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Thanks spaceworkers for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by spaceworkers.



spaceworkers:This project transcends the limits of simple physical construction. It is a philosophical manifestation that seeks to establish a harmonious dialogue between humans, nature, and architecture. The central idea of this project is the pursuit of essence, purity of elements, and simplicity.


© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra



The composition of pure volumes reveals a kind of modernist and minimalist “quotation,” where each element has a precise purpose and contributes to the beauty and functionality of the space. The relationship with the surroundings and the garden is essential to this proposal, as it aims to integrate humans with the natural environment, creating a perfect symbiosis between architecture and the exterior.


▽建筑结构生成示意 GIF

© spaceworkers
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra



The large glass windows play a crucial role in this relationship. They both enclose the space, creating a sense of protection and security, and extend it to the exterior, allowing nature and light to freely permeate, establishing an intimate connection between the interior and the exterior.


© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra



The two enclosed blocks house the programmed functions of services and guest support. The seemingly heavy concrete roof defies gravity by balancing on the base volumes and a tangential vertical element, functioning as a pillar/compositional element that supports the entire structure.


© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra



This roof, a concrete grid with glass openings, explores a transcendental dimension by bringing the sky into the architecture, thereby contributing to making an apparently heavy element light.


© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra



At the end, the project can be summarized by its ultimate purpose: to be a stage for the events that will take place there. It is an architecture that attempts to transcend matter, inviting users to experience simplicity, purity, and integration with the nature, which are the fundamental elements here.


© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra
© Fernando Guerra


▽平面图纸  Plan

© spaceworkers
© spaceworkers
© spaceworkers


▽立面图纸  Facade

© spaceworkers
© spaceworkers
© spaceworkers
© spaceworkers


▽剖面图纸  Section

© spaceworkers
© spaceworkers





面积:490 平方米
地址:葡萄牙 Paredes
摄影:Fernando Guerra

财务总监:carla duarte – cfo
主要建筑师:henrique marques、rui dinis
建筑师:Marco Santos、Inês Pinto、Adriana Pacheco、Filipe Torre、Joana Leitão、Fred Delgado、Tiago Maciel

Project Name: Pavilion in the Garden
Project: hospitality
Project Year: 2020 – 2022
Size: 490m2
Address: Paredes – Portugal
Client: Private
Author: spaceworkers®
Photography: Fernando Guerra

Interior Design: spaceworkers
Website: http://www.spaceworkers.pt/
Financial director: carla duarte – cfo
Principal architects: henrique marques | architect
rui dinis | architect
Architects: Marco Santos | architect
Inês Pinto | architect
Adriana Pacheco | architect
Filipe Torre | architect
Joana Leitão | architect
Fred Delgado | architect
Tiago Maciel | architect



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