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Thanks Batlleiroig for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Batlleiroig.


Batlleiroig:Briansó或Boca de la Mina长廊位于雷乌斯市的西北部,具体位于铁路和火车站以北。这条步行长廊一直以来都是该市居民的重要休闲空间。它的布局与城市核心区、地貌、缓坡、树木和特殊自然环境紧密相关,这也使其成为了散步的最佳场所。

Batlleiroig:The Briansó or Boca de la Mina promenade is located in the northwest of the city of Reus, specifically in the north of the railway line and the train station. The walk has been and is an important recreational space for the inhabitants of the city. Its arrangement in relation to the nucleus, the morphology, the gentle slope, the trees and the special natural environment make it optimal for walks.


© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca



It was built in the 19th century following the existing path that led to the town’s mills, at the beginning of Monterols and, further up, at Boca de la Mina. The old mills located in this place were vital for the pre-industrial dynamics of the city since they took advantage of the power of the water that was available to produce different raw materials, especially flour. The so-called new mill or mill of the town remains as a witness, today converted into a private house, which has a helical chimney that was built between 1863 and 1864, when the old mill was replaced by a steam engine.


© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca



The action on the Paseig de la Boca de la Mina aims to condition and dignify a space of great natural, patrimonial and sentimental value in the city and to favor all those uses that contribute to maintaining its identity. This means consolidating its character as a recreational space and setting for sports and health practices that respect the environment, promoting its cultural and historical values, and preserving associated agricultural uses, making it a central piece of actions to preserve the environment. Therefore, beyond the urban development of the promenade, the City Council promotes different actions that the project considers and interacts with: cultural routes, water routes, Reus Smart City, etc.


© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca




The intention of the proposal is none other than to maintain the current character of the promenade as a recreation area, with soft sauló pavement and where plane trees are the main protagonists of the space. Even so, the proposal seeks to resolve the obvious deficiencies of the existing drainage to ensure that its durability is optimal and, consequently, its maintenance is minimal.

On the other hand, we want to promote the inclusiveness of the walk. For this reason, the new section of the Promenade always incorporates a paved strip, the width of which is variable throughout the promenade. In any case, its width is always wider than 1.2 m.


© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca



The materiality of this new strip built wants to achieve a perfect integration into the environment with materials that are very present in the collective imagination and culture of Reus. In this sense, paving based on the use of manual brick is proposed, in different sizes and formats to gradually configure the different spaces of the proposal. This ceramic material is chosen, considering that it is an element already present in the area in the walls and fences of the farmhouses, the chimney of the Mill and at the same time, it is a material with a clear relationship with the past and the way of doing of modernism.


© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca


步行长廊展示了一系列极具自然、历史和教育价值的景点,如Font del Lleó、Boca de la Mina、ravines,并通过不同的建设性解决方案将它们整合起来,使之与长廊形成统一而连贯的叙述。


The promenade presents a sequence of points of great natural, historical and educational interest. The Font del Lleó, the Boca de la Mina, the ravines, or the modernist farmhouses are a clear example. The proposal signifies and values all these points, integrating them through different constructive solutions and generating a unitary and coherent story in relation to the new proposal.

As a result of the recognition of these singular points, it has been created in the central point of the Paseo, previously an open field with the only use of punctual parking: a new square that provides new uses and dignifies and improves access to the Mowgli school.


© Jordi Surroca
© Jordi Surroca


新的广场周围有一个新的景点,即Parc de les Olors:一个休息和休闲的地方,连接步道和磨坊。这条路线可以让人在按色彩成片种植的芳香植物园中开启令人享受的感官体验之旅。

未来,该广场还将作为通往另一个新空间(目前正在建设中)的入口:Jardí Agrari del Camp,这是一个新的公共空间,是具有生产、教育和休闲功能的农业用地。

Around this new square there is a new attraction point, the Parc de les Olors: a new place for rest and leisure that connects the walk with the mill ravine. The route system allows you to enjoy a sensory experience in the surroundings of a set of plantations of aromatic species grouped by their color range.

In the future, the square will also serve as access to another new space (currently under construction): the Jardí Agrari del Camp, a new public space structured as an agricultural plot with a productive, educational and leisure purpose.


© Jordi Surroca


▽设计图纸 Drawings

© batlleiroig
© batlleiroig
© batlleiroig
© batlleiroig
© batlleiroig
© batlleiroig




项目名称:Boca de la Mina Promenade in Reus
面积:41,641 平方米
项目地点:西班牙 塔拉戈纳 雷乌斯

首席建筑师:Enric Batlle Durany、Joan Roig i Duran、Iván Sánchez Fabra、Mario Súñer Díaz – 建筑师
设计团队:建筑师Roger Mermi Ribalta、Gabriel Romero Fossas、Clara Terradellas Rosell、Marta Sanz Cuso、Esther Díaz Salas;建筑师兼景观设计师Bárbara Freire Ares、Lina Florez、Marta Ines Cot;建筑工程师Laura Luque Pan、Gemma Ramon Mestre;农业工程师和环保主义者Yago Cavaller Galí

客户:Reus City Council
合作者:SBS Simón i Blanco – Engineering
图片来源:© Jordi Surroca

Project name: Boca de la Mina Promenade in Reus
Completion Year: 2022
Size: 41.641 m2
Project location: Reus, Tarragona (Spain)

Landscape/Architecture Firm: Batlleiroig
Website: www.batlleiroig.com/en
Contact e-mail: batlleiroig@batlleiroig.com
Lead Architects: Enric Batlle Durany, Joan Roig i Duran, Iván Sánchez Fabra, Mario Súñer Díaz – Architect
Design Team: Roger Mermi Ribalta, Gabriel Romero Fossas, Clara Terradellas Rosell, Marta Sanz Cuso, Esther Díaz Salas – Architect / Bárbara Freire Ares, Lina Florez, Marta Ines Cot – Architect and landscape architect / Laura Luque Pan, Gemma Ramon Mestre – Building engineer / Yago Cavaller Galí – Agricultural engineer and environmentalist

Clients: Reus City Council
Collaborators: SBS Simón i Blanco – Engineering
Photo credits: © Jordi Surroca
Photographer’s website: http://www.jordisurroca.com/



审稿编辑: SIM

更多 Read more about: Batlleiroig