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Thanks to Ground Inc. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text descriptions and photos provided by Ground Inc.
Ground Inc.:唐纳大道公园(Downer Avenue Park)位于波士顿唐纳大道40号,坐落在琼斯山(Jones Hill)西南侧,紧邻汉考克街台阶(Hancock Street Steps),是一片难得的安宁之地。Ground Inc.此次受委托对该公园进行更新改造,将其儿童游乐区、多功能运动区、健身站、宠物游戏区、无障碍广场、露天剧场/草坪等一系列空间及其使用价值进行了整体提升。
Ground Inc.:Downer Avenue Park is a quiet, neighborhood gem on the southwest side of Jones Hill, adjacent to the Hancock Street Steps. Ground Inc. was commissioned to provide a renovation and improvements to Downer Avenue Park located at 40 Downer Avenue, Boston. The new design includes a children play area, multipurpose sports area, fitness station, dog recreation area, plaza with accessible tables, amphitheater / lawn space and possibilities for passive use.

该项目中,波士顿公园、文娱部及市长社区服务办公室联合邀请了广大公众为唐纳大道公园的改造设计提出自己的见解和想法,并通过社区讨论和详细的场地分析,综合得出现有公园所面临的首要挑战是地形和挡土墙分隔了公园的活动空间与街道,安全问题得不到保障。针对这一问题,Ground Inc.提出的设计解决方案是将公园75%以上的区域重新改造,并移除大部分的石墙,在其他地方进行重建。与此同时,新设计增加了更多的入口点,将使用最频繁的活动空间布局在了街道上最容易看到的地方。
The Boston Parks and Recreation Department and the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services invited the public to provide insight and ideas for the design of an improved Downer Avenue Park. Through engaging community discussions and detailed site-line analysis it became clear that a fundamental challenge of the pre-existing park was that the topography and retaining wall hid the park’s activities from the street, creating safety concerns. The resulting design solution was to regrade more than 75% of the park, remove the stone wall from much of the site and rebuild it in other locations. The new design adds additional access points and locates the most heavily used activities in the areas most visible from the street.

An accessible, winding pathway connects the full length of the park framing multiple uses in two main areas. On one side, a sloped lawn area, populated with reclaimed stone seat walls, allows for passive and contemplative uses of the park. At the same time, the sloped topography and the stepping seat walls provide the opportunity for occasional movie nights and performances. Uphill the park becomes animated by multiple active uses spatially centered around an entry court. This area is characterized by the vibrant colors of the play surfaces, structures, and furniture. The uphill zone also includes an adult fitness area and popular dog play area.

This park is open from dawn to dusk, creates a unique, safe, and enjoyable open space for all residents. This project preserved and protected existing trees, expanded usable park area, improved universal and access to park, enhanced park visibility, designed flexible, multi-functional park spaces. Much more than a facelift, the design has played a transformative role, making the neighborhood a more safe and pleasant place to live.

景观设计:Ground Inc.
撰文:Yinan Liu
照片来源:Chuck Choi
Name: Downer Avenue Park
Landscape Architect: Ground Inc.
Text Author: Yinan Liu
Client: City of Boston
Location: Boston, MA
Completed: 2020
Size: 24,000 Sq.Ft.
Photo Credits: Chuck Choi
审稿编辑:Via Wang
更多 Read more about:Ground Inc.