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COMPASS ARCHITEKTI:该建筑是专为Bachledka滑雪度假区和树顶步道而打造的一个基础设施。设计为了融入山坡地形,采用倾斜绿色屋顶,并选用当地木材和混凝土等材料作为建筑立面,最大限度地降低了建筑对Malá Poľana(山名)顶部环境的影响。
COMPASS ARCHITEKTI:The aim of the design was to create facilities for treetop walk and recreation area Bachledka Ski & Sun. Minimising of the impact of the new volume at the top of Malá Poľana and blending with surroundings was achieved by embedding into the hillside, sloping the green roofs, tracing the contour lines with façade and choosing materials such as local wood and concrete.

项目场地位于Spišská Magura山脊上的Mala Poľana山顶。该地区常用于举行各种各样的活动,如滑雪、徒步旅行、骑行和树顶观光等。在旅游旺季,每天甚至有多达6000名游客来到这里。因此,我们此次设计的目的就是为参加这些活动的游客们创建必要的基础设施。游客们可以通过旅游路线或从邻近村庄的索道(Bachledova dolina、Mala Frankova和Jezersko)到达该地。
The site is located at the top of Mala Poľana on the ridge of Spišská Magura. The area provides a variety of activities such as skiing, hiking, biking and a sightseeing route – The Treetop Walk. Up to 6,000 visitors a day come here on certain days. The aim of the proposal was to provide facilities for these activities. Access to the site is provided by the tourist route or by three cableways from adjacent villages, Bachledova dolina, Malá Franková and Jezersko.

我们试图最小化山顶建筑的体量,只留下必要的索道控制和树顶步行出口结构,其余部分都嵌入山坡,唯一可见的立面是那些用于提供采光和山脉视野的玻璃。这也是适应地形的最理想的形状——创造朝向Belianske Tatry的南向斜坡。从而实现了与周围地形的融合,在丘陵高原上创建了一个绿色的倾斜屋顶。
We tried to minimize the mass at the top of the hill, leaving only the necessary cableway control and the treetop walk exit object. The rest of the building is embedded into the hillside and the only visible facades are those glazed, providing light and a view of the mountains. This was made possible by the ideal shape of the terrain – the slope is oriented to the south towards the Belianske Tatry. We achieved blending with the surrounding terrain with a green and sloped roof at the level of the hill plateau.
▼草图 sketches

A big challenge was to get barrier-free access from the upper plateau to the lower level of the restaurant terrace and further to the treetop walk entrance. We achieved this by using an exterior staircase through which a ramp traverses. Such a solution saved a lot of space on the most important southern facade. The repeated detail of the “rampstairs” also minimizes the number of prefabricated concrete parts. Due to the shortening of the length of the “rampstairs”, the entire roof-plateau is sloped towards it. The broken and sloping ceiling in the interior is therefore derived from the need to merge with the terrain and from getting fluent pedestrian paths.

Central position on the south facade of the “rampstairs” allowed direct walking route and it divided the main facade into two parts- the restaurant and the apartments.

The lowered space under the “staircase” was used as indoor play area. An universal space for play resembling forest was created with the help of birch trunks and nets. The great depth of the underground space required the use of skylights. We also combined them with a bench to protect the glass from skiers.
The basic surface materials are concrete and wood. The local spruce boards were used for the formwork of the ceiling, which made it possible to lay out complex shapes and at the same time it matches the spruce cladding on the walls. Part of the formwork boards was reused as the toilet partition walls.

餐厅由座位区、中央酒吧和自助空间组成,可满足约180个室内+ 350个室外座位的需求。
The restaurant consists of the seating area, central bar and self-service space able to cover the demand of about 180 indoor + 350 outdoor seats.

Three almost identical apartments are oriented more to the west. Each contains a living room with a kitchenette, a toilet, a bathroom and two double bedrooms connected by a walk-in closet. Above the closet, there is additional mezzanine bed accessible with the ladder. Natural lighting of the rooms further from facade is achieved by transom windows.

The apartments are accessed through a multipurpose room, which can be used for breakfast, games or TV. If needed, it can be quickly transformed into an environmental classroom or conference room.
▼底层平面图 Ground floor plan

▼二层平面图 upper ground floor plan

▼剖面图 profile

项目名称:Bachledka – Summit Facilities
总建筑面积:2275 m2
项目地点:Malá Poľana, ridge of the Spišská Magura Bachledova dolina
建筑师:Juraj Benetin, architect; Matej Grébert, architect;Roman Janata, architect
客户:Bachledka – Summit Facilities
Project name: Bachledka – Summit Facilities
Completion Year: 2019
Gross Floor Area: 2275 m2
Project location:Malá Poľana, ridge of the Spišská Magura Bachledova dolina
Website: www.compassatelier.com
Contact e-mail: www.compassatelier.com
Architects: Juraj Benetin, architect; Matej Grébert, architect;Roman Janata, architect
Clients: Bachledka – Summit Facilities
Photo credits: BoysPlayNice
Photographer’s website: www.boysplaynice.com
Materials:architectural concrete / ceilings and perimeter walls spruce / wall and ceiling claddings, casework slate / main bar facing aluminium / curtain wall framework
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