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Thanks Naso for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Naso.
Naso:该项目位于墨西哥南部伊达尔戈州(Hidalgo)Tepeji del Río,是占地 75000 平方米的景观项目中的三座特色建筑之一。泳池馆由五组平行排列且相互联系的元素组成:喷泉、可居住的墙体空间、门廊、游泳池以及哈哈墙(ha-ha wall),各元素之间的平衡关系构成了泳池亭的基本特征。
Naso:The pool pavilion is one of three architectural features within our 75000 m2 landscape project located in Tepeji del Río, Hidalgo, Mexico. The identity of the pool pavilion is built upon a balanced relationship between five parallel, integrated elements: fountain, inhabitable wall, portico, pool and ha-ha wall.

The fountain is surrounded by dense and diverse vegetation. It accentuates the entrance to the pool pavilion through the inhabitable wall, acting as the center of the vestibule.

The inhabitable wall enables privacy while discretely blending in with the landscape as a whole.

Within the stonewall lie the bathroom and the storage area. These two enclosed spaces are connected by small scale stone courtyards that allow integration of natural daylight and ventilation.

The concrete portico functions as a terrace, it contains the main leisure programme. It serves as the link between the habitable area and the surrounding landscape.

The pool is located between the portico and the ha-ha wall, a critical component which visually integrates the cattle area within the pool area.
There is an intentional tension between the pool and the ha-ha wall. Its purpose is to orchestrate distinct sensations in harmony with unobstructed views between user and landscape.
▽畜牧区 Animal husbandry area

▽哈哈墙 ha-ha wall

▽泳池亭建筑细节 Architectural details of Pool Pavilion

▽令人感到亲密而和谐的空间关系 An intimate and harmonious spatial relationship

▽场地平面图 Site Plan

▽平面图 Plan

▽总平面分析图 Masterplan

▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▽立面图 Elevation

▽哈哈墙 ha-ha wall

设计团队:Patricio Aldrett、Julia Ruiz – Cabello、Beatriz Kretschmer、José Ignacio Vargas
景观设计:与 Silvia Tron 合作
施工团队:Fernando Paramo、Robert Payne
摄影:José Ignacio Vargas
Project Name: Pool Pavilion / Pabellón de Alberca
Site Location: Estado de México, México
Site: 7500 m2
Construction period: 2022 – 2023
Architecture Office: Naso
Web page: naso.mx
Instagram: @nasomx
E-mail: hola@naso.mx
Office Country: México
Design Team: Patricio Aldrett, Julia Ruiz – Cabello, Beatriz Kretschmer, José Ignacio Vargas
Landscape Design: Collaboration with Silvia Tron
Construction Team: Fernando Paramo, Robert Payne
Photography: José Ignacio Vargas
“ 在自然中静享空间,感受无限亲密而和谐的体验。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: Naso