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CLB Architects:​画笔住宅就像其周围的森林一样自发地演变着,证明了深思熟虑的设计具有长久的生命力。该项目位于怀俄明州杰克逊市郊外一片斑驳的杨树林中,树屋般的设计重新调整了居住者在大自然中的位置,使他们更加亲密无间地生活在一起。在 CLB 的悉心维护下,该住宅在过去二十年里经过精心设计与改造,实现了一系列优雅的迭代,以适应该地不断变化的居民。

CLB Architects:Evolving as deliberately as the forest which surrounds it, the Paintbrush Residence stands as testament to the longevity of thoughtful design. Situated in a dappled Aspen grove outside Jackson, Wyoming, the treehouse-like project reorients the occupant to their place in nature, bringing them into a closer, more intimate cohabitation. Under CLB’s care, the home has been carefully crafted and recrafted over the past two decades in a series of graceful iterations which support the site’s shifting inhabitants.


​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman


2003 年,CLB 首次完成了这座 2400 平方英尺的住宅设计,它跨越了空间和预算的限制,坐落在一个风景如画、可建面积狭小的场地上。业主希望住宅能让居住者沉浸在大自然中,家,并要求住宅足够轻盈与透气,而这正是当地现存的 20 世纪 70 年代的黑暗小屋所缺少的。CLB 通过模块化组件和加工细节重新诠释了建筑的形式,强化了其乡土特征,并结合了氧化钢和雪松等缓慢风化的材料,试图渲染一个轻盈的结构,它将随着时间的推移而微妙地变化——逐渐成为景观中的一个有机体。

Initially completed by CLB in 2003, the 2,400 square-foot home straddles both spatial and budgetary constraints on a picturesque site with a small buildable area. The owner wanted a home which would immerse the occupant in nature, calling for a lightness and porosity that was missing from the dark 1970s-era cabin which existed on site. Rearticulating vernacular forms through modular components and machined details, and incorporating slow-weathering materials such as oxidized steel and cedar, CLB sought to render a structure that would sit lightly and change subtly over time – an organic object within the landscape.


​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman



The residence’s design upends the public-to-private relationships of a traditional home, positioning the kitchen, master bedroom, and living room on the upper level nestled within Aspen canopy. The airy and light-filled volume is revealed dramatically at the top of the stairs, when the occupant finally “emerges” into the treetops. A cantilevered, cedar-clad projection from the second level further extends the immersion, allowing daily activities to coexist within expansive views of the outdoors. A continuous band of glazed clerestories demarcate the high ceilings from exterior walls and filter sunlight into the interior. On the lower level, a guest bedroom and entry area sit close to the hillside, flooded with light by the expansive, two-story window which lines the main stairwell.


​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman


该住宅建成 20 年后,其管理权被移交给了一位新业主,他从住宅简朴的材料、简约的细节设计和令人回味的光线质量中找到了灵感,希望在现有设计语言的基础上对住宅进行更新,于是写信给 CLB,请他们重新审视这个项目。新的设计保留了原有的结构姿态,同时以精巧的细节和温暖、触感自然的饰面刷新了更耐磨的空间和表面。

Twenty years after its original construction, the home’s care was transferred to a new owner who found inspiration in its humble materials, minimalist detailing, and evocative light quality. Seeking to update the home in its existing design language, the new owner wrote a letter to CLB asking them to revisit the project. The new design works within the decisive structural gestures of the original, while refreshing harder-wearing spaces and surfaces with finely-crafted details and warm, tactile, natural finishes.


​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman



Updated elements were fabricated and constructed through modular and machined techniques similar to those used in the original iteration. The team worked closely with the client to select an elevated palette of materials, prioritizing durability and a play of textures. In the kitchen, white oak cabinetry modules are framed by powder-coated steel to mimic the home’s structurally expressive exterior, and a reinvented island allows for easy entertaining.


​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman



The master bathroom reverses the original plan, positioning the bathtub near the window and wrapping the ceiling and walls in tile and warm wood finishes.


​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman



The honesty of each material and connection is brought to the surface in an echo of the original, from expressed screw heads to machined cabinet elements. Drawing from the past and opening up new possibilities for the future, the home’s design embraces its process and the specifics of its place.


​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman
​© Matthew Millman


▽设计图纸 Design drawing

© CLB Architects
© CLB Architects
© CLB Architects
© CLB Architects




项目名称:Paintbrush Residence​
设计公司:CLB Architects
摄影:Matthew Millman

Project Name: Paintbrush Residence
Location: Jackson, Wyoming
Design Firm: CLB Architects
Photography: Matthew Millman




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