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JXY Studio:自然的感知与模糊的虚实,风息的流动与万物的停驻,天然的转译与具象的呈现,生态的探索与人工的找寻。

JXY Studio: The perception of nature and the blurring of reality, The flow of the wind’s breath and the stay of all creation, The innate interpretation and the tangible manifestation, The environmental exploration and the artificial quest.




人工与自然之间,以对自然元素的转译作为对非固定边界的重构。 将风纳入人造构筑物中,以活动的板片构件呈现自然元素驱动下的人工材料对于自然的摇曳重映。 环境与构筑物之间并非分裂隔绝,而以交互相融呈现自然生息与人造物间的共生界线。

Between nature and the artificial, the reinterpretation of natural elements serves as a reconstruction of non-fixed boundaries. The wind is incorporated into the man-made structure, and the movable plate components present the swaying reflection of nature driven by such a natural element. The relationship between the environment and the structure is not one of division, but of mutual fusion, presenting a symbiotic boundary between natural habitat and human creation.



风作为不可被剥夺的先行者与创作者,随第一缕阳光渗入构筑物中,复融于树木茂林中。 自然与人造物间,主动与被动关系反转,被动承受转为主动拂动。

The wind, as an inalienable precursor and creator, penetrates into the structure with the first rays of sunlight and merges back with the lush trees. The relationship between nature and artifact undergoes a reversal from passive reception to active movement.




When viewing, seasons are reflected in the exterior and the viewers in the interior; when listening, the plate chimings compose a melody.




人类与非人类物种平等地参与人造构筑物中。 于湖畔以灵活开放的组合形式,允许不同物种穿行其中,邀生物共同营造,重新给予鸟类与各物种共生之空间。

Humans and non-human species participate equally in such an artifact. By the lakeside, the flexible and open combination forms, allow different species to traverse, inviting all creatures to co-create, re-providing spaces for the symbiosis of birds and various species.




The arc framework composed of modular sections subtly delineates the entrance, where mirrored and frosted surfaces intersect, leaving spaces at different heights for diverse creatures to enter.



模块化框架与板片虚实组合中,空隙与满盈相间,释放自由空间。 于高处,为白鹭留一方入口,于低处,为行人画一方圆景。

In the combination of modular frames and plate components, between void and solidity, free spaces are released. At the height, an entrance is left for birds, and at the low, a circular scenery is framed for pedestrians.




构筑物对于自然元素及物种的牵引,伴之人的进入与停驻,最终指向对于人工与自然间边界与连结的探讨。 模块化构件与其动态摆动围合出对自然的限定空间,限定之下自然更为凸显可感。

The attraction of the structure to natural elements and species, accompanied by the entry and stay of humans, ultimately leads to the discussion of the boundaries and connections between nature and the artificial. Modular components and dynamic movements delimit a space enclosed by nature, where the natural becomes even more perceptible under such a definition.



随风起叶落,自远处步入构筑物中,于外侧镜面澄净树影与天空辉映,伫立于湖畔,影影绰绰,观赏其外。 步入其中,磨砂之肌理,模糊来访者之身影,朦胧与彷徨中仰望环顾,于限定之空与自然相连,静坐其内。

With leaves rustling in the wind, visitors step into the structure from afar, in the outer mirrored surface, the shadows of trees and the sky shimmer, one stands by the lakeside, watching the reflections, observing from the outside. Stepping inside, the textures of frosted surfaces blur the visitors’ silhouettes, one gazes around in haze and uncertainty, sitting quietly within, connecting with nature in the delimited space.




Enclosure and openness, vagueness and clarity, dynamics and stillness, all intertwine within this artifact, reinterpreting natural elements into concreteness, re-providing equality to all living beings, and reflecting the harmonious convergence and the interconnectedness of nature.



▽设计图纸 Design drawing



建筑设计:JXY Studio
摄影师:JXY Studio

Project Name: ATTRACTION
Design Firm: JXY Studio
Lead Architects: Jiaxun Xu, Yue Xu
Photography: JXY Studio
Completion Year: March, 2024
Project Location: Yuelong Lake, Longjiang Town, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province
Company Website: jxystudio.com
Contact e-mail: studiojxy@gmail.com




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