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Archimatika:该项目是一个在住宅设计方面采用创新解决方案的综合体:不同高度的半开放式街区、多种公寓布局、一条超过 3 公里的步行长廊(沿线有宽有窄)以及一个设施完善的缓冲区和一条智能街道。自行车道内环与环绕建筑群的大环相连,穿过城市的公共自行车道,可通往最近的地铁站附近的自行车枢纽。
对于 Fayna Town 住宅区的居民来说,建筑群内部提供了一个优质的居住环境,而周围的缓冲区则为周边社区创造了有利条件。
Archimatika:A complex of innovative solutions in residential property design: half-open blocks with different-height sections, a wide range of apartment layouts, a pedestrian promenade over 3 km long with the widening and narrowing along the route, and a well-equipped buffer zone with a smart street. The inner bicycle ring is joined with a large ring running around the complex, crossing the city’s bikeways and leading to a bike hub near the closest Subway station.
For Fayna Town residents, it’s a quality living environment inside the complex, while the buffer zone around it creates favorable conditions for the surrounding neighborhoods.

Fayna Town 住宅区修建在一片农业用地(带温室的蔬菜工厂)上,在不断发展的城市背景下,这些土地与周围的环境逐渐脱离。因此,Fayna Town(占地 96 英亩,其中 28.4 英亩用于绿化和景观设计)的建设项目包括将陈旧的、废弃的、过时的以及被遗弃的土地创造性地改造为具有充满活力的社区开放空间的住宅用地。这种改造有助于城市发展和改变 Nivki 区现有地区整体生活水平。在 Fayna Town 住宅区中,建筑群的底层被分配为商业场所,现有的交通网络得到了重组、扩建、改善,并补充了各种技术设备,以适应新城市街区的建设。
The Residential complex “Fayna Town” was designed on the territory of former agricultural lands (a vegetable factory with greenhouses), which are not in conformity with the growing metropolis. Thus, the building project of the Residential complex “Fayna Town” (which is located on the territory of 96 acres, 28,4 acres of which are given for greening and landscape design) includes the creative transformation of the old, derelict, outdated, and abandoned territory into a place for residential use with vibrant open spaces for communities. This transformation of the place contributes to urban development and change in the overall standard of living of the existing area of Nivki district. In the Residential complex “Fayna Town”, the ground floors of the complex are allocated for commercial premises, and the existing transport networks were reorganized, expanded, improved, and supplemented with technological gadgets, adapted to the construction of a new urban block.

众所周知,建筑与景观一直紧密相连。在我们的项目中,有时景观和现有的自然植被决定了整个区域的概念。因此,在 Fayna Town 住宅中,我们保留并突出了场地中的常绿树轴,并以此为起点,建造了主要的步行长廊(全长超过 3 公里,沿途不断拓宽或缩小)。步行长廊的主要方向穿过整个区域,与无车内院的半私密社区空间密不可分,通过多层次、多样化的种植、有趣的景观和创新的设计,再现了自然环境的最小细节。
As we know, architecture and landscape have always been closely intertwined. And in our projects sometimes the landscape and existing natural plantations define the concept of the whole area. So, in the Residential complex “Fayna Town”, we preserved and highlighted the axis of evergreen trees located on the site, which served as a starting point for creating the main pedestrian promenade (over 3 km long with the widening and narrowing along the route). Passing through the entire area, the main direction of the pedestrian promenade is inextricably connected with the semi-private spaces for communities in the car-free inner yards of quarters, wherein the smallest details of the natural environment are recreated with a multi-tiered and diverse planting, interesting landscape and innovative design.

各种苗木可根据位置和功能来营造舒适与轻松的氛围,让居民能够感受到大自然的气息。因此,庭院里分布着一片桦树林,其椭圆形的树形给人一种完整、稳定和宁静的感觉。房屋外墙附近种植的白蜡树突出了景观的流畅线条。在整个区域内,种植了不同类型的观赏草和灌木丛,此外,还有枫树 、椴树和白山茱萸等,这些都是现代景观设计的必要组成部分。苗木的多样性使得景观在一年中的任何时候都具有季节观赏性和吸引力。
The variety of tree nurseries helped to emphasize the relief depending on the location function and gave residents a sense of nature all around. So, in the courtyard, there is a birch grove, which in its oval form gives a sense of integrity, stability, and tranquility to this zone. The ash “Fraxinus pennsylvanica” near the facades of the houses is planted to underline the smooth lines of the landscape. Throughout the territory groups of different types of ornamental grass and bushes, which are necessary parts of modern landscape design. Also, there is a maple “Drummondi”, linden “ Tilia cordata” and landing of the derain white “ Cornus alba” and so on. This diversity of the tree nursery allows making the landscape multi-seasonal and attractive at any time of the year.
In the design and improvement of the territory were used various small architectural forms such as benches, pergolas, and chaise lounges, give physical comfort to residents of the housing in a more private and cozy public space.

景观设计决定了场地活动的场景。因此,由于动态地面旱喷系统的构建,景观环境变得生动起来,并渲染了空间的情感色彩(平静或喜庆)。为了根据目的地划分空间,道路铺面使用了各种材料,如彩色沥青、草坪格栅、铺路砖和天然石材。大片区域用于建造儿童运动场馆(专为该城市街区设计和建造),地面铺设橡胶屑(无缝)。人行道和坡道上的触觉元素为残疾人提供了便利。Fayna Town 住宅区内部人行道主要方向的多层次照明营造出一种温馨、浪漫而迷人的氛围。
Landscape design determines the scenario of location events. Thus, due to the construction of the system of the dynamic floor dry fountain, the landscape environment comes alive and exaggerates the emotional coloring of the space (calm or festive). To demarcate the spaces according to the destination various materials were used in paving, such as colored asphalt, lawn grating, paving blocks, and natural stone. Large areas are given for the construction of children’s sports complexes (which were uniquely designed and constructed, especially for that urban block) with flooring of rubber crumb (seamless). Tactile elements on the pedestrian path as well as ramps make public places convenient for persons with disabilities. Multi-level lighting of the paving along the main directions of the walkways in the inner part of the “Fayna Town” residential complex creates a feeling of warmth and a romantic and charming atmosphere.

除此之外,整个住宅区的景观设计也经过精心设计,由一条自行车道(全长12公里)环绕,并连接到地铁站附近的自行车停车场。与 Fayna Town 临近的 Salyutna 街也进行了现代化改造,成为一条“智能化街道”。该街道拥有一个由传感器组成的系统,可读取观测摄像头和行人智能手机释放的信息,并在一个阵列中收集数据。“智慧城市”的数字技术将提供人与城市基础设施之间的沟通,最大限度地满足市民的需求。
In addition to the above, the landscape design of the whole residential complex is carefully designed and looped around by a cycle track (with a total length of 12 km) which leads to bike parking near the metro station. Salyutna Street, which borders on the territory of “Fayna Town”, was also modernized and transformed into a “smart street”. This system is a complex of sensors that read information from observation cameras and pedestrian smartphones and collect data in one array. Digital technologies of the “smart city” will provide communication between people and urban infrastructure to maximally subordinate the needs of citizens.
As a result, a completely new comfortable diversified environment for all segments of the population such as children, adults, elderly people, as well as people with limited mobility, was created from the huge area of old, derelict, outdated, and abandoned territory via architecture and landscape design.

项目名称:Fayna Town Stages 3-6
项目地点:乌克兰 基辅
客户:KAN Development
摄影师:Andrey Avdeenko
Project Name: Fayna Town Stages 3-6
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Aera: 40000 m2
Project Time: 2019-2022 (built)
Design Firm: Archimatika.
Website: https://archimatika.com/
Ins: https://www.instagram.com/archimatika/?hl=en
FB: https://www.facebook.com/archimatika/
Clients: KAN Development
Photographer: Andrey Avdeenko
“ 住宅区景观设计的新式表达,更开放、更舒适、更惬意。”
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