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Thanks to NEXT architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text descriptions and photos provided by NEXT architects.
NEXT architects:这是一个象征着蒂尔堡城市繁荣昌盛的纪念装置——“生长的纺织纪念碑”。2009年正值该市200周年之际,它作为庆祝活动的一部分在蒂尔堡纺织博物馆落地。
NEXT architects:A monument to represent the blossoming and flourishing of the city of Tilburg, a ‘textielgroeimonument’ (textile growth monument), realized at the Textile museum Tilburg in 2009 as part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the city.

Since the Mommers complex that accommodates the textile museum is metaphorically speaking a living monument, would it perhaps be possible to create a growing monument that is literally built up from living matter?

The new volume can be read as an addition to the industrial complex: a shape that brings to mind the high factory buildings; a reprise of the building structure of the textile museum.

The overgrowth lends to the monument the dynamics of nature. It literally grows, and this ensures that it always looks alive. It is not a massive volume but a transparent, open structure.

A platform connects the interior space with the courtyard. It provides a possible connection to the monument and a starting point in the open space around the complex. It facilitates encounters and exchanges and in doing so it adopts the part of accelerator in the creative public domain that is currently being developed in Goirkestraat. And so as the volume turns the past into a visible experience in the present, the platform is the first step towards the future.

▽设计图纸 Drawings
建筑设计:NEXT architects
公司地址:Paul van Vlissingenstraat 2a
所在城市:荷兰 | 阿姆斯特丹BK 1096
设计团队:Bart Reuser, Marijn Schenk, Michel Schreinemachers, Geoffrey Moote, Joost Lemmens
Project name: Growthmonument Textile Museum Tilburg
Type: Public Space Art
Location: Tilburg
Floor area: 20 sqm
Cost: € 90.000
Completion: December 2009
Architect: NEXT architects
Address: Paul van Vlissingenstraat 2a
City: 1096 BK Amsterdam | The Netherlands
Email: info@nextarchitects.com
Website: www.nextarchitects.com
Team: Bart Reuser, Marijn Schenk, Michel Schreinemachers, Geoffrey Moote, Joost Lemmens
审稿编辑:Via Wang
更多 Read more about:NEXT architects