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Thanks Stephan Maria Lang Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Stephan Maria Lang Architects.
Stephan Maria Lang Architects:LW27 住宅位于德国慕尼黑的一个高档住宅区内。
Stephan Maria Lang Architects proudly introduce House LW27, a residence situated in Munich, Germany.

In a high class residential area, a large volume residence had to be constructed on a relatively small site. Located next to a sizeable outdoor pool, there was very little space for a garden. Therefore, a decision was made to create a rooftop garden to closely align with the concept of a zero-seal house, meaning sealed areas are given back to nature on the rooftop.

The side borders are hidden by a series of newly planted canopy trees, which provide natural sun protection. On ground level, an open floor plan flows freely from east to west along the pool.

Floor to ceiling sliding windows allow inside/outside living throughout the year.

The upper floor features a bedroom area with ensuite bathrooms and separate dressing facilities, and a lush rooftop terrace with whirlpool that is reserved for the hardworking parents.
▽屋顶露台 Roof Terrace

▽卧室窗外 Bedroom window

设计师精心营造了感性简约的氛围,在用空间捕捉自然光线的同时将人工照明做到了极致,在入口处采用了世界著名的奥地利 Bartenbach Light 公司设计和手工制作的独特灯饰。
A sensual minimalistic atmosphere is carefully detailed with great attention to natural and artificial lighting, inclusing a unique light feature in the entree that was designed and handcrafted by world renowned Austrian Bartenbach Light.

▽冬日雪景 Snow scenery

▽平面图 Plan

▽剖面图 Section

项目地点:德国 慕尼黑
设计公司:Stephan Maria Lang Architects
媒体联系人:Stephan Maria Lang,mail@stephanmarialang.de
摄影师:Sebastian Kolm
Project name: House LW27
Location: Munich
Year of completion: 2023
Property size: 1031 m2
Project type: Private Residence
Client: Private
Design Firm: Stephan Maria Lang Architects
Website: www.stephanmarialang.com
Media contact: Stephan Maria Lang, Architects – mail@stephanmarialang.de
Photographer: Sebastian Kolm
“ 一座清新简约的花园住宅。”
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