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Thanks EFFEKT for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by EFFEKT.
EFFEKT:When the modernist area of Gellerup was built in the 1960-1970s , the landscapewas transformed from its natural glacially formed topography into a cultivatedterraced park to match the housing blocks , resulting in a series of flat grassylawns seperated by drastic and sudden level changes.

▽场地地形变化 Landscape Changes

▽本项目中的改造策略:恢复自然地形 Strategy: Restoration of Natural Lanscape

40 years later the area appears derelict and disconnected from its surroundingswith an abundance of dead ends and parking lots . The landscape is characterizeby monotonous green space with overgrown greenery and poor lightingcreating unsafe conditions for the residents when moving around the park. Gellerup and Toveshøj are in the process of being transformed from a socially challenged neighbourhood into an attractive and integrated part of Aarhus city.

▽方案推演 Plan Deduction

▽总平面图 Master PLan

EFFEKT工作室早在2009年开始为盖勒鲁普提出新的总体规划,而该获奖的提案也为这一城市转变奠定了基础,并打破了20世纪60年代现代主义建设形成的理性城市规划和建筑格局。盖勒鲁普 Toveshøj公园作为奥胡斯市独具吸引力的部分,为该地区的发展起到了核心推动作用。新的绿地使人身心都融入到周围开放的环境,同时它也成为通往奥胡斯的绿色通道,将场地与Skjoldhøjkilen和Brabrand Ådal这两个主要景观区域连接起来。
EFFEKT’s 2009 winning proposal for a new masterplan for Gellerup sets the scene for this transformation and breaks with the rational urban planning and architecture of the 1960s modernism. The green spaces in Gellerup Toveshøj play a central part in the development of the area as an attractive part of Aarhus. The new green spaces opens up the area to its surroundings both physically and psychologically, simultaneously, as a missing link to Aarhus, reconnecting the green space with the two dominent landscape areas Skjoldhøjkilen and Brabrand Ådal.

EFFEKT worked holistically with the many elements of the park – terrain, landscape, rainwater, plants, network, activities, “special places”, etc. – and believed that the project represents a robust and long-lasting strategy for the new green spaces of Gellerup.

The project creates an adventurous, diverse and cohesive park and urban space with shared activities for everyone. The activity park introduces a human scale between the large apartment blocks and creates an open arena for social gathering between the many residents, both in the surrounding apartments and in the city of Aarhus.

The activity park holds community gardens, playgrounds, sports and cultural facilities. Curved paths take one around and creates connecting between the many different activities and reaches out to the city. The activity park has created a green link and a safe, healthy and social hub for the city with activities and experiences for a broad target group.

The intention was not to create one single controlling concept to which all other elements would adhere – on the contrary, the project consists of a number of different elements referencing the wild uncontrolled “nature”.

在充满活力、令人愉悦的绿色空间中,这些元素之间互为补充、相得益彰。新的绿色空间也为Gellerup Toveshøj创造了一个全新的故事主题,并将为该地区正在经历的宏伟变革做出积极贡献。
These work together and complement each other in the dynamic and exciting green space. The new green space creates a completely new storyline for Gellerup Toveshøj and will contribute positively to the great and ambitious transformation the area is undergoing.

项目名称: 盖勒鲁普城市公园
客户:Brabrand Boligforening, Aarhus Kommune, Realdania
合作者:SLA、COWI、Game3、Boris Brormand Jensen
地点:丹麦 奥胡斯 盖勒鲁普
Project name: Aktivitet spark Gellerup
Type: Recreational, Sports, Landscape, Urban Space
Client: Brabrand Boligforening, Aarhus Kommune, Realdania
Collaborators: SLA, COWI, Game3, Boris Brormand Jensen
Size: 23 Ha
Location: Gellerup, Aarhus, Denmark
Year: 2014 – 2019
Status: Completed in 2019
“ 该公园将地形、景观、雨水、植物等众多元素全面整合在一起,打造了令人身心愉悦的绿色空间。”
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