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三益中国在上海城市发展中,如果说静安寺是承载历史叙事的核心区,那上海西大门安亭镇是了解这座城市最生动的文化入口, “十里一亭,以安名亭,以亭为镇”,安亭之名自汉代沿袭至今。后经汽车工业大发展时期,形成多变的城市面貌,留下了1200余年的上海0001银杏树、众多文化遗产和隽永的故事。

SUNYATIn the urban development of Shanghai, if Jing’an Temple is the core area that carries historical narratives, then Anting Town, the west gate of Shanghai, is the most vivid cultural entrance to understand the city. “The name Anting has been inherited since the Han Dynasty. After a period of great development of the automobile industry, a diverse urban appearance was formed, leaving more than 1,200 years of Shanghai 0001 ginkgo tree, many cultural heritages and timeless stories.




This year, the People’s Government of Anting Town hopes to upgrade Anting Old Street to meet new consumer demand. How to continue the “old street story” and improve the commercial structure is the most important task for Sunyat Architects.


▼老街牌坊  Old street memorial arch

▼老街景象  Old street scene

▼老街中心广场  Old Street Central Square



For the commercial streets of historical districts, the spatial strategy is no longer a design method based on materiality and economy, but returns to the original point of the site find the appropriate language and form from the spirit of the place, and simultaneously and juxtaposes the space. It does not limit the measurement of the size of the space but focuses on the changes of the space, ranging from the organizational order of the space to the intervention of cultural symbols. Based on this space strategy, the architects of Sanyi intervened in the renewal of the old street with the three identities of “tinker”, “refiner” and “creator”.


▼总平面图  The total floor plan

▼整体鸟瞰  Have a bird’s eye view of whole

▼老街夜景鸟瞰  A night view of the old street


我们是“修补匠” We are “tinkers”


At the beginning of the project, a field survey was conducted on the site. The street is sitting along the river course, with the square surrounded by Yong’an Tower and ginkgo trees, spreading out to the town streets, with the standard traditional wall and roof as the main traditional culture On display, there is a long corridor for people to rest between the commercial street and the waterfront.


▼安亭老街旧照  Old photos of Anting Street



Through interviews with the residents, we learned that residents do not want the leisure area to be replaced by a high density of commercialization, so we first adopted the restrained design method of “repairing”, and repaired the site at first sight.


▼老街效果图  Renderings of the old street

▼老街鸟瞰   Old street have a bird’s eye view of



First of all, demolition is avoided, and the original central square, landscape and corridor are retained.


▼保留原有的主体空间   Keep the original main space

▼保留原有的建筑形式和风雨连廊   The original building form and wind and rain corridor will be retained



Secondly, replace and repair the elements which are eroding the charm of the old street, such as messy stores, exposed circuit box, and messy signs along the street.


▼改造分析动图   Transform the analysis GIF

▼修建后的沿街展示   The display along the street after construction



Finally, reorganised the layout of slow-moving lines, add resting platforms in the landscape space along the street and the river, clear the river, add unified store signs, and add lights to unify the street space.


▼老街夜景氛围   Old street night scene atmosphere

▼沿街空间布局   Layout of space along the street


我们是“精修师” We are “finishers”


After reorganizing the public space, we adopted a refined design strategy for the building.


▼永安塔中心广场   Wing On Tower Central Plaza



After investigation, there are five types of buildings in the whole street. The most visited place by tourists is the central square formed by Yong’an Tower. Therefore, we set the three buildings surrounding the square as the start of “refinement” and extend to both sides of the street at the same time. The “processing” is changing alongside the walking path, and rhythmically improve the facade image of existing buildings and experience fun.


▼中心广场效果图   Renderings of the central square

▼保留载满记忆的古树   Keep the old tree full of memories

▼改善后的建筑立面形象和体验乐趣   Improved building facade image and experience fun



The elements of ancient ginkgo trees are extracted to renew the wall by using metal plates with holes in the same colour as the ginkgo trees. The metal plates are bent with small curvatures to form a unique texture. At the same time, the size of the hole and the colour of the metal plate is variable to “print” the ginkgo pattern on the facade. Even in summer, you can see the scene of yellow ginkgo trees. In the door and window spaces on the first floor, the ginkgo leaf is used as pattern decoration.


▼建筑改善分析动图   GIF of building improvement analysis

▼建筑立面形象   Building facade image

▼改善建筑立面为印有银杏图案且相同颜色的孔洞金属板   The facade of the building has been improved to be a perforated metal plate with the same color printed with the ginkgo pattern

▼江南百景图   Scenes of the south of the Yangtze River


我们是“创造者” We are the “creator”


How does the commercial street form cultural attributes and identity? The ancient ginkgo tree in 1200 is the starting point of the new story, and we created the “Ginkgo ” culture icon.


▼老街以银杏古树为元素打造了“银杏IP”   Old Street creates “Ginkgo IP” with ancient Ginkgo trees as elements



The design of the side lamp is based on the ginkgo pattern, the circular acrylic panel is hung on the side and the facade; on the front facade of the shop, multiple ginkgo leaves are spliced ​​into a panel that decorates the white wall.


▼银杏元素演绎的侧招灯具设计   Ginkgo biloba element deductive side lighting design

▼老街的色彩提取   Color extraction of the old street



Walking along the street, the unified ginkgo logo has formed a strong consensus among tourists and residents. The thousand-year-old ginkgo trees in Anting Town stimulated our interest in understanding the historical background.


▼统一的沿街银杏标识  Unified ginkgo logo along the street



On the gable of the Wall, we created the “Anting Old Street” lightbox. The black matte metal frame, together with the black text on the textured fabric, blends into the gable vision.


▼安亭老街标识融入到白色的马头山墙中  The logo of Anting Old Street is integrated into the white horse-head gable



Through the integrated design of urban space, building facade, building interior and logo design, Sunyat architects transformed the cultural elements into construction, and at the same time brought the historical memory of the site back to the people. As architects with the three roles of “tinker”, “refiner” and “creator”, we solve the problem of homogeneity and disorder in the site, maintains the essence of the historic district and implants new contemporary life and space.


▼建筑改造分析  Analysis of building renovation



▼建筑内部空间  Building interior space

▼统一的建筑外立面  Unified facade of the building




施工图设计:张敏、彭程、刘军、徐伟栋 、丁红梅 、冯心宙

Project name: Anting old street renovation project.
Project type: Urban regeneration
Project location: Anting old street, Anting Town, Jiading District, Shanghai, China.
Site length: around 1 kilometer
Buidling area: 12745 sqm
Design duration: 12/2018-06/2019
Constructin duration: 06/2019-12/2020
Developer: Anting Trends and Innovation
Architectual Design: Shanghai Sunyat Architecture Design Co., Ltd.
Chief architects: Jia Zhengyang, Lyu Jiajun, Teng-yang Yu
Project Manager: Zhang Min
Project Designer: Wang Jun, Yu Jiayu, Feng Ruoqian, Cao Dawei, Lu Chenyuan, Zeng Yuqian (Internship).
Digital design: Lyu Jiajun
Construction Drawings: Zhang Min, Peng Cheng, Liu Jun, Xu Weidong, Ding Hongmei , Feng Xinyu.
Landscape architects: Wang Can, Zheng Zhicheng.
Interior design: Zhou Yixiang
Technical support: Zhu Yumei, Wang Xiaohong, Jiang Hong, Chen Ying, Ju Yongjian.
Lighting design: Shanghai DDC light design limited
Contructor: Shanghai Anting contruction company limited.
Photograph: Songkai Liu


更多read more about:   三益中国 SUNYAT