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Thanks GOMA Taller de Arquitectura for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by GOMA Taller de Arquitectura.
GOMA Taller de Arquitectura:Casa Tejocote 是位于墨西哥克雷塔罗半城市环境中的一座独栋住宅。该项目通过材料的运用和简单的结构体现了该地区的本土建筑风格,并试图融入周围的半沙漠景观。
GOMA Taller de Arquitectura:Casa Tejocote is a single-family home located in a semi-urban context from Querétaro, Mexico. It is a project that through its materials and its simple composition represents the vernacular architecture of the region, which seeks to integrate with the semi-desert landscape that surrounds it.
▽主立面 Main Facade

▽侧立面 Side Facade

The volumetry was conceived from the premise of giving spaces the greatest possible privacy. Since by regulations of the housing estate it is not allowed to build fences, the house’s scheme acts as a wall that surrounds and protects the living spaces. The program was divided into four solid volumes that delimit a large central garden and are linked through a bridge of lighter character. These four modules were intervened with meticulous incisions either to open subtle light entrances; provide views that frame the landscape or integrate the interior with the exterior spaces.
▽主入口 Main entrance

▽楼梯间 Staircase

Casa Tejocote 建筑面积为 650 平方米,分布在两层,分别容纳社交区域和私人区域。底层设有客厅、餐厅、厨房和服务空间,上层则设有三间卧室和一间家庭活动室。
With 650 square meters of construction, Casa Tejocote is distributed on two levels that separate the social areas from the private areas. The ground floor houses a living room, dining room, kitchen, and service spaces, while on the top floor there are three bedrooms and a family room.

All interior spaces have a semi-open character, having the possibility of opening onto an interior patio or garden, under the same idea of inhabiting the house inward with some privacy, without losing contact with the exterior. The central garden plays a fundamental role in the habitability of the house since the modules seek to open up towards it, allowing the family to carry out activities in coexistence with nature. The wild and endemic vegetation of the region surrounds the house and integrates the architecture with the surrounding landscape.

The warmth and simplicity in both the interior and exterior spaces are a constant in the atmosphere of the house. The pigmented concrete in its tepetate color shades gives a more welcoming character to the spaces it surrounds, matching natural light and the landscape.
▽圆形窗口 Circular window

▽客厅立面 Living room facade

▽客厅 Living room

▽客厅2 Living room 2

The use of discreet materials causes light and space itself to be the protagonists of the house. However, elementary details such as solid wood in furniture and ironwork; as well as brick floors and pasta mosaics, complement this sensation of serenity that the spaces transmit.
▽走廊 Hallway

▽家庭活动室 Family Room

▽主卧 Master bedroom

▽主卧浴室 Master bathroom

▽户外浴缸 Outdoors tub

钢筋混凝土构件塑造了建筑的主要体量。厚厚的墙壁每隔 80 厘米分层浇筑,这种浇筑方式决定了室内空间、开口和房屋各处细节的高度和调节方式。经过弧形处理的细节柔化了建筑体量的刚性,使空间的几何关系更加敏感。
The structure is made up of reinforced concrete elements that shape the main volumes. The thick walls are raised in layers poured every 80 centimeters. This modulation rules the height and modulation of interior spaces, openings, and various details throughout the house. The orthogonal rigidity of the volumes is softened by curved details that cause a more sensitive relationship towards the spatial geometry.
▽客房浴室 Guest bathroom

▽施工过程现场图纸 On Site

▽楼层平面图 Plan

▽建筑剖面图 Section

▽核心剖面 Corte por fachada

项目地点:墨西哥 克雷塔罗州
设计公司:GOMA Taller de Arquitectura
摄影:Ariadna Polo/Miguel González
照片1:Ariadna Polo
照片2:MiguelÁngel González
Year: 2021
Location: Querétaro
Typology: Residential
M2: 650 m2
Landscape/Architecture Firm: GOMA Taller de Arquitectura
Photography: Ariadna Polo / Miguel González
Photograph 1: Ariadna Polo
Instagram: @ariadnapolo.foto
Web page: www.ariadnapolo.com
E-mail: ariadnapolo.foto@gmail.com
Photograph 2: Miguel Ángel González
E-mail: miguel.g@goma.haus
“ 朴实的材料使光线和空间本身成为房屋的主角,自然的泥土色也让建筑完全融入到其所在的自然环境之中。简单的设计形式和自然材料的使用,让建筑可以随着时间的推移而充满意蕴。”
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