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Thanks Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects.
Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects:特拉维夫中央海滨步道自20世纪30年代后期建成以来,为这座年轻的包豪斯城市与其海岸建立重要联系发挥了关键作用。而在建成之前,这条滨水人行道仅仅充当了城市和海洋的边界。
Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects:Since its construction in the late 1930s, the central beach promenade of the young Bauhaus city of Tel Aviv has played a key role in establishing the vital connection between the city and its shore. However, in all of its prior phases, this elevated boardwalk acted as a border between the city and the sea.

▼项目视频 Video
The newly renovated 2.5 kilometer stretch of continuous urban space radically rewrites this relationship, introducing seating-terraces and ramps which facilitate free and unmediated flows from street level to the sandy beaches.
▼场地历史沿革 History of the site

▼改造前后对比图 Before – After
The resulting singular ‘in-between’ space fuses city and sea, becoming the backdrop of a colorful, new urban culture – where spontaneous bands of acrobats, backgammon players, joggers and many more have turned the promenade into their common social platform.

▼市民在平台座椅上休憩 A leisure space for citizens to rest

Moreover as part of the conceptual hybrid between building and landscape, the formerly disused rooftops of the beach cafes were redesigned as continuous part of the promenade and transformed into public urban terraces and lively meeting points.

▼咖啡屋屋顶 Roof of the beach cafes

As the leading public space of the entire metropolitan area and the most visited public space in Israel, the promenade became a media icon during COVID-19 and featured as the barometer of outdoor urban life.

Within its dense and complex context, the project’s generous gesture of hospitality welcomes all, creating a highly multicultural and heterogeneous space which aims to inspire free spirit and optimism along Tel Aviv’s waterfront.

▼特拉维夫中央海滨步道总平面图 General Plan of Tel Aviv’s Central Promenade
▼弗里什曼-布格肖夫步道部分平面图 Plan of Frishman-Bugrshov Segment of the Promenade
▼咖啡馆房顶改造剖面图 Section – beach cafes
▼剖面图 Section
▼剖面设计图 Section design drawings
景观公司:Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects
首席建筑师: MKR partners
设计团队:MKR partners & team
客户: Tel Aviv Municipality via Atarim Group
图片来源:Omer Messinger, Guy Cohen, Elad Gonen, Aviad Bar Ness, Uro Serfaty, Mayslits Kassif
Project name: Tel Aviv’s Central Promenade Renewal
Completion Year: 2018
Size: land area – 150,000 ㎡; beach buildings – 3,500 ㎡
Project location: Tel Aviv, Israel
Landscape Firm: Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects
Website: www.mkarchitects.com
Contact e-mail: info@mkarchitects.com
Lead Architects: MKR partners
Design Team: MKR partners & team
Clients: Tel Aviv Municipality via Atarim Group
Photo credits: Omer Messinger, Guy Cohen, Elad Gonen, Aviad Bar Ness, Uro Serfaty, Mayslits Kassif
更多 Read more about: Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects