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DDON笛东:西上太白峰,夕阳穷登攀。 太白与我语,为我开天关。

DDON: West Taibai peak, sunset poor climbing. Taibai Mountain speaks to me, for me to open the door.


▽项目视频 Video


太白山唐镇 • 瑞斯丽温泉度假酒店位于中国秦岭最高峰太白山北麓,太白山既有去天三百里高耸云天的雄伟气势,又有西汤峪高山流水的绵延起伏,原始森林下天池大爷海、千年凤汤泉交融相依,行止间不仅能感受到横空出世的波澜壮阔,又能沉浸于汤泉溪谷的自然静谧。

我们从原始自然资源为灵感切入点,提取属地独具代表性的”山河湖林泉“为基底元素打造西北地区首个 “新唐风温泉度假酒店”,我们希冀到访游客的感受不止是好看还更具内涵,真正做到沐身栖心回归自然, 像唐诗一样的生活。

Taibai Mountain Tang Town Swisstouch Spa Resort hotel is located at the northern foot of Taibai Mountain, the highest peak in China’s Qinling Mountains. Taibai Mountain not only has the majestic atmosphere of towering sky for 300 miles, but also has the rolling rolling water of Xitangyu Mountain. Under the pristine forest, Tianchi Dadye Sea and thousands of years of phoenix soup spring blend together, you can not only feel the magnificence of the world, but also immerse in the natural tranquility of Tangquan Valley.

We take the original natural resources as the inspiration point, extract the unique representative “mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and springs” as the base elements to create the first “new Tang style hot spring Resort Hotel” in Northwest China. We hope that the feeling of visitors is not only beautiful but also more connotation, and truly soak up the body and mind to return to nature, like the life of Tang poetry.


▽太白山自然风貌Taibai Mountain natural scenery


回归自然,不一样的温泉度假酒店 Return to nature, not the same hot spring resort hotel

坐拥太白山自然风貌 + 新唐风凤汤文化的温泉酒店应该是什么样?

仁者乐山,智者乐水,不下堂筵,坐穷泉壑; 中国传统的人居理想一直是建筑与自然的交融模式,新唐风正是当代文化复兴的诗意表达。太白山唐镇作为千亩温泉度假康养小镇,承载着东方康养人居的至美向往,“温泉岛”片区作为唐镇核心 版块希望于此再现盛唐后花园凤泉沐汤文化,远离都市尘嚣,获得全然的放松……

What should a hot spring hotel with the natural style of Taibai Mountain + new Tang Feng Feng Tang culture look like?

The benevolent Leshan, the wise happy water, not the house banquet, sit poor spring Gully;The traditional Chinese ideal of human settlement has always been the blending mode of architecture and nature, and the new Tang style is the poetic expression of contemporary cultural Renaissance. Taibai Mountain Tang Town as a thousand acres of hot spring resort health town, carrying the Oriental health of living yearning for the beauty, “Warm spring Island” as the core of Tang town hopes to reproduce the Tang garden Fengquan soup culture, away from the urban bustle, get a total relaxation…


▽项目航拍图 Aerial photo of the project


设计延续中国传统园林叠山理水的造园手法对场地进行解构与重组,结合温泉运营逻辑进行空间规划落位, 萃取新唐风的”古拙精巧”融贯于营造之中。最终以“岛屿山行”为空间线索,将沐汤体验融于游山玩水之间, 创造出独属于太白山唐镇的温泉康养产品。


The design continues to deconstruct and reorganize the site by the gardening technique of traditional Chinese gardens, combines the operation logic of hot springs to carry out spatial planning, and extracts the “primitive and exquisite” of the new Tang style into the construction. Finally, with the “island mountain travel” as a spatial clue, the experience of bathing soup is integrated between the mountains and rivers, creating a unique spring health care product belonging to Taibai Mountain Tang Town.

Standing in Taibai, return to nature: on the wilderness, in the mountain spring, between Mu Tang…


▽远观太白 Far view of Taibai

▽回归自然Return to nature


01 寻梦太白,无界旷野之上 The dream is Mount Taibai, the boundless wilderness

五棵松作为案名背景拉进了太白山与唐镇的亲切感。 从小镇入口穿过仪式阙楼,林荫大道延续到酒店入口,通过路径的转换,以原生景墙结合三块”立、卧、探” 老山石开启酒店序章,唤起人们对于自然原始的感知和向往。

Five pine trees as the background of the case name, draws into the intimacy of Taibai Mountain and Tang Town. From the entrance of the town through the ceremony tower, the boulevard continues to the entrance of the hotel. Through the transformation of the path, the original landscape wall combined with three “standing, lying and exploring” old rocks open the prologue of the hotel, arousing people’s perception and yearning for the natural primitive.


▽门厅下华灯初上,大唐风采跃然纸上。The light under the hall was on, and the Tang style appeared on the paper


无界旷野之上,一边是唐镇一边是太白山,在晨昏昼夜之中,于悠然天地之间,或热闹非凡、或静默品茗, 不变的是被自然包裹后的松弛感,不觉间吟出”久在樊笼里,复得返自然”。

On the boundless wilderness, one side is Tang town on the other side is Taibai Mountain, in the morning and night, between the leisurely heaven and earth, or lively, or silent tea, the same is the relaxed feeling after being wrapped by nature, unconsciously chanting “long in the cage, return to nature”.


▽夜幕之下,户外露营 party 刚刚开启,亲与自然不言而喻。Under the night, the outdoor camping party has just opened, and the affinity and nature are self-evident

▽曲径通幽,灯火阑珊处便是旋转大堂迎接四方沐客。The winding path is quiet, and the lights are dim, which is the rotating lobby to greet tourists.


02 回敬自然,山澜林台之中;Return to nature, in the mountains and forests;

从室内过渡到室外,大堂、茶亭、会馆一字排开奠定唐风园林的气势感,逐渐过渡到两翼岛屿,大气磅礴 而又不失自然韵味。开场便是豁然开朗的中心湖面,崇台茶亭、流水观澜一气呵成。访客等候区透过精致 玻璃幕可以看到一副山水画卷循序打开。

From the indoor transition to the outdoor, the lobby, tea pavilion and guild hall line up to lay the momentum of the Tang style garden, and gradually transition to the two wings of the island, majestic and without losing the natural charm. The opening is the central lake suddenly bright, Chongtai tea pavilion, water in one go. Visitors waiting area through the exquisite glass screen can see a landscape scroll open step by step.


▽叠山理水,或悬瀑或深潭或高山流水曲水婉转,无不述说着古韵与自然。Overlapping mountains and rivers, or hanging waterfalls or deep pools or high mountains and rivers, all tell the ancient rhyme and nature.


▽乌桕林下崇台茶亭既是品茗休闲又是相约集会场所。Under the Chinese tallow forest, Chongtai tea pavilion is both tea leisure and meeting places.

▽平桥卧波,雕栏玉砌,桥头的自然山石也在慢慢生长起来。Flat bridge lying wave, carved fence jade building, bridge head of the natural rocks are also slowly growing up.

▽精工细作,一盏灯一座桥,石木营造彰显古拙精巧Exquisite workmanship, a lamp a bridge, stone and wood to create a display of simplicity.


综合泳池区借鉴大爷海形态,以考究的无边满溢手法打造厚重的精致感,结合西侧的山地汤泉、高山跌瀑 形成氛围的对比。泳池与潭水的隐形衔接,构造出一副在山瀑下畅游的场景,山上山下看与被看皆是不同的山水画面,空间也因此多了些纬度与自然气质。

The comprehensive swimming pool area draws on the form of Dadye Sea, and creates a heavy sense of refinement with the exquisite boundless overflowing technique, combining with the mountain spring and mountain waterfall on the west side to form a contrast of atmosphere. The invisible connection between the pool and the pool creates a scene of swimming under the mountain waterfall, and the mountain and the mountain are different landscape pictures, and the space is therefore more latitude and natural temperament.


▽堆山溪涧与自然种植的咬合关系。The occlusion relationship between mountain stream and natural planting.

▽曲路婉转随心而动,墨绿的林荫道是北方游园最自然的体验。The winding road twists and turns to follow one’s heart, and the dark green avenue is the most natural experience of the northern garden.

▽老石环绕花木丛生,既有北方老桩石榴的粗犷厚重,又有南方雨打芭蕉的细腻风情,不变的是东方意境。The old stone is surrounded by flowers and trees, both the rough and heavy pomegranate of the old pile in the north, and the delicate customs of the rain in the south, the same is the Eastern artistic conception.


03 寻真自我,沐身栖心之间;Find the true self, soak up the body between the heart;

曲线无边汤池结合扇形服务会馆给沐汤者最大的观山视线,俯瞰下来如一块碧玉无声融入周边的自然形态 之中。汤池处于半山之巅,上下蹊道与植物交织咬合,或遮或展皆为了观赏者的最佳视线。

The curved infinity pool combined with the fan-shaped service hall gives the largest view of the mountain to the masher, overlooking it like a piece of jasper silently integrated into the surrounding natural form. The soup pool is at the top of the mountain, and the upper and lower groin and plants intertwine, or cover or display for the best sight of the viewer.


▽综合动力汤池与植物交织呼应,去边界化形成自然的半隐私空间。The integrated power pool is interwoven with the plants, de-boundary and form a natural semi-private space.


俯瞰林影温泉区,圆形互动汤池、心形理疗汤池、局部覆盖圆形穹顶,隐于周边自然林荫之间,好似大珠 小珠落玉盘。汤池衔接置石,在红枫旁一组躺椅好不惬意,品味自然寻真自我。

Overlooking the Linying hot spring area, the circular interactive pool, the heart-shaped physiotherapy pool, the partial coverage of the circular dome, hidden between the surrounding natural shade, like a large pearl. The soup pool is connected with the stone, and a group of reclining chairs next to the red maple is not comfortable, and the taste of nature is to find the true self.


▽情侣泳池呼应“凤翎”形态,采用半拱遮阳藤架满足隐私的同时更好的营造出亲密的氛围感。The pool for lovers echoes the form of “phoenix wing”, and uses a semi-arch sunshade pergola to satisfy the privacy and better create an intimate atmosphere.

▽乌桕树下红枫桥旁,结合以乌篷船形态的浮水汤池,自然形成一幅“枫桥夜泊、客船沐汤”的景象。By the red maple Bridge under the Chinese tallow tree, combined with a floating soup pool shaped like a black tallow boat, it naturally creates a scene of “Maple Bridge moored at night and passenger ships bathing in the soup”.

▽叠瀑溪涧环绕山地汤池,烟岚雾霭之中感受西汤峪高山流水的绵延起伏。Cascading waterfalls and streams surround the mountain soup pool, and feel the rolling ups and downs of the high mountain water at Xitangyu in the smoke haze

▽户外定制家具契合场地功能体验,彰显酒店品质与氛围细节。Outdoor custom furniture fits the functional experience of the site, highlighting the hotel’s quality and atmosphere details

▽深黑墨绿的基底,一盏明灯让沐汤者心生光明、感受被自然包裹的松弛与舒适。Deep black and dark green base, a light to soak up the heart of the light, feel the relaxation and comfort wrapped by nature.


设计幕后关于“叠山理水”营造的叙述表达;Behind the scenes of the design, the narrative expression of the construction of “overlapping mountains and rivers”;

采用叠山理水来营造景观,这一切的源头正是 22# 馆北侧首开区域的山行蹊道,当面对超大高差又 缺少进深消化竖向的时候,“峰回路转”堆山叠石再造一座山路完美化解场地难题。

面对尺度竖向功能更复杂的户外温泉,我们顺理延续了传统造园的手法,融汇度假酒店经营功能于山水之中, 不止追求新唐风美学的营造,更是对太白山在地文化的一种无声表达……

The use of stacked mountains and water to create landscape, the source of all this is the mountain groin in the first area on the north side of the 22# pavilion. When facing the huge height difference and the lack of deep digestion vertical, “peak return” pile mountains and stacked stones to recreate a mountain road to perfectly solve the site problem.

In the face of outdoor hot springs with more complex scale and vertical functions, we continue the traditional gardening techniques and integrate the management functions of the resort hotel into the landscape, not only pursuing the construction of the new Tang style aesthetics, but also a silent expression of the local culture of Taibai Mountain…



设计最初的灵感来自于场地空间“岛”的属性,至今参与设计及营造者还是习惯性的称她为“温泉岛”, 因此景观规划呼应“岛”的天然属性利用自然溪水划分出“一池三山”形态格局,再结合场地自然高差打 造出“岛屿山行”为空间体验,虽由人作、宛自天开。

The original inspiration of the design comes from the property of the site space “island”, so far the participants in the design and construction are still accustomed to call it “hot spring island”, so the landscape planning echoes the natural property of “island” and uses natural streams to divide the pattern of “one pool and three mountains”, and then combines the natural height difference of the site to create “island mountain walking” as a space experience, although it is made by people, it is not opened by nature.




Let a wilderness island into a new Tang Feng hot spring resort experienced more than a thousand days and nights, all from the endless love, and expectations…




From the site formation to the landing presentation, the professional lines have been continuously crossed for three years, the highest staffing, the most on-site service, just to really leave a Mu Tang Qi heart place with both humanistic marks and natural customs in Taibai Mountain…


▽施工过程 Construction process

▽生长与呈现 Growth and presentation



项目名称:太白山唐镇 • 瑞斯丽温泉度假酒店
景观面积:34000 ㎡
景观摄影:超越视觉 刘聪

Project: Taibai Mountain Tang Town • Swisstouch Spa Resort hotel
Location: Taibai Mountain, Shaanxi Province
Owner Unit: Tianlang Group
Area: 34000 ㎡
Year of Completion: 2023.07
Landscape Design: DDON Planning and Design Co., Ltd.
Construction: Shaanxi Luohan Ecological Environment Construction Co., LTD.
Photographer: Liu Cong (SecondNature)
Video :wisstouch Hotel Management Group




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