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最佳展示花园 – 金奖:野化的英式景观
Best Show Garden – Gold medal: A Rewilding Britain Landscape
Designed by Lulu Urquhart and Adam Hunt
Built by Landscape Associates
Sponsored by Rewilding Britain & Project Giving Back
一条古老的木质步道映入眼帘,其灵感来自于萨默塞特平原区(Somerset Levels)的新石器时代小径,它穿过湿地草甸,通往水池边的观景台。在不同的种植区,本地野花与草本植物相互交织,边缘植物则聚集在水池和溪流边。
The garden shows a rewilding landscape in South West England, after the reintroduction of a native, keystone species – the beaver.
A brook flows beneath a glade of hawthorn, hazel and field maple and through a winding old West Country stone wall. Below is a pool dammed by beavers and the beaver’s lodge, built around a large crack willow. Evidence of their food and dam supplies – wood-sticks, woodchip and tree debris – are scattered around. Rivulets of water trickle through the dam and spread out across a riparian meadow through rejuvenating alder trees.
An old timber walkway, inspired by the Neolithic Sweet Track from the Somerset Levels, leads across the wetland meadow to a viewing hide at the side of the pool. Native wildflowers mingle with grasses in the varied planting zones, while marginal plants throng the edges of the pool and stream.
The garden reflects the amazingly rich landscape that evolves when nature’s eco-engineers, such as beavers, are able to flourish.
▽野化的英式景观 A Rewilding Britain Landscape

▽场景手稿 Design sketch

最佳建设花园 – 金奖:MEDITE SMARTPLY未来花园
Best Construction Award – Gold medal: MEDITE SMARTPLY Building the Future
Designed by Sarah Eberle
Built by Landform Consultants
这个富有美感的林缘花园中心有一座特色构筑物,采用MEDITE SMARTPLY可持续和创新型木质人造板产品建造,以此展示可持续景观和建筑的未来。花园灵感来自于天然垂直岩层,顶部是绿色的斜屋顶。瀑布从构筑物上方倾泻而下,流向下方水池。
构筑和水池周围是一些喜潮湿、稀有的、野生的植物种群。许多树木样本原产于爱尔兰的森林,MEDITE SMARTPLY产品中的木材原料就来自于那里。本地植物和驯化植物的结合创造出一个随性的、有质感的葱茏景观。该未来花园以可持续性为主题,并多途径运用MEDITE SMARTPLY产品,注重其多功能性。
作为一家具有社会责任感的木结构板制造商,MEDITE SMARTPLY致力于产出有助于实现负碳的健康建筑,以帮助达成2030年和2050年的净零碳目标。
This atmospheric edge-of-forest garden has a feature building at its heart constructed using MEDITE SMARTPLY sustainable and innovative wood-based panel products to illustrate the future of sustainable landscapes and buildings. It is inspired by natural vertical rock strata and is topped with a green sloping roof. A waterfall cascades over the building to a pool below.
Surrounding the timber feature and pool are a selection of damp-loving, rare and wild species of flora. Many of the tree specimens are native to the forests of Ireland, where MEDITE SMARTPLY source the timber for their products. The combination of native and naturalised plants creates an informal textural verdant landscape. The garden is themed around sustainability and the multiple applications and versatility of MEDITE SMARTPLY products.
As a responsible manufacturer of wood construction panels, the company is committed to manufacturing products that contribute to healthier buildings that are carbon negative, helping towards net-zero carbon 2030 and 2050 goals.
▽未来花园 MEDITE SMARTPLY Building the Future

▽场景效果 Design sketch

最佳圣所花园 & 最佳建设花园 – 金奖:“走出阴影”
Best Sanctuary Garden & Best Construction Award – Gold medal: Out of the Shadows
Designed by Kate Gould
Built by Kate Gould Gardens
Sponsored by Kate Gould Gardens
“走出阴影(Out of the Shadows)”的设计感觉像是一个现代水疗花园,利用耐寒的热带植物营造出私密而宁静的休闲空间。受到近期这段灰暗时光的启发,这一花园空间是人们锻炼和小范围社交的庇护所,旨在重振人们的身心健康状态。
Out of the Shadows has been designed to feel like a contemporary spa garden utilising hardy tropical planting to create a private, calm and relaxing space. Inspired by recent dark times, the garden is a safe haven for people to exercise and socialise in small groups, and the space designed to revitalise both the body and mind.
Visitors will see a swim spa, climbing bars, a yoga and meditation space along with seating and relaxation areas and swathes of lush tropical planting throughout.
The planting has a strong evergreen backbone and a tropical theme. The interesting leaf forms offer a robust and resilient choice and illustrate that a predominantly green planting palette can be uplifting all year round.
▽“走出阴影”花园 Out of the Shadows

最佳阳台 & 容器花园 – 金奖:寂静花园
Best Balcony & Container Garden – Gold medal: The Still Garden
Designed by Jane Porter
Built by Big Fish Landscapes
Sponsored by Qualis Taxation Services
Sub-contractors: Stone Inspired and Alec Stevens
The Still Garden is inspired by Scotland and the plants that thrive across the Highlands and Islands.
The plants reference native species and the climate to evoke an atmosphere that is immersive, secluded and still. Reclaimed Scottish whisky casks are reconstructed to make new sculptural planters and packed with bold foliage textures and soft mounds. Frothy spray-like forms hang like mist or seafoam in a palette of greens, whites and pinks with copper tones that relate to the central pond – a repurposed copper gin distilling pot.
Slate rescued from a disused quarry in Perthshire is set vertically like the sea walls of the western isles and constructed to resemble a glen between two mountains. The garden celebrates reuse, repurposing and heritage crafts. Container gardening lets us choose our soil, so we can grow plants from places that inspire us, regardless of where we live.
▽寂静花园 The Still Garden

▽场景手稿 Design sketch

最佳植物园 – 金奖:荒野基金会英国花园
Best All About Plants Garden – Gold medal: The Wilderness Foundation UK Garden
Designed by Charlie Hawkes
Built by PW Ltd
Sponsored by Wilderness Foundation UK & Project Giving Back
Meaningful interactions with nature and wild places invite a sense of awe and wonder. The Wilderness Foundation provides opportunities and experiences in such places that help transform lives and improve mental wellbeing. A key part of this is immersion, which forms the core of the garden’s concept.
Inspired by plant communities in native Japanese forests, this sense of green immersion has been heightened by lifting the planting and intersecting a path through it. The charred timber walkway enables visitors to the garden to engage with the predominately green understorey. Two lichen-covered boulders protrude from the vegetation and into the path at the garden’s centre. They provide a place to sit and experience the positive impact of the Foundation’s work through the collective power of plants.
▽荒野基金会英国花园 The Wilderness Foundation UK Garden

▽场景效果 Design sketch

展示花园 – 金奖:RNLI花园
Show Gardens – Gold medal: The RNLI Garden
Designed by Chris Beardshaw
Built by Cultura Group, EGIDOS and James Gray
Sponsored by Royal National Lifeboat Institution & Project Giving Back
RNLI花园颂扬了皇家国家救生队(Royal National Lifeboat Institution, RNLI)的历史及其当代意义,该慈善机构参与海上救援已有近200年的历史。花园的设计将该组织的格鲁吉亚起源与当代设计风格相结合,以反映当今皇家国家救生队的前瞻性精神。
The RNLI Garden is a celebration of the history and modernity of this multi-faceted charity, which has been saving lives at sea for almost 200 years. Its design marries style hints from the organisation’s Georgian origins with contemporary design cues to reflect the forward-looking spirit of today’s Royal National Lifeboat Institution.
A classically inspired, green oak pavilion at the rear features carved lettering and turned columns. The structure is spliced by a contemporary, green oak arcade. A textural Purbeck stone path flows through deep and luscious borders.
The rich planting provides a celebration of texture, form and foliage and hundreds of flowering herbaceous perennials create a pastel palette of whites, blues and pinks. Large statement trees, including Ulmus parvifolia (Chinese elm) and Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) hint at the traditional lifeboat-building materials used when the RNLI was formed in 1824. The result is a calm and confident garden that inspires inquisitiveness and provides space in which to reflect on the many elements of the RNLI’s lifesaving work.
▽RNLI花园 The RNLI Garden

▽场景效果 Design sketch

展示花园 – 金奖:Morris & Co.花园
Show Gardens – Gold medal: Morris & Co.
Designed by Ruth Willmott
Built by Garden Builders
Sponsored by Morris & Co.
威廉·莫里斯(William Morris)是维多利亚时代颇具影响力的设计师和文化代表人,他热带大自然,其设计深受环境中花朵的影响,迄今为止依然能感受到他作品的魅力。
Morris & Co.花园重塑了莫里斯的两个标志性图案。花园的布局和路径的布置受其第一个图案Trellis(1862年)的启发,而其最著名的图案之一——柳枝(Willow Boughs,1887年)则反映在亭子和水渠的设计之中。展亭融合了图案式柱子和精美的金属屏风,这个花园向当代看客展示了莫里斯的宝贵遗产。
Morris & Co.花园将与Arc Centre Gardening Collective合作,在伊斯灵顿开发几个新的社区花园。
William Morris was an influential designer and cultural figure of the Victorian era. He loved nature and his designs were heavily influenced by the flowers he saw around him; his impact is still felt today.
This garden of the Morris & Co. reimagines two of Morris’s iconic patterns. Morris’s first pattern Trellis (1862) inspires the garden layout and pathways and one of his most famous patterns Willow Boughs (1887) is reflected in the design of the pavilion and water channels. The pavilion incorporates patterned posts and intricate metal screens and the garden brings his continuing legacy to a contemporary audience.
A selection of plants from Morris’s designs are included alongside cultivars of cottage garden favourites. The planting reflects his love of colour – earthy reds, apricots and blues predominate – while providing food and habitat for birds.
The garden’s legacy will be to seed several new community gardens in Islington in collaboration with the Arc Centre Gardening Collective.
▽Morris & Co. 花园

▽场景手稿 Design sketch

展示花园 – 金奖:心灵花园
Show Gardens – Gold medal: The Mind Garden
Designed by Andy Sturgeon
Built by Crocus
Sponsored by Mind & Project Giving Back
The Mind Garden inspires us to connect with each other for our mental health. When we’re struggling with our mental health, sharing what we’re going through can change everything, which is why The Mind Garden is designed to be a place for people to connect, be themselves and open up.
A series of sculptural walls cascade and swirl through the sloping garden like a handful of petals tossed to the ground. At times these rough-textured walls enclose calm seating areas, frame views and create backdrops to generous drifts of planting. Then the pattern becomes more turbulent with walls coming together to form narrow passages before opening out into wider open spaces.
The incredibly tactile clay-rendered walls bring people up close to nature as part of a biophilic design ethos encompassing exposure to woodland and meadows, natural materials throughout and water, the bringer of life. Benches carved from wind-blown oak provide places for contemplation and conversation. Water gently pours from ceramic spouts into tranquil pools.
The garden is largely set among open woodland with generous swathes of colourful meadow planting at the woodland edge.
After the show, the garden will be transported to a local Mind in England, that provides eco-therapy for people with mental health problems. As a result, people will be able to support each other in The Mind Garden for many years to come.
▽心灵花园 The Mind Garden

▽场景效果 Design sketch

展示花园 – 金奖:元花园:增长的未来
Show Gardens – Gold medal: The Meta Garden: Growing the Future
Designed by Joe Perkins
Built by The Landscaping Consultants
Sponsored by Meta
The garden is designed to emphasise the inseparable connection between plants and fungi within woodland ecosystems. Inspired by the complex mycelium networks that connect and support woodland life, the garden highlights the beauty and versatility of timber, and the critical role of nature-based solutions, such as tree planting and forest management, in tackling climate change.
Featuring a complex pavilion structure inspired by the interaction between the mycorrhizal network and its host tree’s roots, the garden is intended to be an immersive experience and remind us of the urgent need to redress the balance of our relationship with the natural world. The central seating area is sunken into the environment with a rising woodland edge of trees behind, and a stylised meadow in front. The garden makes use of a naturalistic, future-proofed planting palette, which takes its inspiration from the British countryside and will conjure a tranquil and intriguing atmosphere.
The garden will be relocated to The National Forest following the show, as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy tree-planting campaign for the Platinum Jubilee.
▽元花园-增长的未来 The Meta Garden: Growing the Future

▽场景效果 Design sketch

圣所花园 – 金奖:Place2Be保卫明日花园
Sanctuary Gardens – Gold medal: The Place2Be Securing Tomorrow Garden
Designed by Jamie Butterworth
Built by Form Plants, with On The Ground Ltd
Sponsored by Sarasin & Partners , Place2Be
The Place2Be Securing Tomorrow Garden is a beautifully planted garden. It offers a safe space where children and adults can take time to relax and talk – a garden that helps facilitate and stimulate conversation. Not only has the garden been developed in close consultation with pupils from Viking Primary School in west London, but also it will be relocated there after the show.
Children feel calm and relaxed in this garden, and can take in the beauty of plants and being outside – something that is especially important for those who have little or no outdoor space at home. This connection with plants and the natural world is something that has proven increasingly important for mental health and wellbeing over the past two years. Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity providing support and training to improve the emotional wellbeing of pupils, families, teachers and school staff.
The charity works in partnership with schools – including Viking Primary – to support children’s emotional wellbeing and address any issues before they become more serious.
Plants take centre stage with the trees providing structure, and shrub and herbaceous planting adding texture, interest and pops of colour. Simple but refined hard landscaping adds to the sense of calm, while large stone boulders and sculpted seats provide spaces for children to sit and talk. A child-friendly, tippy-toe path adds interest and fun for the people who’ll use this important space.
▽保卫明日花园 The Place2Be Securing Tomorrow Garden

圣所花园 – 金奖:汉普顿花园庇护所
Sanctuary Gardens – Gold medal: A Garden Sanctuary by Hamptons
Designed by Tony Woods
Built by Garden Club London
Sponsored by Hamptons & Koto Design
Koto Design与Hamptons、Garden Club London共同合作,打造了一个碳中和的花园小屋。这个小巧的雕塑结构是隐居和冥想的场所,也是沉浸式的空间,可以与周围自然和植物的力量相联系。
在松树和桦树树冠之下,水流轻声在花园中流淌。烧焦的木材外表(烧杉板)借鉴了日式设计,以及日本的古代哲学“侘寂”(Wabi Sabi),注重接纳生命的短暂性和不完美,引人注目的小建筑塑造了花园的沉浸式景观。
A Garden Sanctuary by Hamptons creates a space for garden living. A garden takes us out of our homes, lets us decompress, play and reconnect.
In collaboration with Hamptons and Garden Club London, Koto Design have created a carbon-neutral garden cabin. The small, sculptural structure offers a place of seclusion and meditation, and an immersive space to connect with the surrounding power of nature and plants.
Under the canopy of pine and birch trees the sound of water gently trickles through the garden. The charred timber exterior (shou-sugi -ban) draws from Japanese design influence and the ancient Japanese philosophy Wabi Sabi, focused on accepting the transient nature of life and the beauty in imperfection. The structure frames immersive views of the garden.
The garden is rich in pollinating plants with water for wildlife and densely planted trees to encourage birds. Rounded glacial boulders and natural stepping stones contrast with the building and provide an intentional way to slow the journey to the cabin, through the planting and across the moving water. Boundaries of Fagus sylvatica hedging and charred larch panels provide a foil to show off the stunning bark of the Betula nigra and Pinus sylvetris. Sweetly scented favourites including phlox and Syringa repeat through the planting to provide clouds of scent as the visitor meanders through the garden.
▽汉普顿花园庇护所 A Garden Sanctuary by Hamptons

圣所花园 – 金奖:Boodles旅行花园
Sanctuary Gardens – Gold medal: The Boodles Travel Garden
Designed by Thomas Hoblyn
Built by The Garden Builders
Sponsored by Boodles
60年前的1962年,Boodles现任董事长的祖父Anthony Wainwright仅用了16天就环游了世界。Boodles旅行花园通过采用来自世界各地的植物来纪念这一不可思议的举动,打造出全球性的花园,为人们休息和回味旅程提供了一个安静的庇护所。
花园的设计选择了形态和习性都较为有趣的植物,如原产于印度的盆栽桫椤(Cyathea cooperii),它具有神奇的树皮图案,还有来自东亚的灯台树(Cornus controversa)以及中国的青榨槭(Acer davidii),其白色树皮上带有条纹。结构化种植的下方是林地枯木式的树下栽植,有蓝色和桦色的小径,象征着一段旅程,并在植物之间创造运动轨迹。丘形河床有部分遮挡住了视线,营造出一种探索感。
In 1962, 60 years ago, Anthony Wainwright, grandfather to the current chairman of Boodles, travelled around the world in just 16 days. The Boodles Travel Garden celebrates this incredible endeavour with planting drawn from all corners of the world, creating a global garden, which offers a calm sanctuary to rest and reflect on the journey.
Planting with interesting form and habit has been chosen and includes potted Cyathea cooperii, native to India with stunning bark pattern, Cornus controversa from East Asia, with horizontal habit and Acer davidii from China with its striped white bark. Below the structural planting is a woodland stumpery-style underplanting with a trail of blue and burnt orange indicating a journey and creating movement in the planting. The mounded beds partially obscure views creating a sense of discovery.
▽Boodles旅行花园 The Boodles Travel Garden

▽场景效果 Design sketch

植物园 – 金奖:Core Arts前花园革命
All About Plants – Gold medal: The Core Arts Front Garden Revolution
Designed by Andy Smith-Williams
Built by Conquest Creative Spaces
Sponsored by Core Arts & Project Giving Back
两个城市家庭取消了他们前花园之间的界限,为园艺、社交、福祉和环境效益创造了一个开放的积极空间。该花园体现了Core Arts的使命,即通过促进社会包容并将个人与社区重新联系,来为面临心理健康问题的人提供支持。
Two urban households have removed the defining boundary between their front gardens to make one open positive space for gardening, socialising, wellbeing and environmental gain. The garden reflects Core Arts’ mission to support people experiencing mental health difficulties by promoting social inclusion and reconnecting individuals with their communities.
It’s an aspirational garden and champions the benefits plants can bring to a space, people’s lives and the wider environment. The planting is an original mix of native hedging, flowering fruit trees, interesting perennials, evergreen grasses and wildflowers inspired by the local landscape. Soft grasses rub along with architectural planting, and tones of steely grey, silver, blue and white predominate.
The hard landscaping has been replaced with a permeable surface for better environmental value. A water collection system sits within the boundary ready to overflow into a planter packed with moisture-loving plants when rainfall is heavy.
▽Core Arts前花园革命 The Core Arts Front Garden Revolution

▽场景效果 Design sketch

展示花园 – 镀金白银奖:Blue Peter新花园 — 探索土壤
Show Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: The New Blue Peter Garden – Discover Soil
Designed by Juliet Sargeant
Built by Gardenlink
Sponsored by Project Giving Back
Inspired by Blue Peter
在BBC一百周年之际,其旗舰儿童节目“Blue Peter”正在建造一座新花园,这座新花园的主题是“探索土壤”。
花园中除了以土壤为主题的艺术,如索尔福德儿童和市民创作的“公民艺术”项目,还可以聆听堆肥堆的声音。在地下观察室中,可以观察到地下发生的事情。花园是多层次的,种植着鲜艳的蓝色和橙色植物,以此隐喻Blue Peter的代表色。
在切尔西花园展结束之后,该花园将迁至RHS Garden Bridgewater的永久性场地上,供每个人前来参观。
In the BBC centenary year, its flagship children’s programme, Blue Peter is getting a new garden. The theme of The New Blue Peter Garden is ‘discover soil’.
The garden encourages us to investigate the soil beneath our feet bringing it up to eye level for us to see, touch, smell and hear. The garden’s message is, ‘Don’t treat soil like dirt!’ Soil is complex and alive and we couldn’t survive without it. We are losing soil faster than Nature can replenish it and we need to look after it. Composting is one easy thing we can all do to help our soil at home.
Alongside soil-themed art, including ‘citizen art’ projects created by the children and people of Salford, you can listen to the sounds of a compost heap. In a subterranean observation chamber, watch what happens below ground. The garden is multi-layered with vibrant blue and orange planting to reflect the colours of Blue Peter.
After the garden launches at RHS Chelsea Flower Show, it will move to its permanent home at RHS Garden Bridgewater, where everyone can visit.
▽Blue Peter新花园 — 探索土壤 The New Blue Peter Garden – Discover Soil

▽场景效果 Design sketch

展示花园 – 镀金白银奖:别动红树林
Show Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: Hands Off Mangrove by Grow2Know
Designed by Tayshan Hayden-Smith and Danny Clarke
Built by The Landscaping Consultants
Sponsored by Grow2Know CiC & Project Giving Back
This garden unites two prominent issues – global deforestation and social injustice.
A deforested mangrove sculpture at the centre acts as a stark reminder of the impacts we are having on our planet’s most important ecosystems, both locally and globally. It is inspired by the real-life story of the community activists known as the Mangrove Nine, who were tried and acquitted of inciting a riot in 1970.
Honouring each Mangrove Nine member, nine corten steel roots combine to form a protective sanctuary where communities can reconnect with each other and nature.
With the garden designed to be relocated into the community, pollinator-friendly, edible, ornamental and architectural plants suited to inner-city landscapes have been selected. Through the centre runs an upcycled crushed concrete path representative of the challenges and threats of racism, poverty and violence in 1960/70s London.
▽别动红树林 Hands Off Mangrove by Grow2Know

▽场景效果 Design sketch

展示花园 – 镀金白银奖:Alder Hey城市觅食站
Show Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: Alder Hey Urban Foraging Station
Designed by Howard Miller and Hugh Miller
Built by H Miller Bros
Sponsored by Alder Hey Children’s Charity & Project Giving Back
Alder Hey城市觅食站是一个将年轻人和老年人、绿色与城市、游戏与学习、Alder Hey儿童医院与其社区交织在一起的景观,花园的核心是鼓励儿童过上积极、健康和愉悦的生活。
The Alder Hey Urban Foraging Station is a landscape that weaves together young and old, green and urban, play and learning, and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital with its community. At its core is the aspiration to inspire children to lead active, healthy, pleasurable lives.
The garden is infused with the magic of discovery inherent to foraging. Visitors first encounter the garden as nostalgic glimpses through rampant, blossoming hedgerows. Once within, a sense of freedom prevails to explore, leave the path and ‘get lost in your own world’.
A design language of forms associated with foraging is abstracted into a woven landscape. Precast concrete ‘strands’ make up a picnic blanket laid over an undulating landscape with edible herbs growing through. The garden is designed to encourage engagement with nature through foraging, sharing healthy food, play, relaxing together and being in the moment.
The garden features planting inspired by a number of habitats that were once commonplace including species-rich hedgerow, orchard meadow and bog/ditch habitats. These are human-made habitats that are easily damaged through the loss of knowledge about how they should be maintained.
▽Alder Hey城市觅食站 Alder Hey Urban Foraging Station

▽场景效果 Design sketch

圣所花园 – 镀金白银奖:“连接”花园
Sanctuary Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: Connected, by EXANTE
Designed by Taina Suonio
Built by Nicholsons
Sponsored by Exante (Xnt) Ltd
Connected, by EXANTE is a cool, calm woodland sanctuary. There’s a space among the tranquillity for people to connect inside the main feature, a natural larger-than-life oak tree stump. The unusual centrepiece has a skylight roof encircled by a vegetated edge.
This oak home sanctuary, with charming duckboards leading in and out, is surrounded by layered European woodland with its serene and limited colours. It is also a chic teleworking oasis with a water feature window on the back wall. An innovative oak silhouette window on the front provides natural light, a view out and in, to the water feature. After the show, the Connected, by EXANTE garden will be relocated in its entirety at the University College London Hospital.
▽“连接 ”花园 Connected, by EXANTE

▽场景效果 Design sketch

圣所花园 – 镀金白银奖:Body Shop花园
Sanctuary Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: The Body Shop Garden
Designed by Jennifer Hirsch
Built by Howard Day
Sponsored by The Body Shop
The conceptual garden tells a story of environmental and societal regeneration, a journey from a state of burnout to wellbeing.
The space and shape of the garden-as-sculpture are defined by a series of Corten steel arches in various states of char, dividing three segments of planting that tell the regeneration story from charcoaled, diminished forest floor to a verdant, diverse explosion of plant life. The rhythm of the arches, a key feature, defines the passing of time for the viewer.
The garden was inspired by the new generation of change-makers and activists, of the stress and anxiety of social challenges they face while continuing to fight global issues ranging from climate change to race. The garden has a positive message – if we take the time to nurture ourselves and our environment, life can thrive.
▽Body Shop花园

圣所花园 – 镀金白银奖:Kingston Maurward花园里的空间
Sanctuary Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: Kingston Maurward The Space Within Garden
Designed by Michelle Brown
Sponsored by Kingston Maurward College & The Gardens Group, Holme for Gardens and Goulds Garden Centre
A contemporary arch provides the entrance to a secret jungle of foliage planting inspired by the sub-tropical gardens of the Mediterranean and punctuated by specimen architectural plants and trees.
Elevated pathways lead to a daybed platform where the visitor can rest, totally immersed in plants. The asymmetric social platform and seating is inspired by childhood den making and invites the visitor with its playful shape.
The sanctuary boundaries are created as wildlife habitats, using fallen trees and waste timber to contain the space within.
▽花园里的空间 Kingston Maurward The Space Within Garden

圣所花园 – 镀金白银奖:冰园
Sanctuary Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: The Plantman’s Ice Garden
Designed by John Warland
Built by The Plantman & Co
Sponsored by The Plantman & Co
Since 1994, 28 trillion tonnes of ice have disappeared from the surface of the planet and all-summer ice is scheduled to disappear within the next 20 years. This permafrost holds around 1.5 million trillion tonnes of carbon.
Forests, plants and ice currently insulate the ground below, but more frequent fires, rising temperatures and higher rainfalls are stripping this layer of protection. As the ice melts, the enormous carbon bank of decomposed organic matter is released. The melting substrate often undermines tree roots giving rise to the appearance of ‘drunken forests’.
While melting permafrost offers an immediate threat, it also contains a historic botanical treasure chest. In 2012, Russian scientists discovered and successfully germinated a cache of Silene stenophylla seeds, thought to have been buried more than 30,000 years ago. It is hoped that this dormant seedbank might hold the genetic code to help develop sustainable crops, medicine and biofuel adapted to climate change.
The monolithic ice cube is a reminder of the climate perils facing our planet, while offering hope that the botanical bounty found within might ensure humankind’s onward survival.
▽冰园 The Plantman’s Ice Garden

▽场景效果 Design sketch

阳台花园 – 镀金白银奖:卷云花园
Balcony Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: The Cirrus Garden
Designed by Jason Williams
Built by Big Fish Landscapes
The Cirrus Garden combines the spectacle of a show garden with a real-life sustainable garden focused on increasing the biodiversity within urban areas and providing a tranquil setting for mental health.
It features wildflowers, perennials, herbs, a seating area, a vegetable garden and a fish pond and is inspired by the designer’s experience of living with an 18th-floor balcony garden known as The Cloud Garden. Visitors can take elements of the concept, plants and design and replicate them on their own balconies.
As humans launch telescopes to view the stars, moons and cirrus clouds on other planets, dreaming of visiting them in our distant future, they will also look to The Cirrus Garden as an example of how urban residences could look in our immediate future.
▽卷云花园 The Cirrus Garden

阳台花园 – 镀金白银奖:盆栽阳台花园
Balcony Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: The Potting Balcony Garden sponsored by Viking
Designed by William Murray
Built by Big Fish Landscapes & It Will Grow
Sponsored by Viking
With clever use of space, The Potting Balcony Garden Sponsored by Viking rethinks how we could use limited outdoor spaces for hands-on gardening. The balcony offers a practical place to sow seeds, pot up plants and propagate cuttings, utilising smart garden technology to nurture micro-greens and seedlings ready for the kitchen and for transfer to an allotment or community garden. Making the most of the small space, this functional design also offers a place to relax among the greenery and enjoy the view.
▽盆栽阳台花园 The Potting Balcony Garden sponsored by Viking

▽场景效果 Design sketch

容器花园 – 镀金白银奖:迷幻雨水花园
Container Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: The Enchanted Rain Garden
Designed by Bea Tann
Built by Big Fish Landscapes
Sponsored by The University of Sheffield Landscape Department
Inspired by a rainy garden in Manchester, this container garden is designed to thrive in wet conditions, influenced by UK forests whose lush foliage is energised and born out of the regularity of rainy weather. It features robust, deep green planting with waxy textures that glisten when wet, as well as ferns that hold raindrops in the soft spaces between their leaves.
Rough stone reclaimed planters speak back to the ancient forest’s true naturalistic form while also creating an ideal surface on which to grow moss, itself an integral part of the woodland ecosystem. A rain collection barrel also allows the storage and re-use of valuable rainwater in the absence of wet weather.
The overall narrative and design of this garden evoke the spirit of the UK’s northern cities, harnessing the magic of a rainy environment while talking more practically to the growing regularity of stormy weather we face as a result of climate change.
▽迷幻雨水花园 The Enchanted Rain Garden

▽场景效果 Design sketch

容器花园 – 镀金白银奖:野生厨房花园
Container Gardens – Silver-gilt medal: Wild Kitchen Garden
Designed by Ann Treneman
Built by Big Fish Landscapes
野生厨房花园将可食用的野生植物和树木引入小型城市环境中。植物色彩随性、体态柔和、具有自然感且美味,可以在城市露台的后花园中完美运作。园内的种植花盆,包括一个用于食用水产养殖的容器,均由镀锌金属制成,且是从回收场里抢救出来的。靠近后墙的水槽和准备区使收获食物变得更加方便。这座花园的部分灵感来自Roger Phillips的食谱和作品,园内充满了可食用的惊喜和乐趣,它也可以被视为一块小型的迷人荒野场所。
The Wild Kitchen Garden brings wild edible plants and trees into a small urban setting. The planting is informal colourful, airy, natural – and tasty too. It would work perfectly in the back garden of a city terrace. The planters, which include one for edible aquatics, are made of galvanised metal and were found in salvage reclamation yards. A sink and prep area against the back wall makes harvesting easy. The garden, inspired in part by the recipes and writing of the late Roger Phillips, is full of edible surprises and pleasures, but it can also be valued as a small and intriguing patch of wildness.
▽野生厨房花园 Wild Kitchen Garden

▽场景手稿 Design sketch

植物园 – 镀金白银奖:纺织花园
All About Plants – Silver-gilt medal: A Textile Garden for Fashion Revolution
Designed by Lottie Delamain
Built by Gardenlink
Sponsored by Fashion Revolution & Project Giving Back
The garden inspires visitors to rethink the link between what we can grow and what we wear, illustrating creative possibilities and innovative thinking around how we use our resources to create sustainable solutions.
Throughout history plants have played a fundamental role in fashion – as dye, as fibre and floral motifs, connecting us to a place or culture. In our global world this connection has been lost. Today our clothing is likely to be created using fossil fuels and toxic chemicals, damaging human health and nature’s ecosystems.
A Textile Garden for Fashion Revolution attempts to re-establish the connection between plants and fashion. The garden is intended to imitate a textile, with planting in distinctive blocks of colour to create the impression of a woven fabric. Shallow reflective pools represent dye baths, with fabric or fibres soaking in natural dyes, and a series of paved seams will lead through the planting. The garden reveals the beauty to be found in plant-based dyes and fibres and will sow a seed of curiosity about what is in our clothes.
▽纺织花园 A Textile Garden for Fashion Revolution

▽场景效果 Design sketch

展示花园 – 银奖:英国皇家空军慈善基金花园
Show Gardens – Silver medal: The RAF Benevolent Fund Garden
Designed by John Everiss
Built by Peter Gregory Landscapes and George Everiss Design
Sponsored by Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund & Project Giving Back
Planting design by Rossana Porta
一百多年来,英国皇家空军慈善基金(The RAF Benevolent Fund)一直为退伍军人、服役人员及其家属提供支持。这座花园颂扬了该慈善机构从第一次世界大战到今天所持续提供的帮助和保护。
A young pilot looks nervously up at the sky, watching dogfights unfold overhead, waiting for the call to return to his spitfire and to the battle – the Battle of Britain.
A stone spiral wall surrounds and protects the sculpture. Enclosed within, a curved larch seat allows the visitor to sit and look up at the pilot and imagine the view he would have seen. Latticed steel panels emerge from the ground among the rubble, the rusted remains of conflict slowly being covered by beautiful planting.
The RAF Benevolent Fund has been providing support to veterans, serving personnel and their families for more than 100 years. Its garden celebrates the help and protection the charity has continued to provide from the First World War to the present day.
▽英国皇家空军慈善基金花园 The RAF Benevolent Fund Garden

▽场景效果 Design sketch

展示花园 – 银奖:St Mungo的植根花园
Show Gardens – Silver medal: The St Mungo’s Putting Down Roots Garden
Designed by Cityscapes (Darryl Moore and Adolfo Harrison)
Built by Gardenlink
Sponsored by St Mungo’s homelessness charity & Project Giving Back
这个城市口袋公园体现了St Mungo的“植根”计划精神,该计划帮助那些无家可归的人们重拾信心、提高个人技能,并通过园艺活动重启生活。
这座将人与植物汇集起来的花园是一个包容的场所,突出了绿色空间可以促进个人和社会、健康和福祉的发展。花园的建立是对St Mungo“植根”计划和Cityscapes设计事务所合作共同改变生活、社区和场所十周年的庆祝。
This urban pocket park embodies the ethos of St Mungo’s Putting Down Roots programme, which has helped people recovering from homelessness to gain confidence and grow their skills, and to rebuild their lives through gardening.
It is designed as an inclusive place, bringing people and plants together, highlighting the ways in which green spaces provide personal and social, health and wellbeing benefits. It celebrates 10 years of St Mungo’s Putting Down Roots and Cityscapes working collaboratively to transform lives, communities and places.
Located in a shady aspect, the planting focuses on layered plant communities with green textural foliage punctuated with floral accents of colour, bestowing the garden with a sense of tranquility, contrasting with the vibrant colours woven throughout the hard landscaping, made from reclaimed and recycled materials. Large planters throughout the garden provide a sense of height and enclosure, creating an immersive and safe experience for users. A pavilion structure and seating provide opportunities for dwelling and respite from the pressures of city life.
▽St Mungo的植根花园 The St Mungo’s Putting Down Roots Garden

▽场景效果 Design sketch

展示花园 – 银奖:“带着爱”
Show Gardens – Silver medal: The Perennial Garden ‘With Love’
Designed by Richard Miers
Built by Stewart Landscape Construction
Sponsored by Perennial – Helping People in Horticulture
这个花园基于设计师Richard Miers和慈善机构Perennial的信念而成,即花园是爱的礼物,让创造和培育花园的人与参观和享受花园的人一样快乐。其灵感来自于从事园艺活动的人们,包括种植者、设计师、花匠、园艺师和地勤人员,并将其身份凸显出来。慈善机构Perennial一直支持和保障着这类人群,在有需要的时候总能伸出援手。
This garden is rooted in designer Richard Miers’ and charity Perennial’s belief that gardens are a gift of love, giving pleasure to those who create and nurture them as much as to those who visit and enjoy them. It’s inspired by, and highlights, the horticultural family of growers, designers, gardeners, landscapers and ground staff who are offered support and security by Perennial, a charity that’s always there, particularly in times of need.
The classical contemporary design elegantly combines hornbeam hedging, (which gently encloses the garden, providing a feeling of shelter and security) with eight flat-topped hawthorn trees that provide structure, symmetry and repetition and flank the central rill. Four multi-stem Parrotia persica trees add a natural sculptural element and contrast with clipped domes of Taxus baccata (yew) and Prunus lusitanica (Portuguese laurel).
The predominantly green palette is softened with gentle tones of soft white and plum at ground level, enveloping the visitor in a calming environment.
▽“带着爱” The Perennial Garden ‘With Love’

▽场景效果 Design sketch

展示花园 – 银奖:Brewin Dolphin花园
Show Gardens – Silver medal: Brewin Dolphin Garden
Designed by Paul Hervey-Brookes
Built by Big Fish Landscapes
Sponsored by Brewin Dolphin
这个美丽而深情的花园强调了园艺人可以采用的一系列技术,使地球在未来更加可持续。对后代精心监护和管理的价值观深深植根于Brewin Dolphin,并为今年展示花园的创作提供灵感。
Imagined as the metamorphosis of a former 1900s’ industrial site, the garden has been designed to illustrate how brownfield land can be rehabilitated using existing and repurposed materials to establish a new, sustainable and environmentally-aware landscape. With thousands of new homes set to be built on brownfield sites over the coming years, this garden reflects the challenges of inheriting poor soil conditions that many British homeowners will face.
The planting is based upon a mix of native pioneer species alongside endemic plants, which rehabilitate polluted soils – the type of conditions found in many urban environments – and clean the air through higher rate CO2 absorption. Garden-worthy shrubs and perennials that don’t require a lot of maintenance – or are in flower for long periods of time – add nectar banks and habitat potential for pollinating bees and other insects. The garden promotes trees, shrubs and other plants that collect carbon at higher rates and improve air quality.
This beautiful, soulful garden highlights a range of techniques that all gardeners can adopt to make the planet more sustainable for tomorrow. These values of custodianship and careful stewardship for future generations are embedded in Brewin Dolphin and inspired the creation of this year’s Brewin Dolphin garden.
▽Brewin Dolphin花园

▽场景效果 Design sketch

圣所花园 – 银奖:SSAFA花园
Sanctuary Gardens – Silver medal: The SSAFA Garden, sponsored by CCLA
Designed by Amanda Waring
Built by Arun Landscapes
Sponsored by CCLA
切尔西皇家医院(Royal Hospital Chelsea)的背景是这个花园与军事联系的完美条件。由CCLA赞助的SSAFA花园是大花园内的一处安静、僻静区,为入住诺顿之屋(Norton House)的人提供了一个平静和休息的地方。它由武装部队慈善机构SSAFA运营,为那些在拉夫堡附近国防医疗康复中心接受治疗的家庭提供免费、安全和支持性的住宿条件。
The backdrop of the Royal Hospital Chelsea is the perfect setting for this garden’s military connection. The SSAFA Garden, sponsored by CCLA offers a quiet, secluded area within a larger garden, providing a place for calm and respite for those staying at Norton House. Run by the SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, it offers free, safe and supportive accommodation to families whose loved ones are receiving treatment for injuries at the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre near Loughborough.
The enclosure of the timber walls and hedging, creates an area of security as well as a quiet reflection and also a place to sit and enjoy the garden. The wing-shaped roof structure echoes the lines of SSAFA’s Norton House, while the gentle sound of the infinity water feature and movement of the layered planting are intended to restore and lift the spirit.
After the event, this sanctuary garden will be moved to Norton House, providing an area of therapeutic reflection for those friends and family visiting their loved ones at the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC).

圣所花园 – 银奖:缝纫花园
Sanctuary Gardens – Silver medal: The Stitchers’ Garden
Designed by Frederic Whyte
Built by Champain Landscapes and Brampton Willows
Sponsored by Fine Cell Work
这个花园旨在颂扬Fine Cell Work,这是一个教囚犯针线活的慈善机构,缝纫这项技能可以培养这群人的自我价值,并鼓励他们在获释后过上独立和无犯罪的生活。
游客将通过一间“牢房”看到花园。这个简单的“牢房”结构由钢制成,带有现代柳木编织板,并复刻了监狱的空间尺寸。对面有一个更大的亭子与牢房的形式相呼应,该亭子也是由钢制成,带有更多的开放式柳木编织板,这是囚犯、设计师和Fine Cell Work之间进行创造性交流在空间上的隐喻。亭子与“牢房”两个结构之间是一个喷泉水池,水池坐落在一个种满了草本植物的花坛上,淡黄色、柔粉色和奶油色的植物相互映衬,十分和谐。
The garden celebrates Fine Cell Work, a charity teaching prisoners needlework, a skill that nurtures their self-worth and encourages them to lead independent and crime-free lives upon release.
Visitors will see into the garden through a ‘cell’. This simple structure, made of steel, with contemporary woven willow panels replicates the dimensions of their prison space. Opposite, a larger pavilion echoes the form of the cell. It is also constructed of steel, with more open woven willow panels. It is a metaphor for the space in which the creative exchange between prisoners, designers and Fine Cell Work takes place. Between these two structures is a pool with fountain jets. The pool sits in a herbaceous parterre, harmoniously filled with planting combinations in pale yellow, soft pinks and cream.
The garden feels restful and inspiring. It is reflective and uplifting, expansive and optimistic, solitary and celebratory, calming but colourful.
▽缝纫花园 The Stitchers’ Garden

阳台花园 – 银奖:蓝色花园
Balcony Gardens – Silver medal: The Blue Garden
Designed by Tom Wilkes-Rios
Built by Big Fish Landscapes
The Blue Garden celebrates what is possible in a small space and the joys of being alone in it. The planting wraps entirely around the balcony, creating a fully immersive experience. In this age of self-reflection, with more of us living alone, the garden evokes the feeling of being surrounded by nature, our vision saturated with green, right into the city. The vivid block colours and vibrant planting are uplifting and transportive, perhaps reminding us of warmer climates. The garden is designed as a solitary experience – for meditation, contemplation and reflection – as we should all enjoy time by ourselves.
▽蓝色花园 The Blue Garden

▽场景效果 Design sketch

容器花园 – 银奖:地中海的倒影
Container Gardens – Silver medal: A Mediterranean Reflection
Designed by Tanya K Wilson and Johanna Norlin
Built by Landform Consultants Ltd
Sponsored by Studio Marekko & Bonick Landscaping, John Cullen Lighting, Lantoom Quarry, Myland Couture, Torc Pots and Traditional Stone Services
Inspired by the Mallorcan landscape, this container garden utilises the colours and stone textures of the Mediterranean through artisan elements. A curved design evokes the tranquil waves of the sea, creating an Eden for people to come together and discover the pleasure of life in the Mediterranean.
A hand-rendered stone-effect wall is an interpretation of the weathering effect of sun and sea. Fabric screens, together with the wall, reflect interesting shadows from plants, especially when lit at night. In the centre, a reclaimed timber and granite boulder bench is anchored by textured planters. A reflective, granite carved pool encourages curiosity and conversation.
Mediterranean drought-tolerant plants of succulents, perennials and ornamental grass are soft and textural.
All design elements are handcrafted and sourced from the UK – a testimonial to the appreciation of artisan products on an island.
▽地中海的倒影 A Mediterranean Reflection

▽场景效果 Design sketch

容器花园 – 银奖:曼荼罗、冥想和正念花园
Container Gardens – Silver medal: Mandala, Meditation and Mindfulness Garden
Designed by Nikki Hollier
Built by Big Fish Landscapes
Inspired by conditions imposed by the pandemic, the Mandala Meditation and Mindfulness Garden is a place in which to escape. It offers a safe haven to spend time sitting and meditating, listening to the tranquil water, bees humming and birds singing – a calm and restful but rejuvenating space.
A key element is the water feature against the backdrop of a muted violet wall with a mandala, surrounded by eucalyptus trees, white flowers and herbs to pick and make tea.
▽曼荼罗、冥想和正念花园 Mandala, Meditation and Mindfulness Garden

▽场景手稿 Design sketch

植物园 – 银奖:母亲的花园 — “这也终将过去”
All About Plants – Silver medal: The Mothers for Mothers Garden – ‘This Too Shall Pass’
Designed by Pollyanna Wilkinson
Built by Landcraft
Sponsored by Mothers for Mothers & Project Giving Back
The expression ‘This too shall pass’ is a mantra passed between mothers navigating the challenges of raising young children and the associated mental health challenges that can come with it, from post natal depression, to anxiety and isolation. This garden is a garden for mothers and represents a place of transition: from despair to hope.
A cloister of bronze-toned walls and archways represent how long days at home with a baby can feel like either a sanctuary or a cage. A fractured pathway through the garden demonstrates the physical and mental journey of nurture and repair. For the planting, what starts as a restrained, muted palette gives way to a joyful, feminine celebration of colour, as the road to recovery, supported by other mothers, becomes clear.
▽母亲的花园 — “这也终将过去” The Mothers for Mothers Garden – ‘This Too Shall Pass’

▽场景效果 Design sketch

圣所花园 – 铜奖:瑞士庇护所
Sanctuary Gardens – Bronze medal: A Swiss Sanctuary
Designed by Lilly Gomm
Built by Collinson’s Landscaping
Sponsored by Switzerland Tourism and participating partners Ticino Region, Lake Geneva Region and Bern Region
Inspired by and echoing travels to Switzerland, the garden is conceived as an imaginary personal sanctuary filled with the unique flora that typifies different regions of the country. Using the flora and materiality of Switzerland, it celebrates the variation the diverse climate brings, mixing alpine and Mediterranean planting to illustrate the country’s distinctive and rich natural landscapes.
The garden interprets the Swiss flora and landscape within the boundaries of an urban garden. Large stones act as a garden-sized representation of mountains in the landscape. The garden incorporates water gently falling into a central body of water and mimics the waterfront edges seen by many of Switzerland’s clear water lakes. Here sits a bespoke iron bench designed to reflect the train tracks synonymous with sustainable travel within Switzerland as well as embodying the country’s overall approach and commitment to sustainability.
The garden aims to highlight some of the many reasons to visit the picturesque cities and scenic countryside of Switzerland – spring for culture and festivals, summer for hiking and outdoor activities in the Alps, autumn for food and wine, winter for winter sports and breathtaking pure white panoramas.
▽瑞士庇护所 A Swiss Sanctuary

阳台花园 – 铜奖:城市松鸦栖息地
Balcony Gardens – Bronze medal: Jay Day
Designed by Flock Party (Alison Orellana Malouf, Su-Yeon Angela Choi)
Built by Big Fish Landscapes
Sponsored by Swarovski Optik
Jay Day是一个重新构想的城市松鸦栖息地,旨在鼓励游客考虑将活的植物纳入其鸟类喂养体系中,并将他们所提供的资源集中到非典型的饲养物种上。欧亚松鸦(Garrulus glandarius)使用灰藓来贮藏坚果,因此为了鼓励它们进入到阳台空间中来,阳台的基底便采用的是绿色苔藓地毯,上面覆盖着金属格栅方便人们进入。垂直方向上,各种“小窗口”格子结构引导视线,并将人类、鸟类和昆虫共同交织起来。
Jay Day is a reimagined urban jay habitat to encourage visitors to consider integrating live plants into their bird-feeding regime and focusing the resources they provide on non-typical feeder species. The Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius) uses hypnum moss for nut caching, so to encourage it into the space, the substrate of the balcony is a carpet of green moss overlaid with a metal grate for human access. Vertically, various ‘hatch’ latticeworks frame the view and interweave utility for humans, birds and insects.
▽城市松鸦栖息地 Jay Day

▽场景效果 Design sketch

圣所花园 – 生命之环
Sanctuary Gardens – Circle of Life
Designed by Yoshihiro Tamura
Built by Cube 1994 Garden Design and Landscaping
Designed as a sanctuary and a place of escape from the digital world, this small garden seeks to represent the cycle of life from beginning to end through different means. The different heights within the garden depict the highs and lows of life, and the curves are the twists and turns of our everyday journeys.
Water, an essential element, is harnessed by the Japanese wooden water wheel, the oldest method of harnessing energy, and its turning is a symbol of the passing of time. Alongside this traditional equipment, repurposed wood has been put to contemporary use on the pergola roof and in creating the ‘stone’ walls.
The planting incorporates herbs, wild grasses and vegetables, many with a practical application. Each plant colour represents the human emotions with green for healing, red for passion, yellow for warmth, white for purity and black for everyday troubles and worries.
▽生命之环 Circle of Life

特色花园 – “我们的绿色星球”和“蜜蜂花园”
Feature Gardens – BBC Studios Our Green Planet and RHS Bee Garden
Designed by Joe Swift
Built by Landform Consultants
BBC Earth和RHS合作为大家带来“我们的绿色星球”和“蜜蜂花园”,旨在帮助和激励人们种植对蜜蜂友好的植物,并鼓励人们思考植物的力量,以支援我们珍贵的传粉者。
BBC Earth and the RHS have partnered to bring you the BBC Studios Our Green Planet and RHS Bee Garden, which aims to help and inspire people to grow bee-friendly plants and encourage people to think of the power of plants to help our precious pollinators.
With many different British wild bees in decline and a threat of some species being lost from Britain altogether, the garden highlights that solitary and other rare bees need our urgent help.
The beautiful silhouette of a bee’s wing is central to the design, which is an uplifting space highlighting what people can do for bees and other pollinators in their outside spaces.
The BBC Studios Our Green Planet and RHS Bee Garden demonstrates how many bees rely on the plants we grow and habitats we create in our own outdoor spaces for their survival. It is brimming with nectar- and pollen-rich plants, many of which feature on the RHS Plants for Pollinators list that promotes the best plants to grow for these insects.
▽“我们的绿色星球”和“蜜蜂花园” BBC Studios Our Green Planet and RHS Bee Garden

更多 Read more about: RHS