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Thanks Ingrid Ingrid for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ingrid Ingrid.
Ingrid Ingrid:“多米诺效应”由分布在车站的120个多米诺骨牌组成,是冬季新体验“Luminothérapie”活动展的一部分。“多米诺效应”装置邀请公众以不同的方式参与到10个色彩鲜艳的巨型多米诺骨牌的游戏之中,创造出了各式各样的声音和灯光效果。每一组装置都有其独有的声音特征(人声、打击乐、木琴、巴拉风、长笛等),当玩家推翻一长串的多米诺骨牌时,色彩缤纷的多米诺“管弦乐团”便会在色调柔和的流线中奏出独特的音乐作品!
Ingrid Ingrid:As part of the novel winter experience provided by Luminothérapie, domino effect consists of 120 dominos distributed across several stations. The public is invited to play with sets of 10 giant, brightly coloured dominos in different ways, creating a wide range of sound and lighting effects. Every set features a different sound profile (vocals, percussion, marimba, balafon, flute and so on), and when players topple the dominos in a long cascade, the resulting multi-coloured domino orchestra plays a unique musical work in a colorful and luminous bow of pastel hues!
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设计方Ingrid Ingrid创造了一种有趣的娱乐体验,将人们聚集在一起以培养相互间的合作精神。玩家可以联合起来更快地设置多米诺骨牌并触发下一个级联,或者反向推动它们来反转声音序列。由于每张多米诺骨牌都有自己独特的声音,游客们甚至可以通过“抓挠”、以不同的速度旋转或用手指敲击多米诺骨牌来奏出DJ音乐。
Ingrid Ingrid delivers a fun and entertaining experience that brings people together and fosters a spirit of cooperation. Players can join forces to set up the dominos faster and trigger the next cascade, or nudge them in the opposite direction to reverse the sound sequence. And since each domino makes its own unique sound, visitors can even play DJ by “scratching” a domino, spinning it at different speeds or drumming on it with their fingers.

The installation is rounded out by an architectural projection on UQAM’s Pavillon Président-Kennedy, created by Nouvelle Administration. The projection borrows the installation’s colourful hues and pairs that graphic language with visuals that reference the world of dominos. Space, sonority and colour are at the centre of this exploration, where the chain reactions and original decomposition of the dominoes are caused by sound.

设计师想要借这个项目来庆祝公共空间成为了一个可以聚集和带来惊喜的地方——充满了玩耍的乐趣和放松感。“多米诺效应是指我们彼此之间的相互影响、快乐与幸福的感染力以及当我们聚在一起为完成非凡事情时所产生的头脑风暴。”——Ingrid Ingrid创意总监Geneviève Levasseur说道。
With this project, we wanted to celebrate public and physical space as a place for get-togethers and surprises – the kind of place where it’s fun to play and relax. The domino effect is our impact on each other, the contagiousness of happiness, the idea that we can accomplish extraordinary things when we get together. – Geneviève Levasseur, creative director, Ingrid Ingrid.

地点: 加拿大蒙特利尔
设计: Ingrid Ingrid
完成时间: 2018年12月
Location: Montréal, Canada
Design: Ingrid Ingrid
Completion: 2018.12
更多 Read more about: Ingrid Ingrid