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— 设计总监设计总监程枫祺及团队 —
VMDPE design: Silver grass swaying in the light breeze, joy and laughter fill the air while children enjoying themselves. These are exactly the childhood memories we hope to bring to the children living in this city.
— Principal Designer Vinci CHAN & Team —
▽项目视频 Video
高密度城市中的低密度幼儿园 Low Density Kindergarten in a Dense City
VMDPE圆道设计受委托的IBOBI SUPER SCHOOL幼儿园项目位于深圳科技领域的中心区大冲。作为大湾区区域发展核心引擎之一的深圳,大冲是深圳高科技人才和企业的聚集地,也是象征着深圳繁荣年轻的地方。在这片高人口密度、高建筑密度、高容积率地区拥有一个可达性高的优秀幼儿园,是周边工作繁忙家庭的需求和期待。
Designed by VMPDE, the kindergarten is located in Dachong, the tech hub of Shenzhen. Shenzhen is one of the core engines of regional development in the Greater Bay Area, and Dachong is synonymous to prosperity and potential. Here is the gathering place for hi-tech talents and companies, densely populated, dense building and high plot ratio, busy families living here demand a great kindergarten with integrated accessibility.
▽鸟瞰 Aerial view
The project is located on the terrace, second floor of a mall, which is one of the few places in this area with large outdoor space. The outdoor terrace and the indoor space are well connected to each other, forming an enclosed site.
▽四周围合的场地 The enclosed site
▽主入口 Main entrance
从功能灵活延伸到思考灵活的场地规划思路 Site Planning Concept — From Flexible Function to Flexible Thinking
VMDPE圆道设计希望利用好这个占比巨大的户外场地,即孩子们需要怎样的户外教学场地是这次设计中需要重点回应的问题。 是与自然的接触?还是奔跑的乐趣?还是让人兴奋的游乐设施?
VMDPE wants to make good use of the big outdoor space which account for large proportion of the site, the design should address to an important question: what kind of outdoor teaching spaces do children need? Connecting with nature? Running for fun? Or exciting playground equipment?
We want to rethink the connection between the outdoor space and children, by trying to explore new possibilities among “playground”, “sports ground”, “park”, and “classroom”.
▽平面图 Site plan
First, we thought about possible scenarios for outdoor activities: sports, arts and crafts classes, outdoor performances, activities for School Open House Day and Community Open Day, Starry Night Party, Children’s Food Festival, and Children’s Art Festival. These activities can be simplified into three categories: outdoor sports, outdoor classes, and outdoor festivals. However, we never want to simply divide the outdoor space into three zones — otherwise there won’t be enough room for each zone to perform its functions. Therefore, we decide to integrate them in a creative manner.
▽轴侧图 Axonometric
When children want to have an exciting sports competition, the entire place can be where they run and play, which we fully took into account different types of sports and safety, based on the function of different outdoor areas.
Or when the school decides to organize an event, the “big tree platform” becomes a stage, and the “gardening area” can be used as a path to the stage.
In addition to functional flexibility, we also want to provide a kind of flexibility in thinking. In contrast to specific game in the playground, the teaching area is designed to allow children to rely on their own imagination to use it in a playful way.
For example, the gardening area is also a sliding area. The robot in the science area is both a cute mascot and a nest for birds.
▽科学区机器人 Robot in the science area
Some children’s seating areas can be used to play as “single-plank bridges” or“boating game”. All arrangements feature both specific functions and flexibility.
We want children to be in a space that encourage curiosity and always ready to explore.
这些设计的思考来自于著名教育学专家Benjamin Bloom提出的《教育目标分类》。VMDPE圆道在儿童空间运动的设计思路一直在努力实践其提出的“意识运动(psychomotor)”的理念,我们一直在尝试把孩子们的游玩内容用专业严谨的思维来规划,同时让功能和体验视觉符号化,让孩子按照自己的想象去完成探索的行为,让孩子们对环境有自己的理解。
Our design is based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives by Benjamin Bloom. We are trying to practice the psychomotor theory proposed by Benjamin design philosophy in the design of children’s space. The playground equipment was designed in professional and rigorous way to allow functions and experiences to be visually symbolized, so the children can follow their imaginations in explorations, and gain their understanding of the environment.
承载丰富体验内容的空间 Space with Enriched Experience
While staying consistent with the main design philosophy, our space design also aims to offer more enriched experience for children. For example, we arranged a “kinder art gallery” in a corner to present the highlights on campus. This makes children feel respected, and strengthens the connection between families and the kindergarten.
▽剧场 Theatre
The kitchen is equipped with a transparent window for children to look inside, here is where children could observe food they eat every day.
Next to the kitchen is a “Children’s Kitchen”, where children can enjoy the fun of making food by themselves and the open dining area for them to enjoy the food they make.
Boundaries between indoor classroom and outdoor spaces are blurred, by porches that allow people to enter and exit adjoining spaces freely under different weather conditions. The corridor is elevated to the same level as the classroom, forming a platform for easy accessibility.
▽课室内外空间 Inside and outside the classroom
We tried to have more plants in outdoor space planning. Since the project is located on a terrace of a second floor, due to building constraints, plants cannot be widely grown as if on the land, therefore, we make the best possible to arrange flowerbeds styling in different areas to improve greening.
We wish to create a country life with greenery that fosters great childhood memories. After an extensive selection, we had silver grass as the main greenery species.
Silver grass swaying in the light breeze, joy and laughter fill the air while children enjoying themselves. These are exactly the childhood memories we hope to bring to the children living in this city.
▽夜晚的户外平台 Outdoor terrace at night
设计时间:2021年2月 – 2021年4月
施工时间:2021年5月 – 2021年8月
Project Location: 2F, KINNO Mall, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
Project Scope: Facade renovation, interior design, outdoor design, installation and props design, lighting design
Indoor Area: 1,426m²
Outdoor Area: 1,200m²
Project Status: Completed
Design Date: Feb, 2021 – Apr, 2021
Construction Date: May, 2021 – Aug, 2021
Design Firm: VMDPE design
Design Director: Vinci CHAN
Design Team: Vinci CHAN, Dio ZHANG , Nancy LU, Zoro ZHENG, Wally
Photography & Videography: ZC STUDIO
Author: Vinci CHAN
Building Material & Manufacturer Brand
Lighting: PHILIPS
Flooring: TAJIMA
Fresh air ventilation system: Panasonic
Disinfection lamp: PHILLIPS
“ 承载儿童运动、亲近自然的户外教学场地。 ”
审稿编辑 Ashley Jen
更多 Read more about: VMDPE圆道设计