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Turf Design Studio:悉尼公园在过去20年里成功将工业棕地和垃圾填埋场旧址转变为44公顷的公园用地,并成为了悉尼东南部蓬勃发展的社区的重要资产。
Turf Design Studio:Much has been achieved over the past two decades in transforming the Sydney Park site from its industrial and landfill legacy, into 44 hectares of parkland and a vital asset for the growing communities of Sydney’s south east.

The project is part of City of Sydney’s Decentralised Water Master Plan (2012-2030), specifically focused on reducing the City’s potable water demand by 10% before 2030. It is the City’s largest water harvesting project to date, built in partnership with the Australian Government and seizing a once in a lifetime opportunity to use what was essentially an infrastructure project to breathe new life into the park – as a vibrant recreation and environmental asset for Sydney.

悉尼市政府邀请Turf Design Studio和Environmental Partnership团队参与到项目之中,精心策划了一场设计、艺术、科学和生态学多学科交叉的—— “圆桌会议”,这促进了水资源专家Alluvium、艺术工作室Turpin Crawford studio、生态咨询公司Dragonfly Environmental、工程师Partridge和悉尼当地景观设计师之间的对话。项目团队和客户意识到,这需要一个高度协同的设计团队来充分抓住项目和场地提供的机遇。
City of Sydney engaged a design team led by landscape architects Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership who orchestrated a multi-disciplinary collaboration weaving together design, art, science and ecology. The resulting ‘roundtable’ facilitated a shared design dialogue between water experts Alluvium, artists Turpin + Crawford Studio, ecologists Dragonfly Environmental, engineers Partridge and the City’s own Landscape Architects. The team and client recognised that a fully integrated and collaborative design environment was required to fully realise the opportunities presented by the project and the site.

该项目的三个主要目标 The project had three key objectives
Water Management: Effectively harvesting urban waste water, improving water quality and reducing potable water consumption.

Place for People、Landscape and Habitat: A park that enriches all who use it, be robust and authentic and provide a place for living, learning and just ‘being’. Enhance the landscape setting, recreational opportunities, environmental amenity and habitat value.

Interpretation: Uncover and express the park’s water story through design and artful influences.

Ricky Ricardo表示:”这是一个可以增强和促进自然演替过程的大型生态系统,能够提供远超眼前可见利益的环境效益。重要的是,该项目设法将自然、文化、社区和城市基础设施结合起来,以加强人与自然之间的密切联系”。
“This is a vast working ecology, augmenting and celebrating the processes of nature to deliver environmental benefits that stretch far beyond what is immediately visible. Importantly, this project manages to strengthen the connection between people and nature by bringing nature, culture, community and infrastructure together in the city.” –Ricky Ricardo, ‘Waste Not, Want Not’, Landscape Architecture Australia, May 2016.

After an intensive period of ‘easing in’, the water re-use project is now fully operational and intrinsically merged in its park setting. The bio-retention wetlands not only captures and cleans the measure of 340 Olympic-sized swimming pools worth, but it tells a water story through its visible ebbs and flows. The park’s fauna and flora is thriving, with new habitats created and existing ones protected and enhanced throughout the park. Fundamentally, the project is educating the community about the importance of urban water management and the interdependent nature of our urban and natural environments.
▼与公园融为一体 The water re-use project is merged in its park setting

地点:澳大利亚 悉尼
设计团队:City of Sydney、Turf Design Studio、Environmental Partnership、Alluvium、Dragonfly Environmental、Turpin + Crawford Studio
图片来源:Ethan Rohloff Photography、Simon Wood Photography、Adam Hunter、Sara Reilly、Paul Patterson、Instagrammer ‘framedbychris’
Project Name: Sydney Park Water Re-Use Project
Location: Sydney, Australia
Area: 16000 m²
Year: 2015
Design team: City of Sydney, Turf Design Studio, Environmental Partnership, Alluvium, Dragonfly Environmental, Turpin + Crawford Studio
Photographs: Ethan Rohloff Photography, Simon Wood Photography, Adam Hunter, Sara Reilly, Paul Patterson, Instagrammer ‘framedbychris’
“ 多学科合作的水资源再利用工程实现了城市水资源管理、人性化场所营造、水的艺术诠释三大主要目标。”
审稿编辑: Simin
更多 Read more about: Turf Design Studio + Environmental Partnership