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Thanks Ministry of Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ministry of Design.
Ministry of Design:中海东莞十里溪境项目而设计的体验中心为客户提供了一个完整的视觉体验,使景观广场,建筑形态,2 层室内设计和下沉庭院成为一个整体。从项目用地最古老的大榕树汲取灵感,打造一个和谐社区的概念,设计融入了自然环境中村庄的抽象元素。设计的灵感还来自传统的“岭南”建筑,以及榕树巨大的树冠和根系。
Ministry of Design:The design for the Dongguan “Stream Wonderland” Gallery is envisioned to be a single holistic vision tying together the landscape plaza, architectural form, interior design for 2 levels and the internal courtyard. Drawing from the concept of a harmonious community springing from the shade of a resident Banyan tree, the design incorporates abstracted elements from a village set within nature. It also draws inspiration from traditional “Ling Nan” architecture, and the majestic tree with its impressive canopy and root system.

Architectural Design – Symmetrical, modern and luxurious, with a reference to the cultural context
The architectural façade presents a sense of modern timelessness and luxury. The fritted (dotted) patterns on the glass are abstract interpretations of the traditional “ling nan” screens that one can find from Dongguan village homes, paying cultural homage to the locality but with a modern and minimalist approach.
In detailing the facade, the desire was to maintain high levels of natural daylight and views into the surroundings but yet provide some privacy. In response, the facade pattern begins with more porosity and openness from the ground level but gradually changes and becomes denser as it reaches for the sky, akin to a stage curtain slowly revealing the unique interior space experience within, and increasing the anticipation of the experience within.
Viewing the gallery from the plaza fronting it, this singularly striking modern symmetry captures the sense of a gateway and entrance to the residential property that lies beyond, distinctly marking a sense of arrival to the oasis of calm.

Landscape Design – Modern, elegant and distinctive, a public plaza and a secret garden
景观设计标志着完成体验的开始和高潮——从体验中心前面的迎宾公共广场空间开始, 经过建筑和室内的空间,把人们引入一个郁郁葱葱的秘密花园,使整个体验到达高潮。 以中心动态的水景为起始,以一种正式但极简的方式开启景观体验。广场空间的设计被赋予一种宁静优雅的感觉,与对称的入口轴线相呼应,凸显入口的仪式感。地面上的特色灯带引导人们从前面的水景进入内部的庭院——这一灵感来源于东莞湿地的自然植被, 带给人们一种熟悉、温暖、宁静的绿洲的感觉。地面上独特的铺装图案唤起人们对树根的印象,从建筑主入口延伸到体验中心的内部庭院。这个秘密花园的一系列水景欢迎客人的到来,用现代的设计手法诠释东莞水乡的⻛情,并以雅致的跌水墙面使整个体验到达高潮,用潺潺的流水声给人以宁静的感觉。当夜幕降临,整个空间变成了一个闪烁着神奇灯光的橱窗,围绕着中央点亮的生命之树,蜿蜒的小路仿佛从地面上雕刻出来一般。
The landscape design marks both the start, as well as the climax of the holistic experience: starting with a welcoming public plaza space that fronts the gallery, and culminates in a lush secret garden, within the heart of the experience beyond the architecture and interior design.
The landscape experience begins in a formal but minimalist fashion, and is anchored by a centrally located kinetic water feature. The plaza space is designed to imbue the entry experience with a quiet sense of elegance, and celebrates the axis of the symmetrical gateway entrance.
On the ground level, feature tube lights lead from the front yard water feature and flows into the courtyard inside; these are inspired by the organic plant life found in the popular Dongguan wetlands, instilling a sense of a familiar, warm and peaceful oasis for both residents and visitors alike. The distinctive patterns on the paved floors evoke imagery of tree roots, flowing in through the main architectural gateway, into the gallery’s inner courtyard. This secret courtyard greets the visitor with a variety of water features, starting with a modern interpretation of waterways found in Dongguan villages, and culminating in an elegant waterfall wall that provides calming sounds. Upon nightfall, the space transforms into a showcase of magical twinkling lights, surrounding a central lit feature tree, meandering pathways and sculptured ground covering.

Interior Design – Home where the “tree of life” grows
室内设计概念是向项目用地内的古老榕树致敬。除了优美的形象,榕树也是⻓寿的象征, 并为项目三代同堂的卖点提供了有力的支持。这棵生命之树支撑着一层(体验中心)和地下一层(会所)的设计理念。
The interior design concept pays homage to the resident banyan tree. Besides aesthetic qualities, the banyan tree has, in mythology, been a symbol for longevity, and provides a positive association for this residential property, which has facilities for a 3-generational household. This “tree of life” anchors the design for both the Ground Floor (Sales Gallery) and the Basement Floor (Clubhouse).

一层(体验中心) Ground Floor (Sales Gallery)
The interior design of the Sales Gallery continues the architectural story of a local village where we find the resident “tree of life”. Starting from the central gateway entrance and enveloping both wings of the sales gallery, is a grand undulating ceiling inspired by the seascape of traditional village roofs. This ceiling scape unifies and ties the different functions of the sales gallery; from reception, movie theatre, feature tea brewing bar, model and exhibition areas to the sales discussion areas. In the Sales Gallery, you will find various references to the banyan tree, from the floor pattern inspired by the ground roots, to the sweeping screens that look like the aerial roots swaying gently in the breeze. A refined material palette of timber, stone and bronze metal finishes were used to elevate the design and add warmth and luxury.

地下一层(会所) Basement Floor (Clubhouse)
生命之树的故事在地下一层的会所发生了意想不到的转折,变得更加活跃,富有生气。 从一层到地下一层被想象为通过树干,穿过树根到达一个地下的神秘乐园。有趣的曲线的设计语言被用在墙面、玻璃和门洞等设计上,灵感来自于动物的巢穴,和生活在其中的动物们。这些动物们真实大小的雕塑在会所里随处可⻅,使会所充满活力。在儿童游乐区,这些动物被放大了,成为儿童游乐设施的载体。在这个休闲空间中,借鉴了榕树充满活力的绿色和橘红色的果实。会所还提供了多个活动空间,包括钢琴室、音乐室、 艺术和手工艺、阅读区,和位于中心供家长休息和家庭聚会的咖啡吧。
The story of the “tree of life” is enlivened with an unexpected twist for the clubhouse. The descent from the ground floor to the basement floor below, is imagined to take place via the tree trunk, through the roots to an underground paradise. The playful curved language to make walls, glass and door openings, is inspired by animal burrows and imaginary animals living in them. The animals appear as life-sized sculptures to animate the clubhouse, and in the kids’ play area, these animals are scaled up to become play structures. References to the banyan tree are light-hearted in this recreational space, drawing on the vibrant green of the banyan tree and orange red of the banyan tree fruit. Multiple activity hubs include a piano room, music rooms, arts and crafts rooms, reading rooms and a central cafe bar for parents and families to congregate.

▼销售展厅各层平面图 Floor Plan

设计:Ministry of Design
设计团队主设计师 (建筑, 景观,室内,标识设计):Colin Seah, Heting, David Tan, Karen Wong, Justin Chong, Naadiya Hani, Adnin Hasnan, Joyce Low, Kevin Leong, Ruth Chong, Zhang Hang, Justin Lu,Fai Suvisith, Fon Lertrattanakit, Nong Chotipatoomwan, Chiang Sze May, Maggie Lek, Tasminah Ali, Rais Rahman, Azilawati Wanti, Iqbal Yusof
建筑: 深圳市天华建筑设计有限公司, 香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)有限公司
景观: 成都致澜景观设计有限公司
室内: 广州市柏舍装饰设计有限公司
标识: 深圳市瑞海标识有限公司
建筑: 山河建设集团有限公司
景观: 广东珍浩园林建设工程有限公司
室内: 深圳市晶宫设计装饰工程有限公司,深圳市盛通装饰工程 有限公司
标识: 博澳设计(深圳)有限公司
土地面积:3975 平米
面积:1759 平米 (一层: 900 平米, 地下一层: 859 平米)
摄影师:Mconcept 感光映画
Design: Ministry of Design
Ministry of Design Lead designer for Architecture, Landscape, Interior, Signage Design: Colin Seah, Heting, David Tan, Karen Wong, Justin Chong, Naadiya Hani, Adnin Hasnan, Joyce Low, Kevin Leong, Ruth Chong, Zhang Hang, Justin Lu, Fai Suvisith, Fon Lertrattanakit, Nong Chotipatoomwan, Chiang Sze May, Maggie Lek, Tasminah Ali, Rais Rahman, Azilawati Wanti, Iqbal Yusof
Developer: China Overseas Land
Local Design Institute
Architecture: Shenzhen Tian Hua Architecture Planning & Engineering Co Ltd; Hong Kong Hua Yi Design Consultants (S.Z) Ltd
Landscape: Chengdu Zhilan Landscape design Co Ltd
Interior Design: Percept space interior design Ltd
Signage: Shenzhen REHO Signage Co Ltd
ID Styling: Shenzhen Zest Art Co., Ltd
Architecture: Shanhe Construction Group Co Ltd
Landscape: Guangdong Zhen Hao Garden Construction Engineering Co Ltd
Interior Design: Shenzhen Jinggong Design & Decoration Engineering Co Ltd; Shenzhen Shengtong Decoration Engineering Co Ltd
Signage: Shenzhen Bon Design Co Ltd
Curtain wall consultant: Guangzhou Rinro Engineering Consulting Co Ltd
Lighting consultant: Top-designer Int’l Lighting (Shenzhen) Co Ltd
Civil & Structural Engineer; MEP Engineer: Shenzhen Tian Hua Architecture Planning & Engineering Co Ltd
Land area: 3975 sqm
GFA: Total: 1759 sqm (GF: 900 sqm, B1: 859 sqm)
Design: June 2019 – Feb 2020
Construction: Feb 2020 – July 2020
Photography: Mconcept
更多 Read more about: Ministry of Design