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Thanks Ambrosi Etchegaray for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ambrosi Etchegaray.
Ambrosi Etchegaray:在夜晚抚摸一棵树,把耳朵贴近树干,你能感受到什么?听到什么?如果在雨季的清晨,几个月后的旱季再做一次呢,结果又有什么不同?答案很明显,万事万物都在发生变化,那么,我们是否也应该随时间在冷与热、干与湿、真实与虚无、生与死之间转换更替呢?基于这些矛盾点,该侘寂美学建筑由此诞生。
Ambrosi Etchegaray:Touch a tree at night. What does it tell you? Now place you ear upon the trunk. What do you hear? Do it again in the morning, during the rainy season, in the following months, during the season of drought. What is different? Is it not obvious that everything is change? That we should all transition between heat and cold, between water and thirst, between presence and void, between life and death? From these beginnings and resistances, the wabi-sabi architecture of the Guayacan Pavilion was born.

▽项目视频 The video
该作品由Ambrosi Etchegaray事务所设计构思,通过在时间和空间的自然变换中,展露衰败或融入景观、自然万物,表达场地物质和空间本身。它以最少的建筑材料,最大限度地表达了“愈创木香”的现状和培护。愈创木香俗称‘愈创木’,目前已被列入SEMARNAT濒危物种名录。为了保护该物种,Casa Wabi在当地环境管理单位(UMA)的支持下,决定建立一个愈创木保育和繁殖基地。
The work is an expression of materiality and space itself, where the architecture, developed by the office of AMBROSI ETCHEGARAY, conceived a pavilion that in its transition across space and time benefits from its deterioration or its assimilation into the landscape, into nature, the origin of all things. With a minimal use of materials it finds its maximum expression for presenting and nurturing the “Guaiacum Sanctum L. Zygophyllaceae”, colloquially known as Guayacan, an endemic tree included in the SEMARNAT list of endangered species. With the purpose of protecting the species, Casa Wabi, with support from the Environmental Management Unit (UMA), decided to create a nursery for the care and reproduction of the Guayacan.

A project that, from its inception, the authors understood the architect would only be a medium for the expressions that nature offered, so they conceived of a new pavilion that invites the users and visitors to descend into the resulting paths beneath ground level that allowed for a closer interaction to the trees in order to perceive the temperature, the humidity of the atmosphere, the flow of air, and the relationship between the species and the groundwater.

Through an imperfect beauty and elegance in austerity, the pavilion opens with a large shade that functions as the entrance threshold while simultaneously generating a resting place for the workers and visitors where the sun, water, and air become apparent and invite us to observe the Guayacan close up, to acquaint or reacquaint ourselves with it in a setting that expresses depth, emotion, intelligence, and mysticism. One continues to walk through the seedlings that ensue upon a sequence of work tables whose form are the remains of the excavation. Through this change in level, where the ethic seeks to care for the environment as well as to respect those who work there, the personnel in charge of the plants significantly reduce physical exertion as they clean and care for the new trees upon the work tables and avoiding bending over to work on the ground.

The Guayacan Pavilion is undoubtedly a work of contemporary architecture that is committed to an aesthetic, the surroundings, the passage of time and the care for our land.

▽设计手稿 The Sketches
▽基地平面图 The Floor Plan

▽基地剖面图 The Section

项目名称:Guayacan Pavilion
项目地点:墨西哥 瓦哈卡州 埃斯孔迪多港
景观/建筑公司:Ambrosi Etchegaray
首席建筑师:Jorge Ambrosi、Gabriela Etchegaray
客户:Fundación Casa Wabi
合作者:Ivo Martins、Santiago Bonilla、Javier Caro
照片来源:aime Navarro, Sergio López, Arlette del Hoyo
Project name: Guayacan Pavilion
Completion Year: 2018
Size: 900 m2
Project location: Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, México
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Ambrosi Etchegaray
Website: https://www.ambrosietchegaray.com/
Contact e-mail: info@ambrosietchegaray.com
Lead Architects: Jorge Ambrosi & Gabriela Etchegaray
Clients: Fundación Casa Wabi
Collaborators: Ivo Martins, Santiago Bonilla, Javier Caro
Photo credits: Jaime Navarro, Sergio López, Arlette del Hoyo
Photographer’s website: https://www.instagram.com/jaimenavarros_estudio/
“ 在时间和空间的自然变换中,展露衰败或融入景观、自然万物,表达场地物质和空间本身。”
审稿编辑:Via & SIM
更多 Read more about: Ambrosi Etchegaray