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Thanks Aoc architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Aoc architects.
Aoc architects:克拉德诺市附近的弗拉皮斯德维托维奇河上,有一座小古桥,位于一条特殊的人行道上,它从村庄通往墓地,却不那么神秘,在阳光下,融于自然,以这种非常规的方式反而与村庄的城市化公共空间相得益彰。弗拉皮斯周围的景观风貌在地质上也异常有趣,少见鲨鱼牙齿化石布满岩层表面,潮水经常淹草地,仿佛大自然在这里描绘添笔,加上周围驻民的偶尔参与,将这相对本该平静的荒野风景,在时间的流淌下,一直在发生变化。
Aoc architects:The bridge over the Dřetovice stream in Vrapice, near the city of Kladno, is located on a pedestrian trail that leads from the village to the cemetery. It is set in a remarkable natural context that, in a way, compensates for the urbanized public space of the village. The landscape around Vrapice is also geologically very interesting with findings such as fossilized shark teeth. The meadow around the bridge was often flooded and its immediate surrounding is characterized by both systematic human interventions and relative wilderness defined by constant changes due to the floods.

桥梁的概念在这里具有不一样的意义;它可以是生与死世界之间的一个神奇的门户, 或者也可以是奥德赛太空下的一个不起眼小物体。独特的建筑设计触探了人与自然,人与宇宙微妙的联系,得益于先进的现代工艺,将艺术驻落在此,黑夜里它代表永恒,白日里,它代表现代。
The concept of the bridge bears a higher meaning; it is a magical portal between the world of the living and the dead, or a numinous object from the Space Odyssey. The unique architectural design explores the limits of lightweightness and subtlety of a pedestrian bridge, artistically based on the mesmerizing black and extremely technologically advanced material.

不得不提到该桥先进的制作工艺,其基本材料由耐冻超高强度性能混凝土 (UHPC)、 C110/130 级、纤维增强型制成。近10 米跨度和 0.4 米外倾角的结构上,能充分设计双曲线几何形状,美感勿用言语,又非常稳定。桥面宽近1.5米,建筑用材,重约3.5吨,整体敦厚而优美。
The bridge is made from freeze-resistant ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), grade C110/130, fiber-reinforced. Structural solution of the 10 m span and 0,4 m camber adequately lies in the double-curved geometry of the bridge, stabilizing the construction in both main directions and allowing easy bracing of the bridge. With 1,5 m width in the cross section and 1,4 m3 of material used for building it, the bridge weights approx. 3,5 tons.

During the verification of the structural design and the concrete casting technology, a prototype was built and subjected to load testing. Pigment was added into the concrete mixture, surface patina etched and the key details hand sanded.

Opposite to the bridge is “The Guardian”, a sculpture from the atelier of prof. Jan Hendrych. Among other things, sculptor Hendrych is a leading expert on Baroque sculptures placed in the context of bridges and landscapes and on their plastic modelling. The sculpture is based on the original Baroque archetypes (e.g. John of Nepomuk) and placed in the landscape set-up completing the entire spatial composition of the bridge. One of the main compositional themes is also the concept of the bridge as a plinth or a spatial context for the sculpture, made of a material analogous to that of the bridge.

▼平面图 Plan

▼立面图 Elevation

▼设计过程 Design Process
▼效果图 Perspective

▼建设过程 Construction Process

设计:Ondřej Cisler (建筑师|Aoc architects);Petr Tej(建筑师、建筑工程师|Klokner Institute at CTU in Prague)
网址:www.aoc.archi | www.klok.cvut.cz
联系邮箱:kancelar@aoc.archi | petr.tej@cvut.cz
图片:BoysPlayNice | www.boysplaynice.com
雕塑:Jan Hendrych
铸造技术:Jiří Kolísko | www.klok.cvut.cz
桥体制造:KŠ Prefa | www.ksprefa.cz
Project name: Bridge over the Dřetovice stream
Author: Ondřej Císler (architect | Aoc architects), Petr Tej (architect, construction engineer | Klokner Institute at CTU in Prague)
Website: www.aoc.archi | www.klok.cvut.cz
Contact e-mail: kancelar@aoc.archi | petr.tej@cvut.cz
Project location: Kladno – Vrapice, Czech Republic
Project year: 2018
Completion year: 2019
Area: 19,5 m2
Cost: ca. 27 000 €
Client: The City of Kladno
Photo credits: BoysPlayNice | www.boysplaynice.com
Author of the sculpture: Jan Hendrych
Casting technology: Jiří Kolísko | www.klok.cvut.cz
Bridge manufacture: KŠ Prefa | www.ksprefa.cz
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