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Thanks Landscape architecture, School of Architecture, SCUT for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Landscape architecture, School of Architecture, SCUT.
Landscape architecture, School of Architecture, SCUT: This project is the first prize of both design competition and construction in the 2021 Chengdu park city international garden season and the 4th BFU international garden-making week. The project started in January 2021 and took 9 months to complete and open to the public in September 2021 in Chengdu Qinglong Lake Wetland Park after the process of proposal selection, online defense and field construction.
▽花园搭建全过程实录 Video
The overall utilization rate in current bamboo production applications is less than 40%, and the non-standard nature of bamboo and traditional joining methods often define it as a non-modern construction material. Whole bamboo varies in thickness, and traditional applications often use segments of relatively uniform circumference. How to improve the utilization rate of bamboo? It is possible to use it in stages according to the diameter difference.
▽鸟瞰图 Aerial view of the project

Based on the distribution of bamboo section length and circumference with bamboo height, we use the whole bamboo in a splicing way and liberate the traditional bamboo joining method by construction-oriented 3D printed technology. In the future, technology can also benefit the public, and assembly construction will become the trend of bamboo application.
▽项目概览 Overall view

▽平面图 Plan
In terms of morphogenesis, the main structure simulates the natural growth process, and the L-system fractal logic is applied to generate the basic structural units, combined with the bamboo perimeter diameter distribution law for multiple iterations. At the same time, the average diameter of the two ends of each layer is obtained as the connection node morphogenetic parameters, and the raw bamboo segments with different grade differences are connected and adapted through standardized 3D printed nodes.
▽原竹直径分级研究 Study on diameter grading of Protobamboo
▽整体构筑模拟自然向上生长状态 The whole structure simulates the natural upward growth state

In terms of construction materials, the aim is to realize the complete utilization of whole bamboo. The main body is formed by splicing raw bamboo of different circumference in sections, and the top is articulated with swaying bamboo branches. Different types of nodes are printed through PETG and TPU to realize free connection.
▽历代节点形式研究 Exploration of 3D-printed nodes forms
▽节点细部 Node details

我们想要探索的是一种未来的造园方式,当3D 打印逐渐普及,一个普通人也可以成为出色的园艺师,花园不再是属于设计师的馈赠,每个人都是花园的亲历者和缔造者。
What we want to explore is a future way of gardening, when 3D printed gradually becomes popular, an ordinary person can become an excellent horticulturist, the garden is no longer a gift belonging to the gardeners, but everyone is the designer and creator of garden.
▽内部空间 Project overview

▽团队合照 Group photo

▽内部植物 Interior plants

▽历代节点展示 Node Display in history

作为2021年中国成都公园城市暨第四届北林国际花园建造节一等奖作品,本项目现已在中国成都市青龙湖湿地公园建成并向公众开放。在4x4m的花园空间中,3簇竹丛自由地生长, 3D打印节点错落有致,简洁的结构与契合的节点带来力与美的统一。
As the first prize entry of the 2021 Chengdu Park City and the 4th BFU International Garden-making Festival, this project has been completed and opened to the public at Qinglong Lake Wetland Park in Chengdu, China. In the 4x4m garden space, three clusters of bamboo bushes grow freely, 3D printed nodes are staggered, simple structure and fitting nodes bring unity of force and beauty.
▽夜晚的自由地生长 Growing Freely at night

As the sun sets and the stars rise, the lights sway. Spiritual nodes connect people and structures, people and gardens, conveying romance and poetry.
▽手工模型 Manual model

▽搭建过程 Project overview

▽立面图 Elevation
▽构造细节 Construction details
完成年份: 2021年
公司网址: http://www2.scut.edu.cn/architecture/
主创设计师: 罗越
设计团队: 林广思 熊璐 杜宇 戴璐璐 冯宇梁 谢宏立 陈衍臻 黄雯雯 韦灵墨
合作方: 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地
摄影师: 杜宇(华南理工大学建筑学院)、罗越(华南理工大学建筑学院)、2021年成都公园城市国际花园节暨第四届北林国际花园建造节竞赛组委会
Project name: Growing Freely — A 3D printed bamboo garden
Year completed: 2021
Project area :16m2
Location: Chengdu,Qinglong lake wetland park
Design unit: Landscape architecture, School of Architecture, South China University of Technology
Company website: http://www2.scut.edu.cn/architecture/
Lead designer: LuoYue
Design Team: Lin Guangsi, Xiong Lu, Du Yu, Dai Lulu, Feng Yuliang, Xie Hongli, Chen Yanzhen, Huang Wenwen, Wei Lingmo
Customer: Anji Bamboo Realm Bamboo Technology Co.
Partners: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
Photographers: Du Yu (School of Architecture, South China University of Technology), Luo Yue (School of Architecture, South China University of Technology), organizing committee of 2021 Chengdu Park City International Garden Festival and the 4th Beilin International Garden Building Festival Competition
“ 3D打印技术将传统竹材料充分利用起来,模仿树木的生长状态,形成一种新型的造园方式。”
审稿编辑 Ashley Jen
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