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Thanks Rusanov ured for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Rusanov ured.
Rusanov ured:海湾重建项目延续了对旅游景点Čikat海湾的改造更新,该海岸更新计划始于2014年,和贝尔维尤酒店(Hotel Bellevue)翻新项目一起施行。该项目包括重建Hortenzija山庄和贝尔维尤酒店前面的海滩,这是第一个组团的重建,第二个组团的重建包括Mirasol山庄和阿尔罕布拉酒店前面的海滩,这些海滩由人行散步道连接起来。
Rusanov ured: The project of the coast reconstruction follows the adaptation and renovation of the Čikat bay as a tourist destination that started in 2014 with the reconstruction of the Hotel Bellevue. The project consists of the reconstruction of the beach in front of Villa Hortenzija and Hotel Bellevue that were treated as one unit and of Villa Mirasol and Alhambra that were treated as the second unit. The beaches are connected by a pedestrian walkway.
▼场地鸟瞰 Aerial

Čikat Bay is a part of the protected Čikat forest, which is a unique ecosystem created by human intervention. The reconstruction of the beach required meeting the conditions of conservation of the Austro-Hungarian terrace, the vaulted niches and moles. It was also necessary to preserve the existing plant species and the hundred year old pine trees.

The walkway is paved with prefabricated concrete panels of an irregular shape and with incorporated floor lightning. The main axis of the Hotel Bellevue was elongated over the walkway up until the quay that lowers down towards the sea it enables a direct contact with the water. The quay is an enlargement of walkway that functions as a multifunctional public space.

▼人行散步道的铺装是不规则形状的预制混凝土板,上面嵌有地面灯带 The walkway is paved with prefabricated concrete panels of an irregular shape and with incorporated floor lightning.

▼夜幕降临 Night falls

Sunbathing spaces are designed in two levels, with traditional materials like local stone combined with white concrete. In order to enable the privacy of the bathers and to separate the beach from the walking route, a green area was designed in between within which the niches that house the accompanying beach facilities were formed. Every beach is equipped with cabins and showers. All the facilities on the beaches were made out of local stone and with a green roof.

▼海滨浴场驳岸细部 Details of the sunbathing space
▼Bellevue海滩平面 Floor Plan Bellevue Beach

▼Čikat海湾平面 Floor Plan Čikat Bay

▼阿尔罕布拉酒店平面 Floor Plan Hotel Alhambra

▼剖面图 Section

Project name: Čikat bay
Architectural firm: Rusanov ured
Authors: Andrija Rusan & autorska grupa: Juraj Luetić, Lana Petrak, Lana Trobentar Šimunić
Authorial collaboration: Kristina Bartolić, Bruno Krunić, Jelena Vujasinović, Nikolina Mikuličić, Tamara Vidović, Petra Franić, Darko Novak
Completion year: 2015
Gross built area: 6 725 m²
Project location: Mali Lošinj, Croatia
Photo credits: Tamaz Bujnovszky, Hrvoje Serdar
Read more about: Rusanov ured