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Thanks B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio.
B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio:As a typical picturesque Chinese Jiangnan town, the village of Jijiadun locates about 1.5-hour drive from the central city of Shanghai. With the rapid development of urbanization in China, the problem of rural hollowing-out is becoming increasingly serious.
▼项目鸟瞰视频 Project bird’s eye video
为了激发村子活力,计家墩村依托原有乡村风光,引入文化创意产业,吸引了一批城市来的“新村民”,形成了一个新的乡村理想生活社区。而我们此次的项目–江南半舍民宿,就坐落于此。民宿的位置在村子入口处,基地被一条小河三面环绕,不远处便是农田。In order to revitalize the village, the government of the local rural township invited a team of professionals to re-develop and renovate the village. By introducing the cultural and creative industries into the village while respecting its rural scene and culture, Jijiadun village is attracting “new villagers” from the cities and thus forming a new dynamic rural living community. The project of BAN Villa sits at the entrance of the Jijiadun village. The site is surrounded on three sides by a small river, and there are croplands not far away from the site.
▼场地原貌 The original appearance of the venue
▼整体鸟瞰 Overall bird’s eye view
▼项目鸟瞰 Project bird’s eye view
▼树林包裹的白色建筑 White building wrapped in woods
The design team starts with rethinking the possibilities of the relations between the countryside and the city. The “new villagers” from the cities bring new industries and lifestyles to the village, which helps strengthen the bond between the village and the city. The basic context of the redevelopment of the village sets the tone for the project.
▼区位信息及设计概念 Location information and design concept
▼项目与周边的环境 Project and surrounding environment
The owner of the BAN Villa who grew up in the village hopes to keep a private space for himself in the project so that he can return to the village life when he grows old in the future. In this way, the project is an open and shared home. A small portion of the villa serves as a private residence for the owner, and the rest is an open space shared with guests.
▼民宿模型 Homestay model
▼设计呈现与设计模型高度还原 Design presentation and design model are highly restored
The designers imagine the architecture of the villa as a comfortable space integrated with nature that gently grows from the texture and fabric of traditional Jiangnan watertown. The method is to break up the whole volume into several small-scale architecture and to further establish a new order by arranging and planning. The scattered volumes in an ordered way are spatially independent while interconnected in space. Due to the gaps between the architecture, nature gets the opportunity to penetrate into the interior, blurring the boundary between the inside and outside.
空间设计|Spatial Design
In terms of the overall layout, the main concept is about forming ten independent boxes that are connected in series by a large continuous space. The boxes include public and social functions of restaurants, tearoom, and guest rooms. Meanwhile, these boxes also include private living space for the owner of the villa.
▼俯瞰10个独立的盒子视频 Overlooking 10 independent box videos
▼俯瞰10个独立的盒子 Overlooking 10 independent box
Vertically, the architecture is divided into two layers by a continuous roof plane. And the space of each level provides different sense of experience. On the first floor, guest rooms and main functional spaces are arranged in a staggered form along the riverside to ensure that each room features a good view and necessary privacy.
▼从外面看到的民宿 Homestay seen from the outside
A continuous communal space at this level systematically connects each functional room. The public space serves not only as a corridor, but also an exhibition space and a shared living room, and especially a place for people to meet and communicate. In addition, in order to better integrate with the local environment and introduce natural elements into the interior, the designers put two courtyards and operable skylights in the architecture, which satisfies the daylighting of interior public space while attracting the vitality of nature into the interior.
▼俯瞰民宿二楼景观视频 Video overlooking the second floor of the homestay
▼二楼空间鸟瞰 Aerial view of the second floor space
The space of the second floor appears more open and natural. The ten scattered boxes divided by the continuous large roof look like a small floating village from a distance. The rooms are mutually independent while they are visually related. The floor of the second level is mostly covered by off-white pebbles and an open corridor on the roof connects the mutually independent rooms. Each room on the second floor has a terrace, extending indoor living to the exterior. Overall, the whole villa can be considered as a micro contemporary version of a traditional Jiangnan watertown.
▼二层是连续的共享空间 The second layer is a continuous shared space
▼局部鸟瞰 Partial bird’s eye view
▼天井庭院和天窗的设计满足室内采光 The design of patio courtyard and skylight satisfy indoor lighting
▼交通连廊串联各个独立的建筑体 The traffic corridor connects the independent buildings
The choice of materials for both architecture and the interior responds to the spatial concept and strategy. In terms of the materials of architecture, the designers choose different materials for each level to project different atmosphere. The facade of the ground floor is featured by laminated bamboo since the material integrate itself respectfully with the surroundings, both natural environment and built architecture. Meanwhile, laminated bamboo delivers a warm and relaxing feeling with soft tactile. Also, the material has great weather resistance to better adapt to the local wet climate.
▼上下两层不同材质的使用和呈现 The use and presentation of different materials on the upper and lower layers
▼一层以自然材料的竹钢为主,与周边环境融合呼应 The first floor is mainly made of bamboo and steel made of natural materials, which blends with the surrounding environment
The upper floor’s materials present a more pure atmosphere. The overall space of this level is off-white as a whole, including the white stucco for wall and matte white metal roofing. The galvanized steel sheet for the both sides of the outdoor corridor, the rough off-white pebbles on the floor, and the interspersed greenery are together shaping a quiet spatial experience. The pure whiteness shows a sense of simplicity and neatness.
▼简洁的二层以大面积的白色肌理涂料为主 The concise second layer is dominated by a large area of white texture paint
▼静谧的灰白色调空间,点缀一抹绿色 Quiet gray and white space, embellished with a touch of green
室内材质选择|New Possibility
The concept of whiteness extends to the use of materials for the villa’s interior public space. The walls and ceilings are painted with off-white stucco, and the floor is paved with white terrazzo. The public white space meets the owner’s requirement of exhibiting, while it helps reflect the light changes caused by the patio courtyards.
▼利用天井种植造型树丰富室内空间 The patio is planted with modeling trees to enrich the indoor space
▼透过玻璃看到的景观 Landscape seen through glass
▼坐在室内看到的外景 Sitting indoors and seeing the exterior scene
The design aims to create an open communal living space through combining wood fixed furniture, movable furniture and plants in the space. The choice of materials of the guest rooms continues the strategy of combining stucco, terrazzo and wood. The dark and light color schemes of the guest rooms share the same material strategy, providing comfortable and natural sensual experience. Besides, the exposed aggregate concrete for the shower area increases texture in a natural way, and also features with anti-slip effect.
▼沉稳的深色调客房 Calm dark room
▼客房空间示意图 Room space diagram
▼触感柔和自然的木饰面浅色Loft风格客房 Light-colored Loft-style room with soft and natural wood finish
▼透过大面积落地窗看到多姿的植物 See the colorful plants through the large floor-to-ceiling windows
▼Loft式客房空间示意图 Loft-style guest room space diagram
As a part of the rethinking of today’s Jijiadun Village, the project of Ban Villa is an attempt to explore new possibilities of the countryside in future. In the villa, people can enjoy quiet and cozy moments and experience local culture of Jiangnan watertown. They can also encounter the owner of the villa and enjoy tea and chat together. They can even meet new friends and communicate with each other while dining and drinking together.
▼闲暇静谧的民宿夜景 Leisure and quiet night view of the homestay
BAN Villa is more than a boutique guesthouse. It provides possibilities of new village life for urban dwellers.
▼场地总平面图 Site master plan
▼一层平面图 Floor plan
▼二层平面图 Floor plan
▼ 夹层平面图 Mezzanine floor plan
▼屋顶平面图 Roof plan
▼建筑空间轴测示意图 Schematic diagram of axonometric building space
▼剖面图A Section A
▼剖面图B Section B
建筑设计:B.L.U.E. 建筑设计事务所
建筑师:青山周平,藤井洋子,杨易欣,曹宇,陈璐(B.L.U.E. 建筑设计事务所)
室内设计:B.L.U.E. 建筑设计事务所
Project Name: BAN Villa
Project Location: Jijiadun Village, Kunshan City, China
Project Type: Boutique Guesthouse
Architect: Shuhei Aoyama, Yoko Fujii, Yixin Yang, Yu Cao, Lu Chen
Client: BAN Villa
Size: Two-storey
Building Area: 1800 ㎡
Design Period: 01.2019 – 10.2019
Construction Period: 10.2019 – 03.2021
Materials: (exterior) laminated bamboo, white stucco, matte white metal roofing, galvanized steel sheet / (interior) terrazzo, exposed aggregate concrete, wood, stucco
Photography Credit: Zhi Xia
“ 基于优越的自然环境,打造一个从传统水乡肌理中生长出来的,与自然更交融的空间。”
审稿编辑:王琪 -Maggie
更多 Read more about: B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所