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本色营造:北京中关村大街城市客厅项目是中关村大街沿线两侧户外公共空间(从道路边界到产权边界)的一体化提升改造。其中,一期工程已于近日完工,并向社会开放。场地位于海淀区中关村南大街西侧市政绿化空间中,全长约1公里,南起魏公村地铁站,北至三环四通桥。在建设主体单位 – 中关村大街建设发展有限公司的统筹管理协调下,Instinct Fabrication作为总体设计顾问,将原有陈旧破损,功能单一,割裂交通的绿化带,焕新为集慢行,生态,社交,智慧于一体的市民友好公共空间。
Instinct Fabrication:The Beijing Zhongguancun Avenue Urban Belt Park Renovation Project transformed an outdated inaccessible streetside green buffer into a pedestrian-friendly, ecological, social public space. The first phase of the project has been completed in the end of 2022, connecting multiple properties of various usage in a span of one kilometer.

背景历史 History Background
Zhongguancun Avenue, formerly known as “Baiyi Road”, was the only historic path preserved for the Royals of Qing Dynasty to travel to the Summer Palace. Nowadays, this street is connected with well-known landmarks such as Tsinghua University, National Library of China, Zhongguancun High Tech District, etc. It is not only a street, but also seen as a symbol of wisdom and technology.
▽场地背景历史 Site Background History

改造前现状 Problems before the renovation
1.车行优先,人行被动 – 辅路被车行占据,步行骑行空间变小,加之快递外卖等车辆的大量涌现,慢行体验极差。
2.有绿色基底,而生态不足 – 由于缺乏植栽形式和品种老旧,造成园林景观层次混乱,视线不通畅,大面积的块状绿地,无法发挥任何海绵作用,反而成了生态的阻碍。
3. 空间区隔感强,生活存在感弱 – 场地空间互相割裂,联系性不强,鲜有让人驻足休闲活动的场地,导致其使用率不高。
1. pedestrian didn’t have the right of way and unwalkable space
2. damaged ecology due to undermaintained plantings and old infrastructure.
3. very little occupiable space/programs. lack of integration of culture and history
▽改造前场地现状分析 Site Photo Prior to the Renovation

改造策略 Strategy
The transformation of street space is no longer the traditional improvement of infrastructure, pavement repair, municipal greening, etc. Through the four strategies of “retention, reorganization, series and embedding”, the project replans the system of traffic, plants and functions, making the street attributes more perfect and the sense of life in the block more adequate.
▽设计策略分析 Design Strategy

▽总平面图 Master Plan

重构生态基础 Reconstruction ecology
Bai Yi Lu was once called “a great street made of trees”. The reconstruction design gives priority to the restoration of ecology, forming a cool and pleasant walking experience on the approachable scale, forming a rolling green shade style on the urban scale, and playing the sponge role of green space infiltration, collection and retention on the micro scale to reproduce the original style of the street ecology first.
▽白颐路(现中关村大街)旧貌 The old appearance of Baiyi Road (now Zhongguancun Street)
▽改造后的生态街道 Ecological street after transformation

The original big trees are mostly kept, creating a continuous and undulating green shade at urban street scale while offering a cool and pleasant walking experience at human scale. By descending the planters to the ground level and removing chaotic shrubs, the planting area allows more runoff and rainwater to come in. Therefore, the dysfunctional drainage infrastructure is not easily overloaded anymore.
▽被保留的高大乔木是天然的屏障 The preserved tall trees are natural barriers

▽舒适的林荫空间 Comfortable shaded space

▽林荫树池细节处理 Details of Original Tree Preservation

▽低维护的地被景观 low maintenance ground cover

▽乔木与台地景观形成通透的视觉通廊 Trees and terraced landscape form a transparent visual corridor

重归慢行优先 Prioritize the pedestrian
The parking space along the curb is relocated so that the space along the street, including sidewalks, is returned to bicycles and pedestrians. The introduction of new 3-meter-wide greenway also changed the space from “car-oriented” to “people-oriented”. New seating bench are placed in certain distance to allow pedestrians to have opportunity to take a rest.
▽“以人为本”的慢行系统 “People-oriented” slow traffic system

▽多元化步行空间 Diverse walking spaces

▽骑行绿道 Cycling greenway

重焕街区活力 Weave the scattered pocket space
After the renovation, the original dead pocket spaces in different scales are activated again by inserting a central promenade. The previous inaccessible green space, abandoned squares, dilapidated seats are revitalized in a more modern, simple, and inclusive way. It provides a friendly environment for the surrounding residents, work, entrepreneurship, and shoppers to stay, chill, meet and interact. It not only reconnects the scattered space, but also inspires people’s lifestyle and social vitality.
▽台地式躺椅坐凳,营造丰富的使用功能 Terrace-style reclining chair and stool, creating rich functions

▽更新后的休闲健身空间 The updated leisure and fitness space

▽自然灵动的曲线围合,形成可停留休闲的口袋公园 Pockets spaces are created for leisure and recreation in context of organic green nature

▽数字化投影使步道充满趣味与惊喜 Digital projections bring fun and surprises to the trail

重塑文化特征 Rebuilt the identity
The rebuild of Royal Path reminds the public of the history and the culture of the site.
▽御道印记 Royal Paths

Meanwhile, the integration of advanced technologies such as solar panel recycle bins, sustainable outdoor workstation and interactive lighting fixtures, etc. The project also creates a physical outdoor space to showcase new technology, new products, for high-tech enterprises in the district. These features are able to highlight the identity of Zhongguancun Avenue – innovation.
▽中关村年轮广场 Zhongguancun Avenue Chronicle Plaza

▽重拾场地的历史记忆 Rediscover the historical memory of the venue

▽街道家具&小品&艺术雕塑 Street Furniture & Pieces & Art Sculptures

坚持公众参与,全社会共建共治 public and community involvement
During the design process, we insist that the redesign is for people. Through many surveys, community meetings and other feedbacks, we fully understand the demands of nearby residents, enterprises and scientific research institutes so that at the end, everyone could feel him/herself as a key partner of our living urban environment.
▽公众参与 Public participation

▽更新后的公共空间是人们茶余饭后最喜爱的城市客厅 The renovated public realm becomes the favorite deatination for people nearby,especially after works.

设计公司:Instinct Fabrication 本色营造
设计团队:楼颖、郭玮、刘璧凝、张远涵、刘瑷琳、刘玉凤、高文毅、宋英佳、潘思涵、林岳鸣、胡炜欣、吴宪、Whitney Hoffman
Project name: Zhongguancun Avenue Urban Belt Park (Public Space Renovation and Improvement) Project
Year completed: 2022
Project area: 49,280 square meters
Project location: Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing
Design Company: Instinct Fabrication
Company website: www.instinctfabrication.com
Contact email: info@instinctfabrication.com
Chief Designer: Lou Ying
Design team: Lou Ying, Guo Wei, Liu Binning, Zhang Yuanhan, Liu Ailin, Liu Yufeng, Gao Wenyi, Song Yingjia, Pan Sihan, Lin Yueming, Hu Weixin, Wu Xian, Whitney Hoffman
Client: Beijing Zhongguancun Street Construction and Development Co., LTD
Partners: (construction unit, construction unit, etc.) Beijing Zhiyuan Project construction supervision, Zhongsheng Wan ‘an Construction, host brand creativity
Photographer: Lu Bing
“ 设计在串联空间的同时,也将串联起人们的生活方式和内在活力,让原本无法进入的绿地,废弃的广场,重焕新生,以更现代简约,更人性化,更包容的方式,为周边的社区居民,提供了多元的场地空间。”
审稿编辑 Maggie
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