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Thanks NOIZ architekti for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by NOIZ architekti.
NOIZ architekti:该别墅项目位于墨西哥尤卡坦半岛图卢姆市附近的茂密森林中。建筑本身将场地分为两部分——别墅前面是森林区域,后面是低矮的植被区域,同时也是该地区的自然景观——加勒比花园。因此,地块上的绿化体现了当地的特色,但建筑本身却不同于当地建筑。尽管如此,它的设计还是尽可能地尊重当地的条件和气候。
NOIZ architekti: The project of a villa in Mexico is situated in dense forests near the city of Tulum on the Yucatan Peninsula. Part of the natural local vegetation also penetrates the land. Site is divided into two parts by the building itself – in front of the villa there is a forest zone and behind it a zone of lower vegetation, but also natural for the area – the Caribbean garden. The greenery on the plot is therefore characteristic of the place, but the architecture itself differs from the local one. Nevertheless, it is designed to respect local conditions and climate as much as possible.

▽花园中的泳池 Swimming Pool in Caribbean Garden

The construction of the floor is raised above the level of the existing terrain by means of load-bearing walls so as to allow natural ventilation under the house. The same principle is used in the construction of the roof, which is laid on five massive concrete beams. The space between the beams allows controlled ventilation by the prevailing winds from the nearby sea.

High humidity and a lot of sun are characteristic of this place, so in addition to ventilation, it was necessary to ensure enough shade so that the house does not overheat indoors and at the same time offers enough living space in the shade outdoors.
From the side of the Caribbean garden – on its level, there is a large covered terrace – “outdoor living room”, which constitutes about a third of the house. The terrace can be closed with sliding walls with nets and thus protect the inhabitants from insects.
▽“户外客厅” Outdoor living room

Glass sliding walls line the interior from two main sides – they replaced the front and rear facade. Thanks to this solution, the whole space is variable – the boundaries between the interior and the exterior are lost. In the main glass area there are generous rooms – living room with kitchen and bedroom.
▽客厅 Living room

▽开放式厨房 Open kitchen

▽卧室外部 Exterior of the bedroom

▽卧室内部 Inside the bedroom

The load-bearing walls were minimized – the stone load-bearing system consists of two walls – the side perimeter walls and the parallel core of the house, which also surrounds the masonry walls. The core hides functions – wardrobe, hygiene – bathroom for the owner and a toilet and laundry accessible from the exterior.
▽淋浴间 Bathroom for the owner

The villa was designed with maximum regard to the location and of course the comfort of the owner. There is a swimming pool located in the middle of the Caribbean garden behind the building, or a tower, which is an important part of the architecture itself. The stairs in the tower, bring one to the roof, where a platform for practicing yoga is created, or even a floor higher, to the very top of the tower with a view of the endless Mexican forests.
▽塔楼 The tower

▽建筑轴侧图 Axonometry

▽项目场地平面图 Site plan

▽建筑楼层平面图 Floor plan

▽建筑剖面图 Section

项目类型:Family house
地点:墨西哥 金塔纳罗奥州图卢姆
项目设计:NOIZ architekti
设计团队:Samuel Zeman, Andrej Šabo
结构工程/现场和项目管理:Yasushi Itami, aZen design and construction
照片:Pol Rodriguez
Project name: VILLA TULUM
Project type: Family house
Location of site: Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Year: 2022
Built-up area: 216.5 m2
Useful area: 189 m2
Land area: 1,600 m2
Project by: NOIZ architekti
Design team: Samuel Zeman, Andrej Šabo
Structure engineering/ site and project management: Yasushi Itami, aZen design and construction
Photos: Pol Rodriguez
“ 设计尊重当地气候和环境条件,在建筑设计和结构上打破传统,保证了建筑的良好通风,提升了居住的舒适度。”
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