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Faulkner Architects:一个来自旧金山的家庭委托我们帮助他们扩建位于内华达山脉太浩湖附近的一处房产。该场地坐落在一个朝北的斜坡上,位于一片百年树龄的天然松树林中,下方是马蒂斯山谷( Martis Valley),上方则是瞭望山(Lookout Mountain)。

Faulkner Architects: A San Francisco family asked us to help them expand an existing property near Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The site sits on a north facing slope and looks down to the Martis Valley and up to Lookout Mountain through a natural screen of 100-year-old Jeffrey pine trees.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher




In our world today, much of the built work is driven by visual appearance. Symbolic forms and arbitrary material deployment remind us of our history. Usually, these collages of comfort for the eye ignore their contexts that should affect the work in a tangible way.

Wooden, furniture-like houses built in an ever-expanding migration to the wild lands that are at risk of fire appear to thumb their noses at the danger and the sun and the wind. At CAMPout, comprehensive rigor and consistent deployment of materials based on building sized decision making instill a sense of calm and connection for the whole assemblage and ultimately the family. The material palette is derived from the surrounding context of basalt boulders and sugar pines that cover the forest floor with a mat of rust colored pine needles. Glazing is limited at the exterior interface with the combustible surroundings and maximized in the courtyard, where the light and screen of the pine forest safely connects with the interior.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher


在斜坡上,房间围合形成了一个私密的庭院。用于家庭聚会的空间是一个混凝土亭子,同时连接着庭院和远处的景色。薄薄的钢棚屋顶向上倾斜,朝南开放,将良好的光线引入室内,并能看到山上的滑雪道。双层 8 英寸的混凝土墙面之间装有泡沫绝缘材料,墙面一直延伸至较低处的屋顶。天窗封闭了屋顶和混凝土墙之间的三角形空间。

Dug into the slope, sleeping areas wrap a courtyard that earns privacy from neighbors. The family gather space is a concrete pavilion that connects the courtyard to the distant view beyond. A thin steel shed roof pitches up to open the interior to the south sun and view to the ski runs on the mountain. Built with double 8” concrete walls fitted with foam insulation between extends up to the roof on the low side. Clerestory windows enclose the triangular space between the roof and concrete walls.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher



The materiality of concrete and steel sash tempered windows form a fire resistive barrier and secure a native cedar interior that is left unfinished. Basalt floors were chosen to reinforce the landscape that includes basalt boulders. Blackened steel casework associate with the exposed steel. A glazed access around the court connects the sleeping rooms and main pavilion to the courtyard and fire much like a campsite. Furnishings share the same materials and tonal qualities further reinforcing a quiet presence that allows the glowing landscape to resonate.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher



As climate change increases the incidence and magnitude of wildfire events and we continue to reach further into the wild landscape with development, we must enhance the construction systems and materials to withstand these disasters. Early consideration of these factors should be considered along with all other contextual attributes. The form can take on a protective posture. Materials can be non-combustible.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher




地点:加利福尼亚州 太浩湖
建筑设计:Faulkner Architects
社交媒体:@faulknerarchitects, @nicolehollissf, @joefletcherphoto
总承包商:Jim Morrison Construction
结构:CFBR Structural Group
土木工程:Shaw Engineering
MEP:Sugarpine Engineering
勘测:Webb Land Surveying, Inc.
岩土工程:Nortech Geotechnical Consultants
Title 24:Monterey Energy Group
摄影:Joe Fletcher

Project Name: CAMPout
Location: Lake Tahoe, California
Architecture: Faulkner Architects
Website: https://faulknerarchitects.com/
social media: @faulknerarchitects, @nicolehollissf, @joefletcherphoto
Interior Designer: NICOLEHOLLIS
General Contractor: Jim Morrison Construction
Structural: CFBR Structural Group
Civil: Shaw Engineering
MEP: Sugarpine Engineering
Surveyor: Webb Land Surveying, Inc.
Geotechnical: Nortech Geotechnical Consultants
Title 24: Monterey Energy Group
Photography: Joe Fletcher




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