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11ARCHITECTURE : There are five “Monster of Wisdom” wandering around the OWSPACE in Foshan.
▽店前的台地式社区庭院 Terrace-style community garden in front of the store

▽一个孩子疑惑地观察着“知识的妖怪”的腿 A child suspiciously observes the legs of a “Monster of Wisdom”

▽“知识的妖怪”创造的神奇漂浮感 A mysterious floating feeling created by the “Monster of Wisdom”

We designed 5 pieces of large-scale furniture in the OWSPACE, for example a 7m long display table for books and goods, and a large bench that can accommodate 20 people at the same time. Each piece of furniture has stubby steel legs, giving the impression that it is about to start walking, like some kind of animal. We decided to call these pieces of furniture “Monster of Wisdom”. The cafe’s large table stands on three legs arranged in a row, defying the laws of gravity, giving it a floating feel, reminiscent of an umbrella monster standing on one leg. Visitors to the OWSPACE will be excited by the curiosity brought by the monsters, and will also smile because of the playfulness expressed in the design.
▽首层的 “知识的妖怪”跨越内外的界限,半个身子伸出店外 The Monster at the ground floor sticks out the half of its body out from the store

▽咖啡区的大桌子由三条腿排列成一条线,挑战重力定律 The cafe’s large table with three legs arranged in a row defying the laws of gravity

▽五只“知识的妖怪” Five “Monster of Wisdom” in the store

项目背景 Background
In addition to some media activities represented by Thirteen Invitations, OWSPACE also has physical spaces, where it operates bookstores and cafes, sells cultural and creative products, and holds regular events. Since opening its first store in 2005, OWSPACE has continuously updated its store model according to social changes. The first generation is street stores, the second generation is stores in commercial complex, and the third generation prefers to go into communities. This project is the first physical store in the southern region, located in a corner of an open urban block within Foshan Midea Corporate Town. Based on a community of thirty thousand Midea employees, it is indeed considered as a third-generation model. Our goal is to create a community’s living room.
▽向社区开放的佛山单向空间 Foshan OWSPACE open to the community

Midea has built a new headquarters and a corporate town covering a few urban blocks in Shunde, Foshan. One block is called “Shunde ALSO”, designed for young employees having apartment towers, sports and cultural facilities, and commercial podium. Our project is located at the entrance of this urban block. It has the area of 150m2 on the ground floor and 500m2 on the second floor. Across the road to the south is the He Art Museum, designed by Tadao Ando. In front of the store on the second floor are the stairs and a barrier-free ramp leading up from the public square. The ramp turns for 6 times with a total length of 90 meters. It lacks a sense of design and is inappropriate for the landscape of ALSO’s main entrance. In fact, there is public elevators just behind the store, and this outdoor ramp is rarely used. After discussions with Midea and OWSPACE team, we decided to transform this area into a public space matching the need from the community.
▽顺德美的总部,员工高层公寓集中的街区 Midea employees’ high-rise apartments and commercial podium

▽改造前的店铺外观及店前无障碍坡道 Barrier-free ramp in front of the store before renovation

▽改造后的店铺和台地式社区庭院 Renovated store and terrace-style community garden

▽台地式社区庭院和后面的和美术馆 Community garden and He Art Museum

台地式社区庭院 Terrace-style community garden
We did not touch the existing structures when transforming the ramp, but through minimal spatial layout adjustments we designed a terrace-style community garden. In order to have a relaxing walking destination, we took into account the size of the space, the views from the terrace, the texture of the materials and the lighting effects. A stage and seatings were designed for small events such as music performance. The upper half is a deck covered with outdoor bamboo panel where you can lie down on the inclined backrest and stare at the sky in a daze, or you can gather with friends for a picnic. Surroundings are the lush and diverse green garden suitable for the southern region, and prefabricated cement boards were used for the outer surface of the flower bed, echoing the existing off-white granite of the square.
▽台地式社区庭院航拍 Aerial photography of the community garden

▽绿植环绕的社区庭院 Community garden surrounded by greenery

▽音乐会活动 Community event in the garden

▽远处的美的总部双塔 View of Midea’s twin towers

▽从广场向上看的社区庭院 Community garden looking up from the ground level

▽景观地台和植物 Overlapping flowerbeds and various plants

▽景观地台和灯光效果 Lighting effects

入口 Entrance
The main entrance of the OWSPACE is on the second floor. The exterior wall of the store is made of black corrugated aluminum, which is consistent with the black color of other OWSPACE stores in Hangzhou and Qinhuangdao Aranya, inheriting the brand image. Upon entering to the store, you will be greeted by an iconic 16m-long bookshelf display wall, which divides the cafe area on the right, the community living room on the left, and the bookshelf area behind the wall, forming a clear spatial layout. Although the ceiling is not very high, we customized a patterned perforated aluminum ceiling and integrated lighting in order to create a simple and soft space.
▽二楼平台上的主入口 Main entrance on the second floor

▽入口的展台和书架展示墙 Large book display stand and long bookshelf wall

▽入口的展台和书架展示墙 Large book display stand and long bookshelf wall

书架区 Bookshelf area
The bookshelf area is planned one step away from the main passage, so that it can be kept quiet. There are several seats embedded in the area and equipped with wall lamps, making it easy to pick up a book and sit down to read it.
▽书架区 Bookshelf area

▽书架中嵌入座位 Embedded seat in the bookshelf area

单向咖啡 OW Café
The OWSPACE is divided into a community living room where you can chat with friends and a quiet seating area where you can read books or using own computer. The entire south side of the cafe is lined with continuous large glass windows, making the space high and bright. Along the low window sill, green planters, seats and a bar are designed. If you sit at the bar counter facing outward, you can see He Art Museum right in front of you.
▽单向咖啡 OW Café

▽咖啡厅座位和南侧玻璃面 Cafe seatings and south side glass windows
▽咖啡厅座位 Cafe seatings
咖啡露台 Cafe terrace
The customers can walk out to the terrace area directly from the café. The area is full of greenery, and there is a large eave to provide shade from the sun and rain. A few steps down, there is a bar table where you could enjoy the view of Media’s twin towers in the distance.
▽台地式社区庭院和咖啡露台区 Café terrace connected to the community garden

▽屋檐下的咖啡露台 Cafe terrace under the eave

▽长吧台和美的办公塔楼 Bar table with the view of office towers

▽咖啡露台夜景 Night view of the cafe terrace

社区客厅 Community living room
There is a built-in couch with a depth of 1 meter by the window of the community living room, and in front of it is a long bench that can accommodate 20 people at the same time. Both is large and have abstract design that is suitable for a variety of uses, making the place ideal for casual visits by neighbors and for a relaxing place to chat and make new friends.
▽社区客厅空间 Community living room

▽一张可同时容纳20人的长台 A bench that can accommodate 20 people at the same time

▽从社区客厅看书架区 View of the bookshelf area from the community living room

中庭 Atrium
店里最深处有连接一、二层的中庭。在这个高大的空间里,我们利用两堵墙和楼梯设计了一个空间亮点。在墙上,我们与单向空间团队合作,用书籍设计了一个名为“SOUTHERN MAP”的文学地图展示墙。读书人,懂得如何从“字里行间”领会作者的真实意图。 这个SOUTHERN MAP表达了在书本的字里行间蔓延的另一个世界。
The deepest part of the store has an atrium connecting the first and second floors. In this tall space, we designed a highlight of the store using two walls and sculptural stairs. On the wall, we worked with the OWSPACE team to design a literary map called “SOUTHERN MAP”. People who are well-versed in reading know how to grasp the author’s true intentions “between the lines.” This SOUTHERN MAP expresses another world that spreads between the lines.
▽中庭 Atrium

▽“SOUTHERN MAP”的展示墙 “SOUTHERN MAP” display wall

一楼活动空间 Ground floor event space
The ground floor is an event space. Usually, movable exhibition stands are used to display books and goods. But by placing chairs, it can be transformed into a lecture hall with a capacity of 100 people. Opening the folding doors facing ALSO square makes the space even larger. The design deliberately blurs the boundaries, allowing vitality to transcend the space and overflow to the outside.
▽一楼活动空间 Ground floor event space

▽一楼活动空间日常书籍展示场景 Movable stands in the event space

▽文化沙龙的活力超越空间,溢出到广场 Lively energy overflows to the outside

图纸 Drawing
▽首层二层平面图 First and second floor plan

设计团队:谢菁、FUJIMORI Ryo、罗明钢、周子豪、杨雅娟、傅诗欣、李亚祥
项目地址:广东省佛山市顺德区北滘镇君兰社区怡和路6号ALSO F栋
Project name: Foshan OWSPACE and Community garden
Project type: Indoor, Landscape, Public Space
Website: www.11architecture.cn
Contact e-mail: office@11architecture.cn
Design year: 2022
Completion year: 2023
Design team: XIE Jing, FUJIMORI Ryo, LUO Minggang, ZHOU Zihao, YANG Yajuan, FU Shixin, LI Yaxiang
Partner: Zhongfan International Engineering Design Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Qianhai Branch (Structure and E&M design), Visual Interaction of AURA (Lighting design)
Project location: ALSO F Building, No. 6 Yihe Road, Junlan Community, Beijiao Town, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province
Gross built area: 650㎡ (Interior)+ 620㎡ (Landscape)
Photo credit: WU Siming, ZHANG Chao
Clients: Midea Group Co., Ltd
Space Brand Owner: One Way Space
Contractors: Guangzhou Fine Arts Co. Ltd, Foshan Liangmei Landscape Greening Engineering Co., Ltd (Plants)
Materials: Jing Pin prefabricated cement board, Outdoor bamboo flooring, Corrugated aluminum panel, Perforated aluminum panel, Onico Terrazzo
“ 功能单一的硬质阶梯通行空间的变身,成一个服务社区的公共空间。”
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