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Thanks BALANCE DESIGN (Unlimited Metropolis Design Studio) for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by BALANCE DESIGN.



BALANCE DESIGN: In the midst of a long daily routine,The way we live our lives has a lot of established criteria, and we have a lot of commonplace ways of thinking and doing things logically. This is a phase of a very long social evolution.And often the phases change in cycles, changes that are only perceptible in the larger dimension of time, sometimes 3 years, sometimes 30 years, sometimes covering a person’s whole life. And right or wrong, in the larger time dimension, it may be a small fluctuation, but the accumulation of small fluctuations often results in a change that, cyclically, pushes society to roll forward.


A lot of things are elusive, but if you are good at summarizing, not necessarily the superposition of time, you will find many interesting laws. And these laws, perhaps not to guide you to how to do, may just teach you not to do, or, so that you are more calm, quietly watching the changes.



Openness, diversity, growth, companionship.



This is a loving home with two children, a younger brother who likes to study all kinds of things, an older sister who plays the cello with a halo of her own, a mother, Mrs. L, who is an expert in the guqin and guzheng, and a father, Mr. J, who is a multi-faceted person with many complex yet simple jobs and lives.One of the big ideas for this house is the growth and companionship of the two children. Education is no longer a new topic, but there are very few people who want to understand and implement it, and there are always all kinds of constraints. Mr. J’s transparency and openness is related to his own experience and thinking.






So physical accompaniment, exchange of methods, the formation of self-driven is the theme, children and adults have become a lot of possibilities, no limits, naturally occurring, and learn to independently judge the standard.


0F 建筑及庭院

线性形成块面构成 ,建筑的外表情语言 Linear Formation Block Composition,The language of architectural expression



The crazy real estate created a lot of novel phenomena from twenty years ago, like this one which directly imitates the appearance of a European town.It suddenly appeared at the foot of a mountain in Minhou, Fuzhou, China. So we sorted out the relationship between the façade to face the current situation, the dilapidated lines are also directly removed, simplified, with some metal frames to limit the field of view, balancing the relationship between inside and outside the building. At the same time, the old paint was simplified and renovated. The traditional pop-up coating process was used to form a texture and reshape the entire building appearance.


原建筑样貌Original architectural appearance



The detailed construction of the façade forms an integrated language of design, with simple frame lines outlining the contours of the form. The language of lines, blocks and surfaces is formed on the façade of the building. One by one, the frames are like the eyes and arms of the house—observing and touching. The dark gray metal frame sets form a block relationship, and the beige exterior paint adds a sense of texture to the building. The detailed construction formed by different linear divisions makes the building more three-dimensional.





Open space is a valuable resource in the city, and the imagination for the garden is not traditional landscaping, but more of a green meadow, a place for children and dogs, and a campfire next to the meadow, a resting space, and at the same time, a reminiscence of the old home when I was a child, and the cohesion of the elders.




1F 地下室

开放与公共性openess and public



After sorting out the direction, we organized a way of using this building.The negative floor and the first floor are relatively public, facing the community, facing the family members, facing a lot of friends. There’s no need for access control, it’s free to come and go. In the stairway to the third floor, we use a part of the core cylinder to form a door, a soft interval to delineate the boundary between public and private.



The “core” connects the functional attributes of vertical transportation of the whole space, and the transparent elevator shuttles between them.

Expanding the boundaries of “Home” and making interaction a part of the daily living experience, the free-form planes bring vitality to the place as a base from which to grow and look to the future.Using the basis of Lego and the initial state of color as the starting point, what we want is a free start.


▽平面分析planar analysis




The first floor area, defined as an open space, is not divided into functional modules by walls under the original structural framework, but the blue box is placed in the empty plane to link up the whole space, and the sunken recreation area and the music classroom are thus unfolded.

The opening at one end of the box breaks through the building and opens a port to the outdoor space, and the opening echoes with the holes in the core.



The blue box looks like an inserted A piece of Lego through the window The blue box is like a piece of Lego inserted into the window to see a stage play of life



Here the “box” itself is a functional carrier, a space that can be used for walking, sitting and lying at the same time according to the demand, exploring the unique way of using this space is also another experience.


“BLUE EYES”代表着“眼睛”,选用了称之为“理想之蓝”的颜色。蓝色盒子的下方空间连接着一层户外可以通过盒子内的孔洞进行不同场景的观察。盒子上方连接着二层的室内,墙上的传声筒装置是一种对话的象征,也为室内增添了不少的趣味性。从蓝盒子内向外望去是风景,我们期盼它看见得是纯粹的理想。

“BLUE EYES” stands for ‘eyes’ and the color chosen is called ‘ideal blue’. The space of the blue box connects the outdoor area on the first floor and the indoor area on the second floor, and it is possible to observe different scenes through the holes inside the box. Above the box connects the interior of the second floor, and the microphone device on the wall is a symbol of conversation and adds a lot of fun to the interior. Looking out from the blue box is a landscape, and we expect it to see pure ideals.



Inside the box is like another world, the space flows and different scenes are seen through the hole. It connects the two floors and acts as a parapet on the second floor, flowing to the public spaces on the east and west sides.




The sunken area in the basement accommodates the main public space for socializing-reading, and the guest dining room compounds a variety of use scenarios such as water bar, dining table, study, work, entertainment, etc., serving the sunken recreation area and the audio-visual room. A long casement window in the dining room operator’s desk provides views of the garden outside and adds ample natural light to the kitchen, creating a connection with the plants outside the window and framing the landscape.




The staircase, the core, and the ever-changing height difference appear different scenes at the same time using the design of the height difference to create a piece of sunken communication and leisure space, which makes the overall space more layered, and also realizes the sense of staggering between spatial transitions and functional areas.


▽音乐教室随性、分享Music classroom is casual and sharing



The blue box embedded in the space also provides another independent audience area, which breaks down the conventional way of communication. In this public space, people’s activities and behaviors are not limited, and they can choose to use the space in any way they like. The large floor-to-ceiling windows and multiple entrances and exits further strengthen the connection between the music room and the outdoors.



2F 车库

生活即教育life is education


▽平面分析planar analysis



 Let Garage Cafe Been a window to the community


The original bare columns of doubtful earth are interspersed with metal countertop to create a connection, forming an aesthetically pleasing and functional operating platform. The cavernous wall panels hold a variety of accessory tools and also serve as a display area to share one’s treasures and hobbies.


The ceiling is made of perforated marine boards, and the warm wood color neutralizes the coldness of concrete and metal, while hiding the air vents of the air conditioner so that cold air can naturally emanate from the holes.




It turns out that this is really a parking garage, we transformed it into a multi-functional air division, the garage coffee is similar to the previous creators’ coffee, it can really generate ideas and even projects. We face the cafe to the community road, this community, there are many university professors, and talent introduced to live here, sometime in the future may produce some collision, can produce a lot of scenes.



分享教室 一起学习与成长

Sharing the classroom space Learning and growing together


Many of the space functions set here are open spaces, so the functions needed for daily life can actually be freely switched here. Both children and adults at home can find a corner in this space that meets their living needs, whether it’s for studying, fitness, or entertainment.



3F 家居空间

让空间形体形成 一副立体的画作 Let the shape of the space form A three-dimensional painting



The third floor is a private living space. Warm white base coatings and wood-based materials are chosen to cover the entire space, naturally creating a comfortable and relaxing home atmosphere The core cylinder continues to extend up, like a spine, he is the protagonist, stringing up the framework, but also like a supporting role, in each space, calm presence and companionship.


▽平面分析planar analysis


In the design of the façade book wall using red, yellow and blue primary colors as accents, coupled with block division. Forming a sense of different linear divisions. It seems to be Mondrian, but not to be that deep in the height of abstraction. In actuality just using the symbolism of color, basic and free!


公区与核心筒 Core barrel and core tube

家庭阅读区Home reading area


4F 阁楼

风景、颂钵,视觉与听觉的美好 Landscape, chanting The beauty of sight and sound



In the fourth floor attic, the structure has been reorganized to form a dynamic line around the core cylinder, the floor slab has been dug out and installed with a rope net, so that it can have a dialogue with the third floor, and it is more of a free stretching and interspersing of different scenes.


▽平面分析planar analysis


Scenes are interspersed to form Dialogue between different areas



In the atrium of the attic, there is a “red box” like a heart,The red box, like a heart, has an intention on this floor, functional, but more importantly, it expresses a symbol of exploration, touching the sky, touching the boundary, exploring the possibilities.At the same time, it is also a metaphor for a kind of expectation, a kind of upward spiritual power.




and inside the red box there is a yellow pipe connected to a ladder that climbs up to the azure sky.but because the roof was not opened and dug during the construction process, it is not possible to see the sky, but as a kind of spiritual support, the staircase is also still preserved.




Look up to the sky Let’s veg out



Originally, the structure of this building was a high window, just a storage space, but we thought that this could be a space to be alone, to read, and to look up at the sky….


Residence should be alive and grows. During the extension of time Accompany the people in the house to change.




项目名称|J PlUS
项目地点|福建 福州
Project name| J PlUS
Project location| Fuzhou,Fujian
Project area| 1100㎡
Design agency| BALANCE STUDIO
Design director| Dong Xinmeng
Design team| Chen Jie, Chi Qing,Su tiancai,Chen yingyan
Copywriting director| Dong Xinmeng
Construction unit|Guo Meigan
Completion time|January 2024
Photography| Li Di




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