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STUDIO TCS:Nomanslanding是一件动态的、表演性的、参与性的艺术作品,围绕着“无人区”的理念来探索创意。在第一次世界大战中,“无人区”代表着敌人之间的区域,一个恐惧的鸿沟,一个僵局。Nomanslanding是对这个空间的重新想象,是对冲突脆弱性的隐喻,也是对战争损失和破坏的哀叹。
STUDIO TCS:Nomanslanding is a kinetic, performative and participatory artwork exploring ideas around the idea of ‘No Mans Land’. In the First World War ‘No Mans Land’ was the place between two enemies, a gap of fear, an impasse. Nomanslanding is a reimagining of this space as metaphor for the vulnerability of conflict and lament for the loss and devastation of war.

The work is an international collaboration between five artists and three curators from Australia, the Netherlands, Germany and Scotland. Nomanslanding premiered in Darling Harbour Sydney (2015) and travelled to Duisburg Germany (2015) and Glasgow Scotland (2017).Water and the history of industry and transportation in the first World War link the three sites. Water is the physical and metaphoric driver of the Nomanslanding concept and design. Water becomes the symbolic space between life and death.

A floating white dome within a square charred timber frame is split in two. After the audience has entered, it slowly draws together across the ‘nomansland’ water to unite the two sides in a shared lament performed within the ‘whispering’ acoustic space.

艺术家:Jennifer Turpin, Turpin Crawford Studio, Nigel Helyer, Robyn Backen(澳大利亚);Andre Dekker, Observatorium (荷兰),Graham Eatough (苏格兰)。
客户:悉尼港前滨管理局、Kunste Ruhr、格拉斯哥人寿
策展人:Michael Cohen(澳大利亚),Katja Assman(德国),Lorenzo Mele(苏格兰)。
音乐合作者:Ben Fink(澳大利亚),Cora Schmeiser(德国)
摄影:Ian Hobbs Media & Rainer Schlautmann
Artists: Jennifer Turpin, Turpin Crawford Studio, Nigel Helyer, Robyn Backen (Australia); Andre Dekker, Observatorium – (Netherlands), Graham Eatough(Scotland).
Date of Completion: 2015
Dimensions: 10m dia dome, two 50 metre long walkways, two 7 x 3 metre tents on 2 floating steel pontoons
Materials: plywood dome, charred timber slatted outer frame, rubber floatation bladders, timber walkways, x-army tents, pontoon.
Locations: Darling Harbour, Sydney, Eisenbahnhafen Duisberg-Ruhrort Germany, Tramway Theatre, Scotland
Commissioning Clients: Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, Urbane Kunste Ruhr, Glasgow Life
Curators: Michael Cohen (Australia), Katja Assman (Germany) Lorenzo Mele (Scotland).
Musical collaborators: Ben Fink (Australia), Cora Schmeiser (Germany)
Photography: Ian Hobbs Media & Rainer Schlautmann
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