑行旅游方面,林堡仍在不断创新……

The cycle route network in Limburg? That’s 2000 kilometers of carefree enjoyment of maximum cycling comfort: clear signposting, cycle-friendly cafés, benches to rest on and picnic areas, charging points for electric bicycles, … Here you pedal from junction to junction, through beautiful landscapes with wide panoramas. And you get a slice of experience on top: routes through the unspoilt countryside of the Hoge Kempen National Park and even cycling routes through water. Because Limburg keeps innovating …


▽骑行线路上保留的古老建筑 Duvientoren Ingelmunster

©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg
©Visit Limburg


▽项目图纸  Drawings




项目名称:Vijverbeleving Bokrijk
项目地址:比利时 林堡 博克里克(Bokrijk)
概念:Igor Philtjens
建筑设计:Lens°ass Architecten
景观设计:Pieter Daenen(BuroLandschap)
合作方:Provincie Limburg, Bokrijk, Natuur en Bos, Erfgoed Vlaanderen, stad Genk

Project Name: Vijverbeleving Bokrijk
Project address: Bokrijk, Limburg, Belgium
Client: Limburg Tourism Bureau
Concept: Igor Philtjens
Architectural Design: Lens°ass Architecten
Website: https://lensass.be/vijverbeleving-bokrijk
Landscape: Pieter Daenen(BuroLandschap)
Partner: Provincie Limburg, Bokrijk, Natuur en Bos, Erfgoed Vlaanderen, stad Genk




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