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LAN:Euratlantique 是一个集中围绕波尔多圣约翰火车站的大型城市规划项目,该项目基于一条连接巴黎的新高铁线路设计,试图在 2030 年到来之前将波尔多建设成为一个欧洲领先的城市,进而打造欧洲影响力。阿梅代-圣日耳曼新区开发项目将重点在圣约翰火车站(Saint-Jean)周围建设一个商业中心。

一项近二十年前启动的城市改造工程仍在圣心( Sacré-Cœur)区和铁轨之间持续进行。其中包括对 ZAC Amédée-Saint-Germain 前工业区的开发。另外,对遗产的保护包括对保留建筑的修复,以及为铁路网开辟视觉空间。

LAN:By 2030, the city of Bordeaux aims for European influence with Euratlantique, an operation focusing on the construction of a business center around the railway station Saint-Jean.

The urban renewal initiated nearly twenty years ago continues between the Sacré-Cœur district and the railway tracks. It includes the development of the former industrial site of the ZAC Amédée-Saint-Germain. The enhancement of heritage involves the rehabilitation of preserved buildings, but also the creation of visual openings towards the railway network.




In the image of an innovative and attractive urban district, the new Amédée sector concentrates mixed and coherent activities with the context. Housing, offices, and shops are the three programs that define the uses on the site.



由于该地块靠近市中心,周边环境安静,住房的需求量很大。LAN 通过住宅开发提供种类多样且丰富实用的住房单元,吸引了各类不同的人群。

Close to the city center and in a quiet neighborhood, the demand for housing is high on the site. Within these housing units, diversity is provided through various types and typologies that will attract diverse populations.



可接受的密度 Acceptable density


The project aims to make the high density of the neighborhood acceptable through several measures. Firstly, there’s an approach of functional and social mix by integrating various types of housing, shops, and offices to promote diversity and reduce distances. Secondly, creating green spaces, parks, and collective and public facilities improves the quality of life. Architecture that enhances natural light and the friendliness of spaces also contributes to this goal.



花园 The gardens

波尔多圣约翰火车站周边地区的特点是街区狭长,街区正面是矿石材料搭建的建筑,中心是植被。LAN 设计的新住宅区包括一个从街道和大堂均可看到的悬浮花园,将绿色融入了原本的粗环境。

停车坪上的花园像回廊一样排列,周围环绕着甬路和绿地,提供了不同的植被层次,进而提升了观赏性与生物多样性。人行道采用“cale bordelaise”风格,住宅与花园之间以植物连接取代了围栏。

The area around Gare Saint-Jean features long and narrow blocks, with a mineral built frontage and a vegetated core. The proposed layout includes a suspended garden visible from the street and the lobbies, integrating greenery into a mineral environment.

A garden on the parking deck, arranged like a cloister, surrounded by paved paths and green spaces, offers different vegetation layers to manage views and biodiversity. Pedestrian circulation uses the “cale bordelaise” style, and planted joints serve as interfaces between the residences and the garden, replacing fences.



双重高度 The double scale


The first step in selecting the project’s vocabulary involved searching within this vast ensemble for a common thread capable of spanning history—a motif that could be found equally in the architecture of the historic center as well as in railway industrial architecture or that of the Sacré Cœur district. It’s a process of seeking a common denominator: the shape of a window, the rhythm of a composition, the relationship between voids and solids, the grid. The result of this study led us towards a geometry capable of transcending building typology and scale: the double height.



物质性 Materiality


To engage in dialogue with the stone part of the city, the proportions and relationships between voids and built structures are preserved. The facades of the projects in the northern part are variations on the theme of the traditional Bordeaux “échoppe” facade: common floor heights shared by all buildings, minimal ornamentation, composition on a grid. The facades are mineral; stone is used to transition towards the new district.



创新类型 Innovative typologies


This project aims to make urban housing as attractive as individual houses, with their advantages in terms of privacy and outdoor space, but without the environmental and territorial drawbacks. Each building offers various types of housing, reflecting different relationships with the outdoors and specific lifestyles.



户外区域 Outdoor areas


Duplexes designed like stacked “échoppes”, apartments with large continuous loggias, offer a diversity of living spaces. These variations in layouts, programs, and sizes allow us to explore the potential of a new neighborhood while preserving the uniqueness of each residence, all within a coherent overall architectural framework.





项目名称:Amédée Saint-Germain district
地址:法国 波尔多-圣日耳曼
ZAC Saint-Jean Belcier中包含的9.11和9.12标段
净可出租面积(NLA):28 683平方米

客户:Bouygues Immobilier
景观设计师:Atelier Georges
图片来源:© Charly Broyez © Maxime Delvaux

Project Name: Amédée Saint-Germain district
Schedule: 2017 – 2024
Address: BORDEAUX – Amédée Saint-Germain
Lot 9.11 et 9.12 included in the ZAC Saint-Jean Belcier
Program: housing, retail and services, parking
Budget: €55M EXCL. VAT
GFA (Gross Floor Area): 31 473 sqm
NLA (Net Lettable Area): 28 683 sqm

Client: Bouygues Immobilier
Lead architect: LAN
Co-contracting architects: BLP
Landscape architect: Atelier Georges
Engineering consultant: OTEIS
Technical inspections office: QUALICONSULT
Photo credit: © Charly Broyez © Maxime Delvaux



更多 Read more about:LAN (Local Architecture Network) , METROPOLIS