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DDON:Childhood is the most precious treasure of life, and the game of childhood is a rare gem, it will be the most attractive magnetic field in life day after day.



01 相地·自然基地 Site planning – Natural environment

宜宾,一座被山川河流所拥抱的城市,自然孕育了山地丘陵,还赠与了蜿蜒的河流。这一次人与自然重新相见,顺势而造,让自然质朴的山丘,与蜿蜒流淌的河流,自由碰撞 ,山水城之上的城市秘境,彰显出宜宾的浪漫底蕴。

Yibin, a city embraced by mountains and rivers, has magnificent mountains and hills, as well as winding rivers. The project aims to reconnect people with nature and create an urban secret environment in this city by combining topography, natural hills and winding rivers to highlight the romance of Yibin.


▼项目区位 The project location



The site located in the old district of Yibin, with a strong living atmosphere. However, the urban interface is relatively old, lacking living space and accessible public space, and the community needs to be stimulated vitality.


▼项目区位鸟瞰 The Aerial view




Therefore, we hope to bring a vibrant and interesting public space to the surrounding residents and enhance the living atmosphere. And we also improves the happiness of the surrounding residents while enhancing the appearance and interface of the city.

In terms of design, the design team does not only concern about the experience of the adults, but also build a playground for children to release their nature, thus bringing more vitality and childlike innocence to the site, so that people can truly feel the warmness of life, thus building a diversified city community full of charm, warmness as well as feelings of ownership.


▼休闲时光  Quality time


02 重构·场地精神 Concept · Site spirit


Represent the landscape form with zigzag lines.


▼概念演绎 Concept of deductive



Inspired by the natural landscape, we refined the design language from the Mountain Xianglu and the sinuous River Jinsha to form a line, which was applied in the space and on the shallow hill to form four different spaces.



03 营造·浅丘乐园 Construct · Playground

童年是人生最宝贵的一笔财富,童年的游戏更是难得的宝石,在日复一日的岁月中,它都会是生命中最诱人的磁场,而我们希望把最美的环境、最大的诚意都留给孩子们的童年。Childhood is the most

precious treasure of life, and the game of childhood is a rare gem, it will be the most attractive magnetic field in life. And what we want is to leave the most beautiful environment and the greatest sincerity to their childhood.


▼由设计到落地的高度还原 Realize the design concept




We didn’t really design the landscape, we just set up a unpowered system in which people and site together constitute the landscape of the city.

Childhood is supposed to be footloose, and so as to children’s playground. Therefore, we don’t want to have too many restrictions in the site, but rather, we want to provide a place where children can freely develop their imagination. “Dongdongma”, as the landmark IP of Dowell Group, can bring endless imagination to children when integrating into the site.


▼儿童区活动游玩系统 The system in playground


▼大型公共活动空间,弥补了这片地区对于儿童关怀的不足 Large-scale public activity space makes up for the lack of care for children 

▼孩子们可以选择自己喜欢的方式,完善对于物质世界的认知 Children can choose their favorite way to improve their cognition of the world 

▼在浅丘乐园中,“大朋友”们也可以陪伴孩子再次回味,童年漫时光In the playground, “big friends” can also accompany children to aftertaste childhood time again 

▼每到傍晚,居民都相聚于此,于此处重新唤醒城市的活力 Every evening, residents gather here to awaken the vitality of the city 

▼不用给孩子们设定界限和规则,他们会自己创造自己的冒险历程 No need to set boundaries and rules for children, they will create their own adventures


04 营造·峰隙水影 Construct · waterscape


Walking through the playground, we come to the exhibition center where the environment gradually calms down, inviting people to stroll under the trees and walk along the waterscape to feel the rare tranquility.


▼整齐的银杏树阵,在视觉上引领观者感受,一步一景,隐约可见展示中心 The neat ginkgo tree array, visually leading the feelings of the viewer. step by step, we can gradually see the display center

▼水面如镜 The water is like a mirror

▼细节 Details

▼林影树阵 Shadows and trees array

▼未来生活不仅可以充满活力,也可以静谧雅致,仿佛傍晚的时光,美好而悠长 Future life can not only be full of vitality, but also quiet and elegant, as if the evening time, beautiful and long


05 营造·都市林居 Construct · Urban forest



Entering the back yard from the sales center, the entrance, boundary wall and footpath seem to melt into the forest, and the black pool bottom reflects the sky and cloud shadow. The concise blocks surface reflects the thinking of the spatial relationship, introducing nature into the living space and opening the journey of living in the forest……

Looking out from the gallery to the ginkgo arrays. The sunlight in different times of the day penetrates the tree array to form unique dynamic light and shadow, which also creates a beautiful mysterious atmosphere. People can also enjoy another kind of natural charm in the three-dimensional space brought by light when shuttling through it…..


▼连廊 Corridor 

▼树阵倒影 Tree array reflection

▼精选南洋杉 Selected Nanyang fir

▼艺术雕塑 Art sculpture



We are born to love nature and hope to live in it. The natural habitat needs to be found deep in the forest. Everyone has his own natural world in his heart, let us return to the original heart here, convert the life to a poem and take the journey in our own corner……


06 匠心·写在最后 Originality · Words in the End


Nowadays, residence is no longer just a house for people to live in. How do we define home? And where do we spend our childhood? Faced with these questions, we cannot provide an complete and definitive answer, but we believe that a creative nature is the essential medium of necessity. Houses are getting more and more expensive, but they can’t compare with an influential childhood, even if it is a fragment.


▼场地的价值 The value in the site



项目名称:宜宾东原 · 观天下
景观设计:DDON笛东(方案团队:雒桐 王晓 许玉超 黎佳 钟意 刘琦枫 陈逸寒 陈子博,施工图团队:周娟 龙国庆 帅涛 陈陶)

Project name: DOWELL · Guantianxia ,Yibin
Client: Yibin Fangchuan Cheng Real Estate Co., Ltd
Client R & D Team: DOWELL R&D Team in West China
Project location:Yibin, Sichuan province
Size: 10600㎡
Completion Time: June 2021
Landscape design: DDON(Scheme team:Tong Luo ,Xiao Wang, Yuchao Xu,Jia Li,Yi Zhong, Qifeng Liu,Yihan Chen, Zibo Chen,Construction drawing team:Juan Zhou,Guoqing Long,Shuai Tao, Tao Chen)
Landscape construction:Sichuan Impression Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd
The architectural design: Shanghai Ruifeng Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd
Hardcover design:Zelin Art (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd
Photo credits: Ripei Qiu



审稿编辑 任廷会 –  Ashley Jen

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