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Thanks STUDIO PIPPA for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by STUDIO PIPPA.
STUDIO PIPPA:作为公民我们面临新冠疫情的阻碍,但作为专业人士我们对家庭的关注日益增加,居家隔离用事实向我们展示了优质环境对我们身心健康和日常生活的重要性。
STUDIO PIPPA:While we faced the obstacles of the pandemic as citizens, we perceived as professionals, a notable and growing concern regarding our homes. The confinement showed us in practice, how quality environments impact our well-being and routine.

But more than that, it exposed the deep human need for connection with nature. In the recent months, we observed as consequence, an increase in the adoption and purchase of domestic animals, a change in the arrangement of furniture to ensure space for indoor sunbathing and an increase in the sales of plants and flowers. In regards to the environment, social distancing and the deceleration in large cities have brought unimaginable scenarios to the globalized world. The Himalayas could be seen from India for the first time in 30 years, dolphins were sighted in Venice and the presence of turtles in the Guanabara Bay was registered.

During this period, few things were proven truly necessary, revealing the real value of what is essential. This latent urge of reminding our selves that we are part of nature was manifested in the significant movement of people seeking for contact with the land. We turned our attention to the surroundings, reconnecting with nearby areas, with nature and natural landscapes from which we have distanced ourselves.

The Botânico is a plant nursery that comes as a reaction to these questionings, communicating a weightless and calm atmosphere, contemplation, simplicity, and the essence of what we believe in. Architecture was, is and will always be a response to the lifestyle of a time. We are an invitation to rediscover life.

Every year, the heavy rainy season in Brasilia coincides with CasaCor exhibition period. For some occasions, the meteorological phenomenon is seen as a problem, but for the Botânico, the rain offers a poetic experience. So that no visitors miss out on the opportunity, we have created an informative totem with an umbrella stand. We also designed a business card made of seed paper to continue the narrative we approached in the Botânico, to endure the cycle and to strengthen contact with the land.
▽带伞架的信息展板 Informative totem with an umbrella stand

▽种子纸做的名片 Business card made of seed paper

Botânico的选址以一系列场地现有的本杰明榕树(Ficus benjamina)为导向,这些树木环绕着展馆并提供了遮荫。因此,对于景观美化我们选择了喜阴的阔叶植物,给人一种温馨的感觉,并且能为花园增添一丝热带风情。
The siting of the Botânico was guided by a sequence of existing trees of the species Ficus benjamina, which embraces the pavilion and guarantees shade. Therefore, for the landscaping, we chose plants that enjoy partial shade. Still regarding the choice of vegetation, we chose broad-leaved species, which bring a cozy feeling and invariably add a tropical touch to the garden.
▽场地的榕树 Ficus benjamina

▽榕树搭配喜阴的阔叶植物,为花园增添了一丝热带风情 The broad-leaved species, which bring a cozy feeling and invariably add a tropical touch to the garden.

侧院具有沉思的功能,供人片刻的停顿和专注呼吸,院中有Paulo Mendes da Rocha专为Sesc 24 de Maio设计的家具。
The side patio has a contemplative function, suggesting a moment of pause and breath. It received furniture from line 22 signed by Paulo Mendes da Rocha and created especially for Sesc 24 de Maio.

为了营造轻松的氛围,我们将立面结构与木结构隔开,在四周和屋顶中创造不接触墙壁的空隙,这样同时保证了雨水的进入和苗圃的湿度。屋顶采用了来自 Cebrace Vidros 的 Habitat 玻璃,这种玻璃融合了最佳设计技术并采用智能制造,可将热量隔绝在外。屋顶玻璃的设计使环境更加宜人,并在游客与外部环境之间建立了视觉联系。
In order to create a light ambiance, we detached our façade structure from the wooden structure, thus creating a void in the entire perimeter and also in the roof, which does not touche the walls. In this way, we allow the entry of rain and guarantee the humidity of the nursery. The Habitat glass from Cebrace Vidros used in the roof has an intelligent manufacture that keeps the heat out and integrates the best in design and technology, making the environment more pleasant and creating a visual connection between the visitor and the external environment.

▽内外视觉联系 Visual connection between the visitor and the external environment

景观公司:Ana Paula Roseo
首席建筑师:Priscila Gabriel
设计团队:Virginia Castro, Marina Davi, Valentina Moura e Gabriela Schinzel
客户:CasaCor Brasilia
图片来源:Julia Totoli
Project name: Botânico
Completion Year: 2021
Size: Pavillion – 42m2; Patio: 225m2; Total: 267m2
Project location: Brasilia, Brazil
Architecture Firm: STUDIO PIPPA
Landscape Firm: Ana Paula Roseo
Website: www.studiopippa.com
Contact e-mail: studiopippa@studiopippa.com
Lead Architects: Priscila Gabriel
Design Team: Virginia Castro, Marina Davi, Valentina Moura e Gabriela Schinzel
Clients: CasaCor Brasilia
Photo credits: Julia Totoli
Photographer’s website: @juliatotoli.foto
“ 这个与自然联系的苗圃引发了我们对疫情时代的思考。”
审稿编辑: gentlebeats
更多 Read more about: STUDIO PIPPA